October 2011 

Partners for Africa's Hope,                                                                                                       


Daring, dangerous and dark! Traveling through the largest jungle in Africa, Charles Juma and his team experienced all three. They went from Kenya to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and back equipping youth leaders and communicating the gospel to kids. The journey through these four countries illustrates Reach Out's entire summer in Africa. The passage through the jungle shows how Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has found a home in Africa and why we have great hope for Africa's younger generation.

A Home in Africa


Some of the greatest danger and deepest darkness on our planet today emanates from Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC.   

  • drc pic
    Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry--at home in Africa
    Uganda still needs healing from the dark regime of Idi Amin and other corrupt leaders of the past.
  • In Rwanda, the effects of the genocide linger on.
  • In Burundi, years of internal political wars continue to leave their gloomy mark on this society characterized by poverty, fear, hopelessness, and uncertainty.
  • DRC continues in civil war.

Yet as dark and dangerous as these countries are, believers there dared to give Reach Out's team as warm a reception as we have received anywhere in Africa. Bishops, pastors, and leaders concur that they need help urgently to reach and disciple their youth. "Why did it take you so long to bring us Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry so we can help our young people?" they ask frequently. With confidence we can say that JFYM has stepped into the gap to prepare leaders who have received each session warmly, gratefully, and seriously. Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has found a home in Africa!


Preparing leaders--warmly, gratefully and seriously


This is a treasure! I want all of my leaders to implement this fully and I am going to lead by example. Bishop Mikiza and I will bring 1,000 leaders next time we do this in Bujumbura, and I pray that this happens before the end of the year.

-- Bishop Zablon, Bujumbura, Burundi


Great Hope for Africa's Younger Generation


One great hope for Africa's younger generation comes from Reach Out's 100 African Eagle Leaders--experienced Reach Out trainers. Because these key leaders have modeled and multiplied Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry, we have extended our reach from one country in 2006 to ten countries in 2011. Now we have multiplied momentum!


From Nairobi, Malindi, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Bunyore in Kenya to Mwanza, Dar es Salaam, and Tabora in Tanzania to Lusaka, Zambia and into the dark and dangerous jungles of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and DRC, our Eagle Leaders like Samuel Limbe in Tanzania have earned the title "JFYM apostles." They have opened new doors into Malawi, Mozambique, and Botswana--and soon to the uttermost parts of Africa.  


my team member speaks
Eagle Leaders--
multiplied momentum

This extraordinary summer we (Charles and his Eagle Leaders) have

experienced an extensive and fruitful ministry.

  • 17 JFYM Forums in 10 countries
  • 600 youth leaders equipped in JFYM
  • 300 pastors introduced to JFYM 


All of this has given African leaders a fresh vision, a practical strategy, and hope for their young people!


I had attended many seminars but had not come across anything specifically geared toward the youth like the JFYM Forum. Thank you God!

          -- Bishop Mukiza Aaron, Congolese refugee and pastor of


school outreach
Unprecedented opportunity--public schools



Because of our Eagle Leaders 80,000 students have encountered the gospel of Jesus in their schools. Those same Eagle Leaders then follow through with students who decide to follow Christ. In the public school ministry God has given us an unprecedented opportunity to venture into the largest and most fertile field for evangelism in Africa.


Daring To Go With Us


Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry has found a home in the youthful continent of Africa and we have great hope for the younger generation who have hearts wide open to follow Jesus!


I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to prepare my fellow African leaders to bring Jesus to the larger segment of their society--the youth. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our donors who have dared to make this summer possible. Your financial support has made a huge difference.

-- Charles Juma, Reach Out Director in East Africa

Jesus is Lord,


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