Dragonbites -- WV's Weekly Newsletter

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2010 Summer Edition
WV Calendar Of Events
Note from the Principal
Thank you to Welsh Valley Retirees
School Counseling for 2010-2011
Supply Lists 2010-2011
Summer Tours
Attention Athletes
Dragon Pride Commendations
Congratulations to the Upcoming Class of 2014
Incoming 6th Grade Students Must Turn In Physical Forms
Summer Reading for 6, 7, 8th Grade Students
Thank You 7th Grade Parents for Your Donations
WV School Directory Information
Unsubscribe to WV Dragonbites
Incoming 9th Grade Students: Summer Reading Eboards
Incoming 9th Grade-Summer Reading Seminars
High School REQUIRED Math Packets
Subscribe to Newsletters
Directory for Harriton Sign Up
Introducing Next Year's WV HSA
Community Events and Information Available on Web
Deadline for Submission
Information and Numbers
WV Calendar


Note from the Principal

On behalf of the entire Welsh Valley staff, I would like to thank you for a successful school year and wish you a healthy, restful, and enjoyable summer! We will be working throughout the summer to provide new programs and experiences for our students in 2010-2011. As always, we are hoping to strengthen our partnerships with families and the community. If you have ideas or suggestions on how Welsh Valley can improve our level of parent engagement or other recommendations for school improvement, please feel comfortable emailing me directly at eveslas@lmsd.org . Thank you.

Enjoy your summer!

Mr. Scott Eveslage, Principal
Thank You to Our Welsh Valley Retirees:

Many thanks and well wishes to four Welsh Valley retirees who have served our school community so loyally for years. We wish happy and healthy retirements to Mr. Charlie Flaster, Ms. Martha Garber, Mr. Vince Arsenault, and Ms. Yvonne Wilmore. Congratulations and thank you!
School Counseling for 2010-2011:

The school counseling team welcome Mr. Josh Gansky for the 2010-2011 school year. Mr. Gansky will be our 6th grade counselor, Ms. Jordan will work with our 7th graders, and Mr. Oden will be the school counselor for the 8th graders. All three counselors will be collaborating this summer to help provide supports for our students for the upcoming school year.
Supply Lists for 2010-2011:

By parent request and in an effort to be more mindful of economic pressures, Welsh Valley is creating grade level supply lists for our students and families. These will be available on July 1st and accessible on the school's website under school supplies or use this link: school supplies 
Summer Tours:

Welsh Valley is opening its doors for two days of campus tours. While there will be ongoing campus cleaning and renovations throughout the summer, members of Welsh Valley's administrative and school counseling teams will be available for tours at 9:30 am on the mornings of July 21st and August 11th. We invite all interested students and  families to attend. If planning on attending one of these sessions, kindly call Ms. MaryAnn Fusaro at (610) 658-3920 to inform us of your intent to join us.
Attention Athletes:

Any 7th, 8th, or 9th grade student interested in participating in interscholastic athletics in 2010-2011, you are strongly encouraged to complete your physical form over the summer. Blank physical forms were distributed to 6th and 7th grade students at the end of the school year, but forms are also available on the school district website by clicking on this link: Welsh Valley Athletics eboard

Also, 9th graders interested in participating in fall sports at the high schools are encouraged to check the high school's athletic website for summer practice information.
Dragon Pride
Random Acts of Kindness
Weekly Dragon Pride Student Commendations

We are pleased to recognize our Dragon Pride Commendations. The following students were nominated by their teachers for being generous, helpful, and kind to others. The Character and Citizenship Committee and WVMS faculty would like to thank these students for helping make Welsh Valley a better place.

