life @ the crossing


Crossing image
what's going on ...
this week @ the crossing
giving @ the crossing
our mission
one big community
meditate on this: easter
small groups
contact us

this week @
the crossing
more details? check

Thursday @ 6pm

Worship at the Cathedral


Thursday after Worship

3rd Thursdays = Fajitas n Ritas AND Episco-Disco


Wednesday, 5/25 @     6-7:30pm

Conversation about Rule of Life, commitment and membership at The Crossing (prep for June 2 commitment ritual)


Next Thursday after worship

4th Thursdays =  Education for Action, led by the Action Team


Memorial Day Weekend

Pride float decorating party 


Thursday, June 2

Rule of Life commitment ritual and Annual Meeting 


Saturday, June 4 

Spiritual Retreat for LGBT Teens and Allies


Saturday, June 11

Boston's Pride Parade, gather downtown at 11am, parade finishes by 2pm


Thursday, June 23

Crossing 5th Birthday Party w/ Worship, Concert + Fundraiser



giving @

the crossing


It takes prayer, care, people and money ($30,000 from our own community, to be exact) to bring the ministries of The Crossing to life. If we pool our resources -- and invite others to share, too -- we can do this! Here's how:



Click DONATE to give right now. And share the link with family, friends and others you think would love to help a ministry like The Crossing flourish.



Download and fill out this Giving @ The Crossing card to promise your support for the year to come.

our mission

the crossing at the altar 

The Crossing is a community that seeks to walk in the life-changing, world-changing Way of Jesus, sharing the love, hope, beauty and justice of God in the city of Boston.


Everybody is welcome to join as we gather for transformative worship, spiritual practice and 

authentic community; as we fuse the wisdom and mystery of ancient traditions with that of urban mystics, artists and activists; and as we move out to join God in healing, freeing and blessing all people, communities and the earth. 















you belong here

What does it mean to belong to The Crossing? What does it mean to be a member? On Thursday, June 2, we'll have a Ritual of Commitment for people who want to join. But what does joining even mean?


That's a question we've mulled intensely for the last three years. The leaders of our Community Circle met over fried chicken and waffles Monday night, and Michael Zahniser, who is establishing our new Crossing house in Jamaica Plain, broke the whole idea of belonging wide open for me. He said, "We're a community that tries to hold people loosely, but membership is about wanting the community to hold me tighter."


Right. We focus so much on how transient our community is, but the fact is that everybody needs to be held, to have people love you enough to expect more of you. We worry about making heavy demands on busy people and asking too much; but maybe I want someone to ask me to stick, want to be held more tightly. You can only roam and skim the surface but so long.


Our Rule for Real Life is the primary way that we hold one another as we seek to live the Jesus Way more intentionally in our everyday, messy, mucky lives, and now we've surrounded it with more relational structures so it's got some power. Details are below, but just plan to come out next Wednesday, May 25, to learn about membership and commitment at The Crossing. Then, on June 2, you're invited to take on the Rule and to take up practices that bind us to one another and to God.


Moving away soon? Member of another Sunday church? You still need to know there is a community sending you with blessing and continuing to pray for and hold you. It's what we all need to thrive ... not just as Christians but as human beings.


You belong here.

one big community

THIS THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship

Crossing Minister for Liturgical Arts Isaac Everett takes his turn preaching this week, as we continue the Easter season series onThe Crossing's Rule for Real Life (click to read and practice with it). Kevin Vetiac and Deejay Robinson lead the spiritual practice: singing spirituals!


For directions and more, go to

radical welcome_hands 


 Every 3rd Thursday, we shake the dust off our feet -- share a relaxed and wicked cheap meal at Fajitas n Ritas. Then, if the Spirit moves, we take over the dancefloor at nearby Estate nightclub (free before 10pm, 21+).


NEXT WEDNESDAY @ 6-7:30pm at the Cathedral/ Conversation on Belonging

Join this conversation about joining The Crossing. We'll discuss the Rule for Real Life, membership and commitment, in preparation for the Ritual for Commitment on Thursday, June 2 at worship.

