In humble thanks to Jesus, seed sown has multiplied. In numerous ways, with only a select few mentioned here, Reach Out has had our best year ever.
Cuba: Reach Out's Cuba Team, lead by Elio Martiz, conducted 11 Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forums with 135 youth leaders and certified 9 new Eagle Leaders (JFYM trainers). -- Strong growth in an unstable environment
Iran and Armenia: In 2010 we equipped 30 Iranians and 30 Armenians. This year we selected a smaller group of key leaders who had implemented JFYM, 5 from Iran and 15 from Armenia. -- Astounding! More on that next month. 
East Africa: Charles Juma led our team of 138 Eagle Leaders to conduct 18 JFYM Forums for 650 youth leaders and communicate the gospel with 80,000 students in 10 countries. -- This defies explanation!
Ukraine: A team of 26 Eagle Leaders currently coach 20 churches through JFYM under the direction of Doug Landro. 563 teens gave their lives to Christ. 281 students are being discipled. That represents 161% growth in adult leaders trained and a 359% average increase in
kids in the youth ministry. -- Exponential growth!
United States: In our most difficult country, the Lord has given us favor in places like Arkansas, New England, Mississippi and Texas. Under Roger Palmer's leadership, we conducted 16 JFYM Forums and equipped 14 Eagle Leaders as JFYM Trainers. Going forward they will coach youth leaders in their area.
-- Significant progress where programs often trump relational disciple-making.