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   howFar Ministries and The How Far Foundation

February 2010
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Mark & Renee Maynard  Greetings!

   Welcome to howFar Ministries and The
   How Far Foundation monthly
Mission and 
   Ministry Newsletter.
   We hope that this new way of communicating 
   with you will keep you better informed about 
   how God is using us to build and serve His 

                   For the full story visit us at  

                  or contact us at [email protected]                          Mark & Renee Maynard

  Kenya   Tanzania   Rwanda   Burundi   Democratic Republic of the Congo   Thailand   Myanmar
howFar Receives $4000 Grant

The How Far Foundation, Inc. received a grant enabling us to move forward with the construction of a church and school at Murumvya, Burundi.

The $4000 grant insures that the marginalized new Christian Batwa Pygmies will have a place to worship and a place for their children to be educated.

The Batwa people group, relocated from their indiginous mountaintop lands,  inhabit parts of Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda and The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

For more on the Murumvya Church go to:

Foundation laid in Rwanda

Crimson Academy logo

Work continues on the construction of the Gihara Church and Crimson Academy in Rwanda.

Gihara, one hour outside the capital of Kigali, is home to several hundred Batwa Pygmies.

howFar Ministries partnered with Pastor Augustin Niyonsenga to plant a church at Gihara in 2008. Gihara Church is the first of four churches planted among the Batwa.

For more on Crimson Academy go to www.howFarMinistries.org

Woman cluthcing a WAPI                     2010 Mission & Ministry Budget
                   (Includes all living and mission expenses)

                                                   January      YTD     
                               Budget         $5,000      $5,000

                                 Actual         $2,150      $2,150
                              Shortfall       ($2,850)   ($2,850)

 Donate to howFar by clicking the secure PayPal button now !  

The How Far Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Public Charity
                                                 All donations are tax deductible.

There are many worthy charities and projects that you can help support.

But nothing is more important than seeing a person come to Christ.

Please help us fulfill our mission of taking the saving gospel message to the world, making disciples and working with indigenous people groups to build God-glorifying reproducing churches.
"And they sang a new song, saying, 'Worthy are You to take the
book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God
with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.'"
Revelation 5:9

Thank you so very much for your prayers, partnership and support. 
Mark Maynard
Executive Director
howFar Ministries, Inc
The How Far Foundation, Inc.
A 501(c)(3) Public Charity                                                                           
[email protected]                                                  
All donations to The How Far Foundation, Inc. are tax deductible

howFar will you go?   howFar Ministries and The How Far Foundation