Council of Higher Education Newsletter
October 14, 2009
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The Council for Higher Education (COHE) is the recognized bargaining agent for all full-time and regular part-time instructional-research faculty in South Dakota at the six Regental universities and the two Special Schools.
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This newsletter provides you with information and comments about higher education in South Dakota.  It is intended for COHE members, other faculty, and the interested public.

Comments on Today's BOR Meeting

These comments are in regard to announcements and decisions at today's South Dakota Board of Regents meetings.  They are intended for use by the media on related stories.   The comments may be attributed to Gary Aguiar, President, South Dakota Council of Higher Education and professor of political science at SDSU since 1999.
We are pleased to see an increasing number of students enrolled in South Dakota public universities.   Investment in education is the best single investment in her people that our state can make.   This year, SDSU is celebrating the 30th anniversary of SDSU alumnus T.W. Schultz receiving the Nobel Prize in Economics.  The faculty recognize that economic growth is primarily a result of human capital, that is, Schultz' concept of investing in people.
We strongly agree with the BOR's recommendation to high school students and their parents regarding math preparation.  Algebra should be considered as the gateway course in 8th grade, so that students can complete four years of high school math, including pre-calculus in their senior year.  This prepares them for virtually any academic major and gives them a strong analytical footing for college coursework.
We also note with pleasure the increasing percent of South Dakota high school graduates entering the Regental system.  This has been trending upwards for several years.  The faculty love to see more South Dakotans in our classes.
COHE is happy to see this new major in B.S. in Professional & Technical Communication, especially because it is aimed at non-traditional students via both online and Sioux Falls courses.  In a technological age, it is important that we develop individuals who can facilitate the use of technical and scientific information.  These careers are valuable to translate and interpret these highly complex concepts to the lay public.  This program is developed as interdisciplinary mix of existing courses.  We applaud this innovate approach for an emerging job market.
From my conversations with faculty across the state, they appreciate the BOR is proactive in heading off potential conflicts by asking faculty to identify their financial interests.  However, faculty also raise some concerns that the financial investments of their immediate families must also be reported.  Many note that their spouses are not employed by the State of South Dakota and have express concern that they must report the financial dealings of their family members.   Second, the now annual requirement is an inconvenience and insult to some faculty.  They would prefer to notify the BOR when their outside financial situation changes.  It is something of a burden and adds to the "micromanagement environment" that some faculty feel the BOR has developed over the years.