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Bottom Line Human Resource Issues
Fall 2010

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 Management Workshops

Workers' Compensation Breakfast Briefing


November 17, 2010



Finding the Keepers
(Find out how to source and screen the best candidates for your organization)   

November 19, 2010

December 1, 2010

December 9, 2010

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 (916) 791-8506  

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Another Meal Period Decision for CA Employers


By Kim Silvers, SPHR-CA

Good news for California employers last week... A California Court of Appeal determined in Hernandez v. Chipotle Mexican Grill that the employer must only provide meal periods for non-exempt employees, rather than ensure they are taken.  This is another important decision that allows CA employers and employees the flexibility to take a meal break when and if desired by the employee.  But don't change your meal period enforcement quite yet.  Click here for the entire article.


New Paid Leave is Signed into Law for CA Employees


By Susan Breslauer, SPHR


California's first paid leave law was signed into law by Governor Schwarzenegger on Sept 30, 2010. The new law will go into effect on January 1, 2011.   Known as the Michelle Maykin Memorial Donation Protection Act, SB 1304 adds a new Labor Code provision extending this public employee benefit to private employees.  Here are the here for entire article

The Top 10 Tips for Working with Difficult People

Dealing with difficult people is ...well, difficult for most of us. Hostile and aggressive people put us on the defensive, cause us anxiety, frustrate our coping skills, and take us out of our comfort zones. Here are 10 tips for diffusing aggressive behavior and getting your needs met.
Click here for entire article.

Whoa! Where Did Those Profits Go?

By Cathy Rasmusson, MHA, Principal Consultant, Healthy Business Designs 


Times are lean - is your company keeping a competitive edge? Businesses are challenged every day with how to remain competitive and generate profits, particularly in the current economy.  It's been proven that employers can increase profitability, reduce liability, control health care costs, retain productive employees and remain competitive in the industry by incorporating effective employee wellness programs into business operations.  Click here for entire article.