COHE Elections
April 3, 2011

It is time to elect a state COHE President and Vice President for two-year terms beginning July 1, 2011.  The institutional chapters had an opportunity to nominate individuals.  The state COHE Board of Directors attempted to recruit and nominate candidates.   Unfortunately, this process resulted in only one candidate for each position. 

Our bylaws require us to hold an election for President and Vice President--even if we only have one candidate for each office--in the first two weeks of April.  Since SDEA is not holding electronic voting this year, the state COHE Board decided that individuals may vote for candidate(s) of their choice by emailing our state Treasurer, Jane Mundschenk at  Please send your ballot to her before April 14, 2011.

For your information, our bylaws also state, "A person may not serve as President for more than two successive terms in any six-year period."  I am serving my first term as your President, having been elected in April 2009 and assumed office on July 1 of that year.


COHE Ballot 2011
Send to Jane Mundschenk at before April 14, 2011


___  Gary Aguiar

Vice President

___  Bill Adamson


Thank you!