Say NO to SANDAG's 2050 Regional Transportation Plan
This Friday, October 28, the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) will vote to adopt its 2050 Regional Transportation Plan and first-ever Sustainable Communities Strategy.
SANDAG's plan is flawed and could worsen health risks in communities that already suffer from disproportionate levels of pollution.
- The plan contains no public health analysis of increased pollution in low-income communities of color.
- The plan prioritizes highway expansions and defers investment in transit projects for 20 years.
- This strategy promotes urban sprawl, will increases greenhouse gas emissions and worsens traffic congestion.
- Under this plan, particulate air pollution - the type of pollution most linked to respiratory ailments - would increase, causing serious health consequences.
TAKE ACTION! Email SANDAG's Board of Directors today!
Tell them to vote NO on this flawed Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy. The deadline for emails is Weds., October 26 at 12 p.m.
Tell SANDAG you support a plan that:
- Puts transit first and reduces harmful air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions
- Creates an environmentally sustainable transportation network
- Serves environmental justice communities and improves air quality for the entire San Diego region.
SANDAG Board of Director Contacts:
Jerome Stocks, SANDAG Chair jstocks@ci.encinitas.ca.us
Gary Gallegos, SANDAG Executive Director gga@sandag.org
SANDAG Board Clerk twr@sandag.org
Please copy EHC Policy Advocate Jessica Parra-Fitch in your emails.
Attend the SANDAG Board of Directors meeting
Friday, October 28 9 a.m. 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA
Please arrive by 8:45 if possible to fill out a speaker card.
Even if you don't plan to speak, your card will be counted as opposing the Regional Transportation Plan.