CONTACT Jason / or

Keith /  

NEXT THURSDAY after WORSHIP / Education for Action

The Justice and Action Team  has been busy this spring, and you can come learn how to get involved next week. One hint: Pride!



The Justice and Action Team is ready for spring action. Are you?

-- Memorial Day Weekend / PRIDE FLOAT: We've scored a slot for an Episcopal Diocesan float, but somebody's got to decorate it. Come help! CONTACT Vicki at for location and times, especially if you're artsy or tech-savvy or just want some fun on a holiday weekend.


-- Saturday, June 4 / RETREAT: We host a spiritual retreat for LGBT teens and allies. Come and help as we share the love of God and the dream of liberation with LGBT teens and their allies. CONTACT Penny / or Vicki /


-- Saturday, June 11 / PRIDE!: Yes, Pride should be every day, but there is one day when everybody gets to say it loud and say it proud. Join The Crossing and the whole Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts as we march and pray our way through the streets of Boston. To help with the float, CONTACT Vicki /


SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, June 23 @ 6-8:30pm / Crossing 5th Birthday Party

An amazing team is organizing our 5th Birthday Party, a combination worship gathering + fundraiser + concert at a club walking distance from the Cathedral. Block the night and tell your friends.

CONTACT Valerie /


meditate on this: easter

This Easter season, we're departing from the Lectionary to focus on our community's Rule for Real Life. A Rule of Life is an ancient tradition, a way forat the table a community to set out the commitments that mark the particular way they walk with Jesus. You'll see an introduction and the six commiments that make up our Rule here.


Read on for this week's focus:

Commitment #4 -- Relationships.


Four: Relationships 

"You shall love your Abba God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)


We commit to live in responsible, loving relationship with self and others. We will pay prayerful attention to our bodies, seeking a variety of ways to nurture our own emotional and physical health. As God's beloved, we also commit to bear the love of God in our friendships, in our dating, with our partners and spouses, with our children, and in our working lives. We affirm our sexuality as God's precious gift, always to be expressed with care and discernment.


This commitment matters because relationships are how we learn to see and receive all - including ourselves - as Christ. We need each other's support and challenge, in all our relationships, for they are the context where we learn to listen, offer compassion, develop patience, become partners in ministry and slowly grow into the fullness of Christ.

How can I live out this commitment in my own life? 


small groups @ the crossing

These groups are intentionally kept open in order to welcome our whole community to grow in love for God, each other aLaughing Togethernd ourselves via commitment to a small group.



This will be the primary small group experience for the spring. Focus on how our faith impacts real life in several key areas: daily habits, family and friends, sexual/romantic life, money, politics, forgiveness and reconcilation, and finishing with vocation and calling. Groups use our Rule for Real Life as a rich resource to guide the journey. Open Groups, but with strong covenant and commitment.  


Real Faith for Real Life: Boston

Every Tuesday at 6:30-8pm at The Cathedral: Feb. 8-May 31


Kevin /


Real Faith for Real Life: Cambridge

Every other Wednesday at 7-9pm at the home of Stephen Gire in Central Sq

For precise dates, CONTACT Stephen /

Deejay /


Real Faith for Real Life: People in Partnered Relationships

Every other Monday at 7-9pm at Dani Morello and Jason Long's home in Brookline

For precise dates, CONTACT Jason /

Leigh /



contact us

The Crossing community has been blessed with passionate, gifted members who give a whole lot of themselves for love of God.


If you want to learn more, share more or engage in worship, community or action, please contact the conveners for each of our ministry areas:


WORSHIP: where we fall in love with God

Isaac Everett /

Ben Whaley / 


COMMUNITY: where we grow in love for each other and ourselves

Rev. Steph Spellers /

Keith Nelson /


ACTION: where we share God's love with our community and the world

Vicki Morte/


CONTACT US BY PHONE: 617.482.4826, x318