The Evangelist
What is going on at St. Luke's this week.

Become a friend of St. Luke's on Facebook (St. Luke's Episcopal Church North Little Rock ) and follow us on our website at  
Click on Links Below for More Information

 Coffee Hour Instructions to Volunteers 


Schedule for Children's Chapel Volunteers  


Little Rock Calendar of Events 


 Walk Through a Episcopal Worship Service


What to Expect During a Worship Service 





Jerry Hodge,  

Sr. Warden


  Ed Seward,  

Jr. Warden


  Matt Muller, Treasurer 


Class of 2010

  Sherry Furr

Gay Hensley

Carmen Quinn

Jerry Hodge


Class of 2011

Jason Reynolds

Pat Loomis

Ed Seward


Class of 2012  

Vera Chenault

Valerie Smith

John Rhodes

Matt Muller

Tom Simmons 


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Monday thru Friday

9 to 5

Friday, closed for lunch 12-1


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Summer office holiday closings: 

September 3 



"I was a stranger and you welcomed me..."

Matthew 25.35


It was truly a delightful experience of 'welcoming the stranger' when we joined the Miller family in welcoming their daughter, Isla into the family of God this past Sunday. Please look at the pictures on Facebook if you haven't already!

Besides the Miller family there was also a visiting couple from Oklahoma, Merle and Elizabeth Davis. Elizabeth is the mother-in-law of a friend of mine from seminary and needed a place to practice the piano while they were here visiting their daughter who is doing a residency at UAMS. You, the parishioners of St. Luke's did what you normally do and extended a warm welcome and it did not go unnoticed. I wanted to share with you the nice email I received from them:



Thank you so much for the great welcome this morning.  Both Merle and I walked out saying WOW!  If we lived here this would be our church!  In fact, I just emailed our priest at home telling him about St. Luke's.  We are beginning to implement some of the things I experienced this morning.  I think I will just forward the email I just sent to him.  It is sometimes good to hear what the "outsider" thinks.  Thanks again for the hospitality and the opportunity to practice this week.


Below is the email she sent to her priest back in Oklahoma:



Merle and I just returned from Sunday worship at St. Luke's in North Little Rock.  We both walked away from church this morning, as visitors, saying WOW!  So here a few thoughts we had as we walked out.

1) Friendly from the moment the bulletin was placed in our hand and they told us they were a friendly church.  Good PR on their part and they followed up with that.  

2) Worship was orderly, the entire service was printed in the bulletin including all the chants.  (That was nice addition since S#'s are a bit confusing for the non-Episcopal savvy) We did use the Hymnal for hymns but not for service music.

3) Two people, (non identified, no name badges) greeted us, one at the time of the peace, who then followed up after the service with more brief chatting and then another chatted as we walked to the back.  No cornering, stopping the rush to the back but chatting as we walked.

4) The deacon (who happened to be clergy person # 1 in the greeting process)  got the "scoop"  and then even though we were an out of town visitor and not planning on returning with regularity, gave us a welcome sack.

5)  There was a baptism today for a family that was moving away but they wanted the baby baptized in their community of faith.  The cake and punch were served just outside the front door!   Everyone.....everyone welcomed the newly baptized!  (that was a wow)  

now to the welcome sack (piece of paper with faces and names of clergy and staff and their church e-mail addresses).

1 8x11.5 piece of paper folded as a bulletin that told about the church and the ministries (we have talked about that) BUT theirs was an insert that talked about the worship in the Episcopal church.  BRAVO, I'll share this, it was well done.

other stuff:

Two suckers with scripture tied to it.

Two magnets, one with pertinent info about the church, phone #'s, principal services, and web address.  (Excellent idea)

Other one was just cute and inspirational.


Book Nook in the Narthex -- they were getting rid of most of the books and going to have a few pertinent tracks and highlight one or two books.  Interesting, this might fit for us.  The table was mentioned in the announcements could become a good selling piece for Sunday school if put book that were studying on that table.

Announcements were all printed, only three announcements in church.  1) Sunday school start up next week, 2) table in the Narthex, AND they highlighted of ONE ministry in the church.  They said that they were going to continue highlighting one a week.This was follow up to their ministry fair that apparently people could not get to all the tables.


It is always helpful to see what others are doing. It is exciting to think that we are doing some of these things and that there are some ideas for consideration.


Peace, Elizabeth


Thanks for keeping the conversation going with 'the strangers' who are coming among us on a regular basis - and some of them (over 65 of them) choosing to stay!


Yours in Christ,



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All our Christian formation classes for youth, children and adults start this coming Sunday, September 9 at 9:15.

In the adult classroom we will begin a journey with 12 of the twentieth century's giants of faith, discussing their faith, hopes and beliefs. This Sunday morning we will send a half hour with Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa who won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1984 and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 and is internationally known as a great preacher. Sherry Furr will facilitate a discussion after the interview with Archbishop Tutu.

The senior high youth will have a welcome breakfast together.

The junior high and children will begin a journey with the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program.


