Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church
October 16, 2009
Pastor Barksdale Online
"Greeting One Another In The Love Of Christ"
In This Issue
Weekly Message
News Update
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FWMBC Members and Friends,  
I want to remind all of you about the FWMBC Musical that will be held on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 18, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.  Christian music has been a powerful source of strength to Believers from the begining of the Church.  I hope that you will join us in lifting up the Name of Jesus as we worship God in Spirit and in Truth.  ....  On another note, two of our members are part of the singing group "Endurance."  The group has made it to the final round of the Stella Awards in 3 different categories.  If you are qualified to vote, please remember "Endurance."  In any event, keep them in prayer.  Also, please keep our sick and shut-in members in prayer.   
Pastor Barksdale
Weekly Message 

But when they heard this, they were cut to the quick and were intending to slay them.---But a certain Pharisee named Gamaliel, gave orders to put the men outside for a short time---and he said to them, "Men of Israel, take care what you propose to do with these men---stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action should be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God." (Found in Acts 5:33-39)

Unfortunately our Nation is extremely divided these days.  I have no doubt that many people on different sides of the issues believe that they are right in the positions that they are taking.  Whether it is Afghanistan, or Health Care, or the state of the economy, people are at odds about what should be done.  Unless some cooler heads prevail, very little will be accomplished and the majority of the people in our Country will suffer as a result.  There is too much at stake for us to miss the mark and make wrong decisions because of party politics and selfish bickering.  Over the years, I have seen individuals make the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons.  And, I have also seen people make the wrong decisions for the right reasons.  And yes, I have seen individuals make the right decisions for the wrong reasons.  Of course the best scenario of all is to make the right decisions for the right reasons.  But with all of the arguing that we see going on today, the very least that we should settle for, is that we reach the right decisions even if they are for the wrong reasons.

In the passage above, the High Priest and the Jerusalem Council were ready to put Peter and the Apostles to death for preaching the Gospel.  There was a wise Pharisee named Gamaliel who warned the Council that if they did kill the Apostles, it may amount to them fighting against God.  Although they did not believe that to be the case (since they had the apostles beaten anyway), they took Gamaliel's advice and told the Apostles not to mention Jesus anymore.  They did the right thing by not having the Apostles killed, but their reason for sparing their lives had more to do with their unbelief that preaching about Jesus Christ was a threat, than it did with their belief that they would have been fighting against God.  After all, beating the Apostles and telling them not to speak about Jesus does not imply that they believed that the Apostles were supported by God.  Regardless,  they did the right thing even if it was for the wrong reason.  In reality, they actually would have been fighting against God had they not heeded Gamaliel's advice.

Our Country needs a health care bill passed in order that all citizens can have decent health care.  We need to make a rational decision about exposing our brave soldiers to unreasonable risk in Afghanistan.  And we need to come together and find ways to provide good jobs and affordable housing for every citizen who desires that the American dream become a reality in their lives.  I hope that our Congress will do the right things for the right reasons.  But with all of the bickering that I see, I may just settle for them doing the "right things" even if some persons do them for the wrong reasons.  In the final analysis, no one in his right mind should want to fight against God.  Let us pray for our Country!



News Update: 
This is the weekend for the Musical....Be there! (See details above)  Invite your friends and family!
Parents, Remember Youth Bible Study on Wednesday nights...(7:30 pm)
Adults, I want to see you in Bible Study on Wednesday nights as well! (7:30 pm)
Hallelujah Night will be held on October 30, 2009 beginning at 7:00 pm