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TODAY @ 7:30pm

Protest Chaplains and Occupy Boston -- planning gathering at

Boston Common Gazebo


THIS THURSDAY @ 6-8:30pm  

The Crossing 5th Birthday Worship Party on Boston Common. Bring friends. Bring food. Join the revival! 


Next Week after Worship

Dinner & a Movie

CONTACT Henry to weigh in with your choices:


1st week in October

Small groups launch!

giving @

the crossing

It takes prayer, care, people and money ($30,000 from our own community, to be exact) to bring the ministries of The Crossing to life. If we pool our resources -- and invite others to share, too -- we can do this! Here's how:



Click DONATE to give right now. And share the link with family, friends and others you think would love to help a ministry like The Crossing flourish.



Download and fill out this special new Giving at The Crossing card to promise your support for the year to come.

our mission

the crossing at the altar 

The Crossing is a community that seeks to walk in the life-changing, world-changing Way of Jesus, sharing the love, hope, beauty and justice of God in the city of Boston.


Everybody is welcome to join as we gather for transformative worship, spiritual practice and 

authentic community; as we fuse the wisdom and mystery of ancient traditions with that of urban mystics, artists and activists; and as we move out to join God in healing, freeing and blessing all people, communities and the earth. 


common prayer on boston common

It may rain: we've got a big tent. We may look like evangelicals proclaiming the word of God out in public: um, yes, that's the point.

Crossing B-Day Invite


THIS THURSDAY, we celebrate our 5th birthday, the 5th year since God stirred The Crossing to life, and we want to say thank you: to Boston, to God, to the Cathedral and Diocese, to members past and present. 


There will be rocking worship, followed by a party and concert featuring  bands connected to our ministry (don't miss Jamie Hart's band doing some life-affirming dance music, plus a foot-stomping gospel set).


This will be a family affair, our gift to the city we love, and it's gonna take ALL of us to make it happen. If this community has been part of your journey, then ...


1. ATTEND, bring 2 friends and give us a shout on Facebook 

2. VOLUNTEER to make it happen:

3. GIVE a special birthday gift to The Crossing community. We're working to raise $10,000 in one night, and giving 10% away to justice efforts. 


what's going on?

this week @ the crossing
TODAY @ 7:30pm / Protest Chaplains Help to Occupy Boston
It was only a matter of time before the movement to address rampant corporate greed and bring some values back to America made its way to Boston.  Join the Protest Chaplains and other justice-seekers at Boston Common Gazebo (hey, it's the same location as our party!) today to help to plan for action. 
CONTACT Marisa at or see the Protest Chaplains blog at


THIS THURS. @ 6-8:30pm / 5th B-day Worship Party on Boston Common
We celebrate 5 years of ministry with a worship party on Boston Common. Bring food, friends, money (hey, it's also a fundraiser), and love for the city as we get set to share and receive big blessings!


DOWNLOAD the invite here. Pass it around!

Driving? Park at the Boston Common Garage; we sell discount passes for $5. For lots more details, and a look at our new website, go to 


Four small groups launch next week. Details by Thursday, but you can contact the leaders now if you'd like to come on board ...


Journey Group for Couples: You and the one you love can share prayer, reflection, meals and fellowship with others who are learning to share faith and life together.
CONTACT Leigh at or
Jason at 


Wrestling Group: This group invites people on a shorter journey -- four weeks at a time -- to explore key, big questions.
First up: What's a Christian Anyway?, an intensive four-week gathering for people who want to discuss faith and Jesus and God, even though they're not sure what it all means.
CONTACT Kevin at or 
Henry at


Downtown Reading Group: This group is taking shape, but members want to share a book, prayer and a meal. Considering lunchtime during the day -- perfect for all the folks who work downtown! CONTACT Bill at


Spiritual Formation Team: A year-long group for people who want to go deep in their own Christian journey AND prepare to be spiritual companions to others in our community. CONTACT Keith at or Adwoa at


Do you like The Crossing? Really like us? Then "like" us on Facebook and keep up with happenings and conversations in real time. Just click here and the web will do the rest: Like us on Facebook


contact us

The Crossing community has been blessed with passionate, gifted members who give a whole lot of themselves for love of God.


If you want to learn more, share more or engage in worship, community or action, please contact the conveners for each of our ministry areas:


WORSHIP: where we fall in love with God

Isaac Everett /

Tamra Tucker / 


COMMUNITY: where we grow in love for each other and ourselves

Rev. Steph Spellers /

Keith Nelson /


ACTION: where we share God's love with our community and the world

Vicki Morte/


CONTACT US BY PHONE: 617.482.4826, x318