Book Sale

We are planning some new books for our book table in the Narthex so this coming Sunday we will be having a half price sale of all the books on the present book table in the Narthex before and after the 8 and 10:30 services. These are some great bargains. The money will go for materials for our Sunday School Class teachers. Books on the table include one by our presiding bishop of some of her sermons, books from the Anglican study series.

See you Sunday!


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organ 5



This Sunday at the 10:30 liturgy we will be singing new service music. The Hymn of Praise will be a sung refrain for the congregation interspersed with verses for the choir. It is an easy refrain and has musical roots in the gospel style of the mid 20th century. The piano will introduce the tune, the choir will sing it and then the congregation will sing along.

We will also go back to our hymn-tune Psalter. The response for the congregation will be based on a hymn-tune. The choir will sing the verses.

The Sanctus and Fraction anthem will be from Schubert that Richard Proulx arranged for the Hymnal 1982.

The choir starts their rehearsals again this evening at 7:30 pm. If you are interested in lifting your voice in song with them, please consider joining us.

God Bless you all!


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Attention: MEN


As we all know we have had an outstanding growth in membership the last year. However, we need much more involvement of the men in our church. These are areas where we need for you to step up.


1. Men's Breakfast is this Saturday at 9am. This is an opportunity to get acquainted, tell lies, shoot the bull, and have a great breakfast.  Josh Taylor does an excellent job of coordinating it. Cost is $5. Where else can you get a bargain like that? See you this Saturday.

2. Ed Seward, our outstanding Junior Warden, is coordinating a painting effort this Saturday to paint the outside of the Parish Hall. We will begin about 7:30 to 8 am, break for breakfast at 9 then continue afterward. As you know we had the main building painted a few months ago, now we need to finish the job. We need your help. Call Ed at 352-8500 and put your name on the list.


In addition, Ed is the coordinator of our "Adopt A Project" effort. If you have some extra time we probably have a project for you. Again, call Ed for information.


3. We have one of the few Brotherhood of St. Andrew chapters in the state. This is a study and ministry group for men in the Episcopal Church. We meet at 6pm in the library on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Dickey Mayland is the leader of the group and does a great job (he also brings great cookies!). We are currently studying the book "Jesus was an Episcopalian and You Can Be One Too".   In addition to study we do projects such as an annual cleanup weekend at Camp Mitchell.   Please put this on your calendar and come to our next meeting on September 19th.   Call Dickey at 920-5842 if you have questions.


Men, we need your involvement and leadership in St. Luke's!


Again, if you have questions that I can help with please call me (350-0566). Thanks for listening.


Jerry Hodge 



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Carolyn Ford, Jim Howell, Katherine Herring, Rhonda Herring, Annette Gerace, Cory Moses, Dale Dues, Lawson Anderson, Anne Gontermann, Tim Woods, Bobbi West, Jamie Poole, Kate Toepfer, Nicholas, Mary Jo Ring, Kathy Rose, Thalia, Parker, Kathy, Lisa Williams, George Cline, Jim Ellwanger, Hannah Brown, Bill Spradlin, Forest Pollard, Jayson Phillips, David Porterfield, Connie and Kevin Delsinger, Kay M., Bob, the Langlais Family, Ron Meeks and Family, Joseph and Marion Murphy, and Laura Cook and Pastor Miles Cook family, Mary Ann Hodge, the Reynolds family, Ron Sebold, Chance Hall, Buford Monroe, the Terry family, Suzzane, David Christopher Neaves and his family, Linda Curling, Lance Lochridge, Dan Walrath and Claudette Schmidt.


Special Concerns:  All of the men and women of our Armed Forces, especially Jake, Justin, Bret, Joshua, Tim, Matt, Doug, Lance, Brian Mahoney, Brian Mennes, Frank Tate, Kurt Merrell, Alex Schimelpfening and David Liem. 

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Dear ChurchMen:  September's ChurchMen's Breakfast will be held this Saturday morning, September 8th at 9AM in the Parish Hall.  Bring a friend, neighbor, shut-in. If you have children or grandchildren bring them along. Look forward to seeing you there!

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It is my honor to lead the handbell program at St. Luke's this fall. We have three handbell choirs: Chancel Ringers, Chamber Ringers and Joyful Noise. We have a few openings for anyone interested in ringing or learning to ring.  It is not necessary to read music to play. Everyone is welcome. Practices will begin on Wednesday September 5 at 6:30 pm in the church. This is Chancel Ringers (full handbell choir). There are a few openings in this group. 


Chamber Ringers will practice on Sundays from 12 -1. Joyful Noise (duet) will practice on Wednesdays at 5:30 beginning the last week of September 


Please contact me if you are interested in trying your hand at ringing. 


Debi Fricks


Joy and Blessings



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All the books on the Book Table in the Narthex are now half price. Please feel free to look them over before and after the Sunday services or any of the weekday services. Deduct half from the prices marked.


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Are you missing your name tag? Has it become spotted and stained? Please let Caroline know!  You can either call at 753.4281 or email at When your new name tag has been created, it will be placed in the wooden shelf next to the women's bathroom in the Narthex.


