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 Fitness e-Tips
JOIN TODAY!...Become a Forever Fit ...
Walking to School Help Kids Lower Stress...
Ease Shoulder, Neck Pain With Exercise...
Exercise of The Month...Woodchop Exercise-Dynamic Side Chop...
Healthy Recipe...Roasted Curried Cauliflower...
Mental Health and Exercise...




Fitness Starts At The Grocery Store!

 Big food decisions need to be made at the grocery store, not in the kitchen. To help with this type of decision-making and how to grocery shop for health while maximizing the bank account, take a Super Market Tour TODAY!

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Motivational Quote


"Many of life's failures are people who
did not realize how close they were
to success when they gave up." 


- Thomas Edison

Fit Tip of the Month


Make sure your meats are lean cuts and portions are no bigger than a deck of cards.


Prevent Childhood Obesity
  Please help us raise awareness about the risks of childhood obesity.  
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September 2012   


Now that the temperature is dropping it can be tempting to head indoors and turn to the treadmill versus exercising outdoors -- but there's no better time than fall to get fit in the fresh air. The cool, crisp breeze is much more conducive to outdoor fitness than the humidity and blazing sun of summer, and the more time you spend outside, the better you're bound to feel while you burn calories and tone your muscles with traditional fall activities - from raking leaves to getting ready for Halloween. You'll spend plenty of time at the gym when it's cold and dreary outside right now, GO OUT AND HAVE FUN! 


Stay Focus and Fit!






Walking to School Help Kids Lower Stress 

Kids Walk To School


A 1-mile walk to school in the morning may help reduce stress reactivity in children. The cardiovascular disease process begins in childhood, so if we can find some way of stopping or slowing that process, that would provide an important health benefit.


Ease Shoulder, Neck Pain With Exercise


Two Minutes a Day health-shoulder pain


Do you experience neck and shoulder pain? Just 2 minutes of exercise per day can reduce that pain, say researchers from the National Research Center for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, Denmark. 


Exercise Of The Month
Woodchop Exercise-Dynamic Side Chop
Woodchop Exercise-Dynamic Side Chop


Healthy Recipe

food-roaste cauliflower    

Roasted Curried Cauliflower 


Satisfy your curry craving in a simple, delicious way! This is a great side dish to any late-summer or early-autumn menu. It's as easy to make as it is fast to prepare and delicious to eat. Double your pleasure and the recipe's usefulness by pur�eing the leftovers the next day with low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth for a fantastic, satisfying soup (add a touch of milk or half-and-half for creaminess. Read more >>

Mental Health and Exercise



Exercise Connection


Want to alleviate stress or cope with depression? Exercise may help. Increasingly, there is evidence from researchers that certain levels of physical activity can positively affect mental health. Len Kravitz, PhD, researcher and program coordinator of exercise science at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, takes a look at what research has discovered about the connection between exercise and mental health.

 Read more  >>

Your Fitness Is Our Business!

Katherina Colston
Forever Fit Women
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