April, 2011  

Friends of Cuban Youth Leaders,


Come to Cuba with me--right now! See Cuba through the eyes of our team. View some snapshots of a few of our friends and the leaders we train, and then imagine how they survive on $30 a month. Catch a glimpse of our Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum in Pinar del Rio. Picture our Eagle Leaders Experience in Varadaro. Then envision our Eagle Leaders multiplying their training in cities across the island.



Our Team Transportation: 1951 Buick -- Danny and Josh Brundage,

Joe Jelks, Eric Ball, Barry, Phil Hightower


Pinar del Rio -- Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Forum


Varadaro -- Eagle Leaders Experience


Reach Out's Stellar Cuban Leaders -- Alexi & Lourdes, Elio & Leydes


Behind each snapshot is an amazing story. What the Lord is doing through Reach Out's Cuban leaders is quite a sight! And only through your gifts and prayers can we continue to invest in leaders who reach and disciple teenagers throughout Cuba. 

Jesus is Lord,

Donate Now

PO Box 870141
Stone Mountain, GA 30087
Office: 770-413-6045
Fax: 770-220-1980
Website: www.reach-out.org