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You can now donate a single Rose in memory or thanksgiving of a person or event.  You can purchase a single rose in a vase, if possible, and deliver it to the church between 9:00am and 10:00am on a Saturday morning to be placed on the credence table on your right as you face the altar.  Members of the Altar Guild are usually at the church during this time and will accept the rose.

If you cannot deliver the Rose on Saturday morning you can place it on the credence table on Sunday morning.


The credence table will hold up to three individual Rose any given Sunday.


Also, call Caroline in the office for the notification and date of the person or event you are placing the rose for, so she can publish it in the bulletin.


After the 10:30am service you can pick up the Rose or let the Altar Guild know where you would like the Rose delivered.


If you have question please call or e-mail Lorene Means at 501-753-4208 or


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We would like to send cards to our men and women overseas, but are in need of names and addresses. If you have a family member or friend that you would like us to send a card to, please email the office with their names and addresses:


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Does anyone have a telescope I could borrow for a few weeks?  I am taking an Astronomy class at UALR and will be needing it for night labs.  Call me at 791-7139 if you can help.  Thanks!!


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Coffee Hour Volunteers for September                   

September 9th    8:00    Suzzette Patterson

                          10:30    Tom and Ginna Simmons

September 16th  8:00   Ann Bowman

                          10:30    Josh and Katie Taylor

September 23rd 8:00    Tommie Williams and Jeannie Fry

                          10:30    Gary and Wanda Dunwoody

September 30th  8:00    Dan Dennis

                          10:30    Rick and Sherry Furr


Children's Chapel Volunteers for September

September 9th        Paula Volpe

September 16th     Wanda Dunwoody

September 23rd      Jennifer Green

September 30th      Ginna Simmons 



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St. Francis House Ministries


Click of the MOUSE:  One of the easiest ways to help is to be a good Samaritan and donate money to St. Francis House ("SFH") is to use as you use your computer. (powered by Yahoo) pays St. Francis House one cent every time you click on it's site! Pennies add up, and the more you click and the more people are clicking, the more needy people can be helped through SFH!   See the "OUTREACH" table in the narthex this Sunday for details...

*DONATE sheets or blankets for the beds at St. Francis House...drop them off in the narthex or in the Parish Hall by the backdoor to the Nursery.

*VOLUNTEER:  Another way to help with time but not money, to volunteer to help at SFH or to help with the Vet's Dinners at St. Luke's on September 27th and December 6th. 

*Adopting a family for the grocery ministry:  Thanks to a growing number of St. Luke's parishioners who have already volunteered, we only have two families left to be adopted!  These are families that need our help with groceries at the end of the month.  You may sign up to help as an individual or group of individuals to bring groceries on the FOURTH SUNDAY each month.  A suggested list of groceries and more details are in the narthex or contact Jeannie Fry at  

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This sentence appears in the DOK Prayer of the Order, "Pour out upon us the sevenfold gift of the Holy Spirit that we may always remember it is your work we are called upon to do, that all we think, do or say may be pleasing in your sight." St. Emma's Daughters want to use the gifts given to them to help you and serve our Lord. Do not wait to ask for help. Simply submit any prayer request on a DOK card found in the church pew rack; call the office for visitation needs (hospital or homebound); tell any Daughter of special needs; or let our President, Mary Ann Hodge, know and she can direct us in helping you. We keep your needs confidential, as desired.



"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another... Do it with all strength and energy God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ." ~ 1 Peter 4:10, 11

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Nursery Care is provided for all activities on Sunday mornings.

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As your planning your upcoming calendar don't forget our youth ministry events.  These events are open to all youth in Arkansas regardless of church membership. Find out more at the  diocesan youth web page.


Sept. 28-30, 2012

(6th-12th grades)

Happening #28

Nov. 9-11, 2012

(10th-12th grades)

Sr. High Winterstar

Feb. 15-17, 2013

(9th-12th grades)

Jr. High Winterstar

March 1-3, 2013

(6th-9th grades)

Happening #29

April 19-21, 2013

(10th-12th grades)


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 AYE 2012 Registration is Online and Paperless

AYE (The Arkansas Youth Event) will be September 28th-30th. AYE is held annually at Camp Mitchell for 6th-12th grade youth. We sing, play, dance, and we always have some great Christian formation time.  The cost is $110 and scholarships are available at your local congregation or the diocese if needed, just contact your congregation and then the diocese.


At AYE we also elect our (DYC) Diocesan Youth Commission as well as our Diocesan Youth Delegates to Convention.  The DYC are youth in the 9th-12th grade who gather annually to plan and lead future events.  They are selected by being elected at AYE from their area of the state.  To be eligible to be elected you must turn in or bring with you this DYC covenant form.  


The Diocesan Youth Delegates are full voice, vote and seat delegates to our annual convention which will be held in Little Rock, February 22nd-23rd.  Youth must be 16 and confirmed in an Episcopal Church in Arkansas.  Often youth must be able to leave school early on Friday as Convention will start by 5pm.


You can register and pay online if you like.  Also as a brand new service this year you can fill out your release form online after you have registered and sign it online. That's right we are paperless. To register just click here.

If you have any questions email Randall Curtis, Jr at

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