Robin and Husband
Chad & Robin Merrill


May 2012


Partners for Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry,


Contagious Passion describes Robin Merrill's leadership style at Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Decatur, Georgia. She is a wife and mother of two teenage boys who, with her husband Chad's support, leads the youth ministry. In it we can see a classic picture of contagious passion that transforms kids' lives.

Robin's Revolution


RobinRobin: The Revolution Community of Oak Grove UMC is         

on fire for Jesus Christ and is experiencing God's                 

presence in amazing ways. By God's grace and with the help 

of Reach Out Youth Solutions over the past two years, we    

have been able to articulate our mission statement, capture 

our unique vision and begin to train adult and student          

leaders. We disciple students in the revolutionary way of      

Jesus Christ!                                                                 


Oak Grove looked like most youth ministries Reach Out sees--programs that overshadow a passion for Jesus and activities without a sustainable strategy to reach and disciple kids. However, when the church recognized Robin's call to lead the Oak Grove youth ministry, it exploded with growth, both deep and wide. For years Chad and Robin have had an ever-maturing passion for Jesus and for making a difference. Now the gifts and calling the Lord has given Robin have culminated in an explosion of contagious passion.

Passing On the Passion


Robin: Our adult leaders exemplify a passionate love for Jesus and a desire to love youth. Our youth have responded with an unquenchable desire to go deeper in their faith journeys and to discover the living Christ in their own lives.

 Prayer Circle

Adults are critical to the success of any strong youth ministry. Robin has focused on equipping adults to reach and disciple kids. Reach Out conducted a Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum to help build the foundation and get the adult leaders moving toward the same vision. Now the Leadership Team has 45 adult leaders, 17 youth leaders and 102 active parents who serve teens. Together this strong support group gives excellent leadership to the youth ministry. Robin has passed on contagious passion to her adult leaders and students.

Life-Change and Life-Changers                                          



Girls PrayingRobin: Through encouraging our youth to be still and listen to God's voice, and then to share their dreams and visions with adult leaders, many have started new ministries that

  are having a big impact on our community.                    


When young people experience life-change, then they       

become life-changers. Robin has created an environment   

where both happen. A few of many examples:                  



  • Adult leaders and parents have begun and plan to expand discipleship groups.
  • Parents meet in groups and apply Parent Fuel.
  • "Instigate" develops 16 kids as leaders; they preach at church Sunday nights.
  • Seniors mentor 6th graders, then integrate them into the middle school ministry.
Food Pantry 3
C4C Food Pantry
  • The youth group raised $4,000 for people in need + $3,000 to buy a refugee family a car.
  • Four high school guys began "Righting the Wrongs" to read the Bible and pray for God to right the wrongs in and around them. Now 15-40 guys meet every Tuesday night.
  • 12 kids and 6 adults started and served C4C (Care for Clarkston) Food and Clothing Pantry in a community with 53 nations represented. About 100 people have served C4C at various times.
  • Café VOX Coffee house and other outreaches involve 120-170 students.
Kids Dancing
Even with teenagers' lives unraveling       
today, strong, Jesus-focused leaders can 
transform kids' lives. I am inspired to see  
in Robin and the Revolution Community a  
model of what I believe future youth        ministry will look like. It will take adults    
with contagious passion who challenge    
kids to live out these words: Don't let     
   anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Timothy 4:12). 


Equipping people like Robin is why Reach Out exists. And your prayers and finances provide the support to make it happen. Much thanks!

 Jesus is Lord,



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