Our student award winners who are receiving Dragon Pride Commendations are:

June 11TH
6th grade- Nate Rush, Alex Ladda, Andrew Dorman
7th grade- Tianna Lawrence, Reed Kimsey
8th grade- Claudia Kassner, Jonas Roca, Allison Schwartz

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Congratulations to the Lower Merion and Harriton High School Class of 2014


An enthusiastic group of parents, guardians and relatives greeted the Welsh Valley 8th grade students as they marched in to the music of the 6th and 7th grade combined orchestra. The future high school class of 2014 graduated in a ceremony held at Harriton High School. Speeches were made by student council members, and principal Scott Eveslage.  The 8th grade select chorus sang in their last appearance as Welsh Valley students. 

Students of the Class of 2014 will be gearing up for next year's 9th grade at the two high schools.  Information regarding summer required reading, seminars and eboards to help students can be found on both Lower Merion and Harriton's websites.  Copies of the required Math Packets for each class can be found on the high school websites.  Information about clubs and sports can also be found.  Parents and students are encouraged to take some time this summer navigating the Harriton or Lower Merion websites.  Check out the school schedules, student services and more.  Welcome to High School and  Congratulations!

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Incoming 6th Grade Students Must Turn in A Physical to the Nurse's Office Before Beginning 7th Grade

The School Health Law requires medical examinations for children on entrance to school and in grades 6 and 11.  These grades were selected because they represent critical periods of growth and development in a child's life.  It is important that the school have a record of your child's health status.  This knowledge enables the school staff to help children achieve the maximum benefit of their educational opportunities.  Please contact the Welsh Valley nurses for any questions you may have regarding this important physical examination. 

Students MUST turn a 6th grade physical into the nurse's office before beginning 7th grade.  If you are having trouble arranging a physical for your child, please contact our nurse's office for some help arranging this important examination.   

To contact Lisa M. Farber RN, CSN, MSN(c) Welsh Valley Middle School Nurse call the WV Main Office 610-658-3920

Please Note:  The Pennsylvania Department of Health is requesting that children entering 7th grade get vaccinated with one dose of tetanus, diphtheria, accellular pertussis (Tdap) and one dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV).   This will be a requirement for students entering 7th grade in the 2011-2012 school year.  Please contact your child's physician to discuss these important immunizations.  

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Summer Reading Lists for 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Students Available on LMSD.org

To find this summer's reading lists for 6, 7 and 8th grades, please use the following link to the LMSD website:

Middle School Summer Reading Lists

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Thank You 7th Grade Parents for Your Donations and Your Help at the 8th Grade Promotion!!

A big 'thank you' to all off the parents who donated food for the 8th grade graduation reception! And more thanks to those who came out to Harriton to help set up and clean up! We couldn't do it without you!

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WV School Directory Update and Order Form
Is Available on LMSD Website
Information is being collected for next year's WV Directory.  Please see attached form.  A PDF version is available on the WV LMSD website under WV/Parents/HSA.

Directory Update/Order Form Link

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Unsubscribe to WV Dragonbites
Please use the "SafeUnsubsribe" link at the bottom of dragonbites to safely stop your subscription to WV dragonbites.  Don't forget to sign up for Harriton or Lower Merion's weekly newsletters.

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2010 Summer Reading for Incoming 9th Grade Students: Information on Eboards

Dear Incoming 9th Grader,

First, congratulations on completing middle school, and welcome to 9th grade.  Our goal is to promote independent thinking and critical reasoning skills this year.  Therefore, you will have a summer reading assignment based on your current placement level to develop these areas.

You will be required to read:

College Prep: Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie, one of the most celebrated authors of our time.  During his period of exile, he wrote this fantastical, yet symbolically driven tale as a message to never allow your voice to be silenced.

Honors: Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai - a tale that explores heritage, family dynamic, religion, and the Indian Diaspora AND Haroun and the Sea of Stories - by Salman Rushdie, one of the most celebrated authors of our time.  During his period of exile, he wrote this fantastical, yet symbolically driven tale as a message to never allow your voice to be silenced.

Even though summer reading is meant for you to develop independent thinking, we recognize that you may want additional guidance to successfully complete the assignment.  Therefore, members of both the Harriton and Lower Merion High School staff will be available for directing reading and fleshing out key concepts.  

