San Diego Gas & Electric is lobbying officials to dramatically increase fees to regular customers and create new fees for solar users.
California's rooftop solar power market, along with other forms of local clean energy, provides many benefits to the state, including tens of thousands of jobs, clean air, reduced global warming pollution and a more diverse and, therefore, stable electricity grid. In fact, California's solar energy market is the one bright spot in California's economy with 3,500 companies employing thousands of people statewide. Continued growth in this industry, which is made up primarily of small California businesses, is on the horizon.

Please sign this petition that will be sent to our elected officials (and The California Public Utilities Commission) asking them to oppose SDG&E's rate hikes. By signing you may help curb the cost of your future electric bill while also helping the environment by denying SDG&E the ability to inhibit the use of solar electricity.
Will you sign this petition? Click here:
The petition says:
"Dear public servant, please stop San Diego Gas & Electric's attempt to raise its already industry-high rates, as well as their campaign to inhibit the use of solar energy by imposing dramatic increases in fees to the users of solar electricity. These unjust fee hikes, if approved, would set an extremely damaging, nationwide precedent for other utility companies to follow that would have a huge, adverse effect on this country's transition to solar energy."
Date Originally Sent: December 8, 2011