
February 2011 eNewsletter 

In This Issue
Promote Your Company's Greener Side
Message From the President
Look Who's New
Upcoming Events
Dynamic Online Seal
Attention Builders
Become a Savvy Consumer
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List

Promote Your Company's Greener Side  

Green Business

Not only can going green save your company money, it can have a positive impact on how your customers perceive your products and services. If you're looking to get a reputational boost from your dedication to the environment, the Better Business Bureau recommends sticking to the truth and not exaggerating your company's impact. Read on




A Message from the President
Happy Valentine's Day and Need to Dos

Mel's Head Shot

Melanie Duquesnel

How do (did) you woo your beloved? Is it gifts, is it just listening to them or it is taking the time to treat them in a special manner? Think of Valentine's Day when wooing your customers.


Build your business by building long-term relationships with your customers.  Read more

BBB Welcomes New Accredited Businesses
The BBB Serving Eastern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula welcomed 107 New Accredited Businesses in December.  Click here to view.

Interested in Accrediting your business? Click here
Upcoming Events
Dan Russell
Dan Russell 
February Business Card Exchange!

Join us next Wednesday February 16th at the BBB's Conference Center for a complimentary continental breakfast and business to business networking session. Dan Russell, Vice President at DEM Group, will show you how to give your business an "Annual Check-up" for a successful 2011!.


Click here today for more information and on how to register. 

Business Tips

BBBOnline Participants Get New Seal In 2011! 

Dynamic Seal
Due to widespread demand from Accredited Businesses, BBB is launching a new dynamic seal for Accredited Businesses' websites! This program is available to all BBB Accredited Businesses with websites that have been reviewed and meet BBB Accreditation Standards.  Read on 
Attention Builders....Spring Is Around The Corner
Are Your Licenses' In Order? 

Did you know your valid individual builders' or

M & A license may NOT be used for a corporation, limited liability company or partnership?  If you are conducting business as a corporation, limited liability company, or partnership, you MUST apply for a second license.  To learn more

Consumer Tips 

Top Five Tips to Become a Savvy CoSavy Consumer - Moneynsumer

As a part of National Consumer Protection Week, BBB recommends five easy steps you can take to become a smart shopper and savvy consumer. Read on

We are always looking for ways to improve upon the services we provide. Your feedback is always welcome. Please e-mail us your comments to  

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Patrick Bennett
Director of Community Relations