 Six sessions will be provided throughout the summer, broken into three different categories:

The first two meetings will focus primarily on helping you if you need context and reading strategies.
  • 1st date: Tuesday, July 20, 5:30 to 6:30, Bryn Mawr Community Center (room 1)
  • 2nd date: Thursday, July 8, 4:00 to 5:30, Bethel Academy
The second two meetings will focus on concrete understanding the novel.  Please come with the study guide from the e-Board completed as far as you have read.
  • 1st date: July 22, 4:00 to 5:30, Bethel Academy
  •  2nd  date: Monday, August 16, 5:30 to 6:30, Bryn Mawr Community Center (room 1)
The last two dates will address the whole novel.  Please come in with thoughtful discussion questions regarding theme, characterization, and writing style.
  • 1st Date: Tuesday, August 17, 4:00 to 5:30, Bethel Academy
  • 2nd date: Tuesday, August 24, 5:30 to 6:30, Bryn Mawr Community Center (room 1)

In addition, please take advantage of the resources on the 9th Grade Summer Reading e-Board. It is listed under the District e-Boards on the Lower Merion School District web site and has information on the text. We have established a blog site, as well, that is located on the e-Board. Students are encouraged to ask and answer questions, post thoughts, and respond to their peers throughout the summer. The blog is an excellent opportunity for students to talk about what they are reading with each other and their 9th grade teachers.

 We hope that you take advantage of the wealth of resources at your disposal, and we are confident that these resources will aid in your transition to high school.


The 9th Grade English Team


Summer Reading Eboard Information- Harriton

Summer Reading Eboard Information - Lower Merion
2010 Summer Reading Seminars for Incoming 9th and 10th Grade Students Schedule Available on LMSD Website

2010 summer reading seminars schedule for incoming 9th & 10th graders
Assistance with negotiating summer reading for ninth and tenth grade students will be offered throughout the summer on the following dates:

Bryn Mawr Community Center, Room #1
9 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA  19010

  • Tuesday, July 20 5:30 to 6:30 (9th grade)                                  6:30 to 7:30 pm (10th grade)
  • Monday, August 16 5:30 to 6:30 (9th grade)                               6:30 to 7:30 pm (10th grade)
  • Tuesday, August 24 5:30 to 6:30 (9th grade)                             6:30 to 7:30 pm (10th grade)

Bethel Academy, Bethel A.M.E. Church
163 Sheldon Lane, Ardmore, PA 19003
  • Thursday, July 8 4:00 to 5:30 (9th grade)                                    5:30 to 7:00 pm (10th grade)
  • Thursday, July 22 4:00 to 5:30 (9th grade)                                 5:30 to 7:00 pm (10th grade)
  • Tuesday, August 17 4:00 to 5:30 (9th grade)                             5:30 to 7:00 pm (10th grade)


Summer Reading Seminars for incoming 9th & 10th Graders
Incoming High School Students - REQUIRED Math Packets for Incoming High School Students!

A copy of the math packet was distributed to each student prior to the last day of school.  Additional copies can be printed from the LMSD website.  Please use the link below:

 Required Math Packets for Incoming High School Students
Parents of Upcoming High School Students Subscribe to Lower Merion and Harriton's Weekly Newsletter

Subscribe to Harriton or Lower Merion High School's Weekly Newsletter
use this link


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Parents/Guardians of
New High School Students-
Information about Harriton's Buzz Book
Sign Up for the Directory and Check Out
Volunteer Opportunities at Harriton

A warm welcome to new students and families! The Buzz Book is the student directory and a resource for school communications at Harriton.  We need a hard copy of your signed permission to publish your information in the
Buzz Book over the next 4 years. For the privacy and safety of our children, we are NOT accepting students' personal cell phone numbers or emails.  Parent  Email addresses listed will automatically be enrolled to receive the
Harriton weekly e-newsletter "Harriton Ramblings". 

