Landesa's newsletter: Plotlines

Nakuru, Kenya mother and child

October 15, 2011 marked the second anniversary of the Landesa Center for Women's Land Rights. Since its launch in 2009, the Center has worked in every core geographic location where Landesa works, developed the Women's Land Rights Fellowship Program, and begun building an e-library. Learn more


Legal Aid Program Now Scaling throughout India 
India legal aid program scaling A legal aid program developed in partnership between the government of India and Landesa's partner in India, RDI, is now being scale nationwide. Paralegals, or rural-community based legal aid providers, will be trained and deployed to 60 districts across India. Learn more

Landesa Helps Educate China Ministry of Land and Resources on Land Law Issues
China Ministry of Land and Resources with Landesa and land experts in US
Landesa provided trainings for officials of China's Ministry of Land and Resources on issues central to protecting and improving the rights of farmers including farmland preservation, rural-urban integration, and land registration. In China, the ministry plays a crucial role in farmland preservation and protection of farmers' land rights. Learn more

Assisting the National Land Registration Process
© Giuseppe Daconto CARE

As Rwanda works on rolling out land registration across the country, Landesa trained Rwanda's Gender Monitoring Office on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) focused on women and land and helped them develop an M&E system on the land registration process. The training ensures that women's rights are included in this pivotal upgrade to the nation's efforts to clarify land ownership.

. Learn more 
October/November 2011
Landesa's monthly newsletter featuring program highlights, latest blogs, and news.
New Field Focus Blog Posts
By Keliang Zhu


Washington State's Most Important Export: Hope 

By Tim Hanstad 


By Elisa Scalise

Landesa in the News  
Wall Street Journal Op-Ed by CEO Tim Hanstad outlining the need for land reform in China both to alleviate rural poverty and to spur economic growth.

In-depth Bloomberg report on Chinese unrest over land takings, featuring an interview with Landesa China country director, Gao Yu.

AlertNet blog by Landesa senior land tenure expert, Darryl Vhugen, looks at an unintended consequence of the REDD+ program.

Meet an expert

Ren�e Giovarelli

Executive Director, Landesa Center for Women's Land Rights

Renee GiovarelliRen�e Giovarelli has more than 15 years experience in the legal and sociological issues concerning land tenure reform, land market development, land titling and registration, farm reorganization, rural development, pasture management, and land conflicts.  Her areas of specialization are intra-household and gender issues related to land tenure and customary and legal property rights.





1424 4th Ave., Suite 300 / Seattle, Washington 98101 / (206) 528-5880