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Declutter Your Mind......
I Need More Energy!...
Three Things Every Exercise Program Should Have...
Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes...
Don't Skip Breakfast to Cut Calories...
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Slim Summer Weight Loss
woman weight loss 

Lose Ten Pounds For Summer!

  Get fit, leaner, healthier, stronger and  more energetic with our customized workouts and meal plans. . You owe it to yourself, and you're worth it? 

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Virtual Training
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Get the healthy and lean body you always wanted in the privacy of your own home!

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  Prevent Childhood Obesity! 
June 2010   
yoga fit 1
Summer is here and the time to get your body beach ready is now!. You know that if you want to reshape your body, you have to lose fat and gain muscle with a combination of cardio, weight lifting and a clean diet, but did you know that you can also clutter your brain, your body, and your life with  negative and useless thoughts that if you are not careful, could be  replacing things like exercise, eating nutritious food, family, hobbies, outdoors, and spiritual pursuits. Have a fun and safe Summer!  
Stay Focused and Fit.   
Declutter Your Mind
Home-declutter Competition For Valuable Mind-Space
 Imagine this:  you walk over to an office desk and there's no clutter. It's simple, organized and easy to find things. It only contains what you need to get your work done.  How do you feel?
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I Need More Energy!
Choices, Choices, Choices
  woman sweating

You're in the middle of a long workout and wondering how in the world you're going to muster up enough energy to finish. All exercisers have been there. It's as though someone has unscrewed the cap and let all the fuel out of your tank.

So what should you reach for to help you comfortably finish your workout?

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Three Things Every Exercise Program Should Have
woman stretching 3Aerobic, Strength,  Flexibility
A complete, safe and effective fitness program must include aerobic exercise, muscular strength and endurance conditioning, and flexibility exercise.

Aerobic exercise does good things for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management.

Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes
woman overweightExercise Can Help
The incidence of type 2 diabetes is on the rise, which experts largely attribute to the rise in obesity. Type 2 diabetes, which is responsible for 90 to 95% of all diabetes cases, is more common in adults, but as rates of childhood obesity increase, more young children are being diagnosed with the disease. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes can prevent and, in some cases, counter the course of this disease 
Don't Skip Breakfast to Cut Calories
 Eat Early, Weigh Less Later
When you're trying to lose weight, cutting out breakfast may be tempting. You figure you're saving yourself some calories and you get a couple extra minutes to snooze. But research has consistently shown that the people who successfully lose weight are the ones that wake up and eat! Furthermore, people who eat breakfast regularly have better vitamin and mineral status and eat fewer calories from fat. So it seems that breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.  
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 Your Fitness Is Our Business!
Katherina Colston
Forever Fit Women
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