Please print this form and mail it to:

Harriton HSA Directory
600 North Ithan Avenue
Rosemont, PA      19010
Questions?  please contact Directory volunteer Jan Strouse at  janrickstrouse@gmail.com  or 610-667-3457

Link to Directory Form

Link to Volunteer Form

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Introducing the Welsh Valley Home and School Association Executive Board for 2010-2011

Kassie Abrams       kassieabrams2@yahoo.com
Subha Robinson     subharobinson@verizon.net

Jennifer Poluka         jlubic@jlsales.com
Tiziana Murray          tdestephanis@aol.com

Amy Black                ablax45@aol.com

Bill Cook                 bill@mainlineestates.com
Matt Lawrence         mlawrence@amper.com

Events Around the District

Community Events and Information

Academic Enrichment
2010 Young Writers/Young Readers

Alumni Directory for Sale for Harriton and Lower Merion High Schools

Wolf Performing Arts Center presents "Peter Pan" - June 16-20
Narberth Community Theatre Auditions - June 21 & 22
Stage Stormers Children's Theater Workshop - June 7-Aug 15

Next Level Track for Ages 6-18 - May 17-July 10
Narberth Summer Baseball for Girls and Boys Grades 1-7 - June 21-July 29
Lower Merion Township Multi-Sports Summer Programs - July 26 -Aug 27
Lower Merion Township U.K. Elite Soccer Summer Camps - June 21-Sept 3

Community Service
Bryn Mawr Farmers Market - Opening May 8
LM School District Haiti Relief Fund
YMCA 7th Grade Membership Initiative Free for 1 Year

Waldron Mercy Academy's Triple A Camp - June 14 to July 30
LMHS Golf Team 2nd Annual Golf Outing - June 21

For more details on this week's featured programs and approved flyers

Community Link  click here

All  information and flyers about the community events are available by using the link provided in this dragonbites or go to LMSD.org under Community. Should you wish to obtain a hard copy of any flyer, please visit your school office. 

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Listserv Information

Please Note:
The weekly deadline for submissions to WV Dragonbites is by noon each Tuesday.
  Please email information to dragonbites@comcast.net

An Archive of past Dragonbites is available by using the link in this issue or go to the WV page of the LMSD website under Parents/HSA.

Publication is on Thursday of each week. This weekly e-newsletter is for school-related news and announcements. We regret that we are unable to include articles from organizations that are not directly related to Welsh Valley Middle School.

To unsubscribe to Dragonbites, click on the "SafeUnsubscribe" link below. To update your information and/or to sign up for other HSA listservs, click on the "Update Profile/Email Address" link below.

To forward this email to another WV parent who may not be receiving our weekly newsletter, please click on the "forward email" link below.
If you are having any difficulty viewing dragonbites please contact dragonbites@comcast.net. Thank you. 

If you have any questions about WV school activities please contact the individual listed or call the Welsh Valley office at 610.658.3920.
Welsh Valley
Middle School
Welsh Valley Quad

Mr. Scott Eveslage
Vice Principals
Ms. Beth Persofsky
Mr. Steven Van Mater

Main Office:

Hotline Number:


Attendance Number:

6th Grade

Guidance Counselor
Beth Jordan

7th Grade

Guidance Counselor
Boris Oden

8th Grade

Guidance Counselor
Yvonne Wilmore

LMSD Emergency Hotline:


Principals Secretary
Mrs. Mary Ann Fusaro
Mrs. Cheryl Campbell
Mrs. Sherri Pitts
Mrs. Kim Petty
Mrs. Lori Davies
School Hours  
8:20 - 3:05
Early Dismissal 
8:20 - 11:55

Welsh Valley Office

Use link above for absentee procedures, permission slips and current WV calendar

Daily Announcements

Use link above for daily schedule, daily before and after school programs and announcements.

Quick Links
LMSD Website

Community Links

Archived Dragonbites
Archived Dragonbites

Past Dragonbites can be viewed by clicking on the link above.  Under the HSA page you will see the link for the Archive next to sign-up.
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