On Tuesday, January 31, at the San Diego City Council meeting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency presented a national award to San Diego's Lead Poisoning Prevention Citizen's Advisory Task Force for empowering communities to conduct lead hazard control work in environmental justice communities, and ensuring the protection of children from the threat of lead-based paint and dust. Task Force Partners and awardees included Environmental Health Coalition, Lead Safe Neighborhoods Program, City of San Diego Lead Safe San Diego Program, San Diego Housing Commission and Western Center on Law & Poverty.

Lisa Garcia, U.S. EPA Associate Assistant Administrator for Environmental Justice, presented the awards to each organization in the Task Force. Council President Tony Young and Councilmembers David Alvarez and Marti Emerald lauded the Task Force's accomplishments. Community leaders from our Healthy Kids Campaign joined me to receive the award on behalf of EHC.
We are proud of our work to build effective partnerships and empower community residents to make decisions that make our children and our neighborhoods healthier. As a result of our partnership the Children's Right to Lead-Safety Housing Ordinance was adopted which ensures that children living in pre-1978 homes are protected from dangers of lead-based paint and dust.
Our work matters deeply to the families living in San Diego's environmental justice communities and we need your help to continue it. Please support our Healthy Kid's Campaign with a donation of any amount today.
Diane Takvorian
Executive Director |
More Information:
As a result of training to address concerns about lead poisoning, residents have become advocates and spokespersons for their community. The partnership has attracted more than $18 million in funding to educate residents and conduct lead hazard control work in the City of San Diego. More than 250 children under the age of 6 and living in low-income communities of color have been tested for lead in their blood. More than 1000 homes have been made lead-safe. EHC is proud to be recognized in this partnership that address local environmental justice concerns and results in positive environmental and human health benefits in our communities.
EPA Announcement: Click here to see the announcement from the EPA describing the task force's work and more information about the Environmental Justice Awards.
UT San Diego: San Diego Union-Tribune coverage of EPA recognizing the work of EHC and the San Diego Lead Poisoning Prevention Task Force.
