Radiate Hope Festival June 18, 2011
The Radiate Hope Foundation supports Wisconsin non-profits that serve people with cancer. Badger Childhood Cancer Network is very excited to have been chosen as a Radiate Hope partner organization for 2011!
Radiate Hope will hold its annual Festival on Saturday, June 18th from noon to 8 pm at Keva Sports Center in Middleton. $7/individual or $25/family (suggested donation). There will be live entertainment and great food and beer available throughout the day, plus a sand volleyball tournament, raffles (win airfare for 2 to Hawaii!) and tons of activities for kids and families. Come out for a fun event to support local groups that make life easier for people with cancer!
Radiate Hope Festival Site
Grateful Thanks to
these Recent Donors!
ProAssurance - PIC Wisconsin Community Trust University Bookstore "Together We're Giving Back to the Community" Jacob Black and students of Rio Middle and Elementary Schools "Pajama Day/Hat Day" Danny Serna and Rebeca Liebl, Serna Liebl Photography Sharon Gould Jane Mitchell David Woods Annie Press, LLC Anonymous |
Kids Helping Kids!
Jacob Black is a 7th grader at Rio Middle School. His teacher challenged kids in the class to take a small amount of money and figure out how they could make a difference in the life of another person, and then report back on what they had chosen to do. Jacob decided to see if he could multiply his own contribution by getting other kids involved. Working with the school administration, Jacob organized a Pajama Day/Hat Day for students in Rio Elementary School and Rio Middle School. Kids donated to be able to participate in the fun event, and raised $271.16 for Badger Childhood Cancer Network. Thanks, Jacob!
This newsletter is
dedicated to
photo by Joyce Kilgore-Carlin
who just finished

Click to join Badger Childhood Cancer Network on Facebook!
Check out our web site:
Click the Button Below to donate:
 Badger Childhood Cancer Network 517 N Segoe Rd #100 PO Box 5624 Madison, WI 53705 608.231.8006 info@badgerchildhoodcancer.org . . . because kids can't fight cancer alone!
 The Economic Impact of Childhood Cancer - a Survey for Families
Badger Childhood Cancer Network is conducting an 18 question survey to gather more information about the economic impact of childhood cancer on families. We recently sent an email invitation to about 200 families on our mailing list to invite them to participate.
If you have had a child on treatment for cancer, either now or at any time in the past, we would really appreciate your help with the survey. Please share your experiences on the financial effect it has had on your family, and give us your insights on how the burdens families face might be eased.
We hope to use our findings to illustrate to grantors and policymakers the impact that childhood cancer has on the whole family, and show why families need and deserve the support of organizations like ours.
Take The Survey
Monthly Family Gathering Wednesday, June 1st
a support group sponsored by Bright Horizons Foundation for Children
Dinner from the
Green Tree Grill
Young people are supervised by UW Occupational Therapy grad student volunteers while adults have chat time. Mini-golf, arcade play, heated driving range, games, crafts - something for everyone!
Free of charge for families of
kids and teens with cancer
Upcoming Family Gatherings: July 6th and Sept 7th (no August meeting) Questions? Call 608.231.8006 for more info

Support Legislation
To Limit Co-payments on
Oral Chemotherapy in WI
Legislation (SB 101) has been introduced in the Wisconsin State Senate that would make oral chemotherapies more affordable for the patients that need them. Oral chemotherapy is often the best treatment available to cancer patients, but insurance companies are allowed to charge much higher co-payments for them than for IV chemotherapies. Please ask your State Senator and your representative in the State Assembly to support this legislation to increase access to these life-saving treatments. Link to the Senate Bill Identify and Email Your State Legislators Thanks to our friends at Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for the heads up on this important legislation
Badger Childhood Cancer Network presents
Suzy's Run/Walk 2011
Sunday, Sept. 4th 10 am
 | Victoria and Suzy |
Bring your friends, family and co-workers together to Run or Walk with Suzy for our largest annual awareness and fund raising event on Labor Day Weekend in Middleton. Register as an individual runner or form a team at our registration site on active.com.Pick out a team name and get your friends, family members and co-workers signed on to join you! The pledges you raise will fund our support group, social events for kids and families, gas cards to get kids back and forth to treatments, New Diagnosis Bags, Hero Beads, educational materials and financial assistance (rent/mortgage, utilities, car repairs, phone bills, gas cards, groceries) to kids in our area who are fighting cancer. Kick off Childhood Cancer Awareness month by supporting kids and families who are fighting the battle every day. Runners can choose from our 10K and 5K routes through the Middleton Conservancy, and walkers, strollers and joggers can take part in the 2 mile walk. Families will enjoy lots of fun activities before and after the run/walk, and at Suzy's request there will always be fresh chocolate chip cookies at the finish line! Register Now!
