4-Quart Silicone Flowmaster Complete Colon Cleansing
Enema System
Are Easy
Many people call the Optimal Health Network perplexed about how to take an enema to cleanse the entire colon.
Cleansing the entire colon using the enema means taking an enema series. An enema series consists of taking three consecutive enemas. The first two enemas are for clearing the colon; the third enema is a coffee enema which helps to detoxify the body. In this article I will explain the individual steps to a simple and effective enema series.
STEP 1: Gather your enema equipment. You will need an enema bag or enema bucket, enema tubing, tubing clamp, a hook to hang your enema bag, and an enema nozzle. If you need assistance determining which enema equipment would work best for you, read our Enema Equipment Buying Guide or call the Optimal Health Center.
4-Quart Enema Bag, Amber Tubing, Tubing Clamp, and Retention Nozzle
SAFETY NOTES: If you already have enema equipment, make sure that when you unpack your stored enema equipment it was put away dry. Storing damp enema equipment can cause mold to grow. Never use an enema bag, enema nozzle, or enema tubing that has mold on it. When you take your enema equipment out of storage, inspect all parts carefully. If you see any moisture, dry the equipment before you use it. Next time, before you store the enema equipment, either wipe it down or rinse it with Grapefruit Seed Extract and water, then dry it well. In order to dry the enema equipment well, you might need paper towels and/or a blow dryer.
Read more about enema safety
STEP 2: Fill your enema bag or enema bucket with one-half to four quarts of filtered water and one teaspoon of Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap (or the equivalent amount of one of the Optimal Health Network's Goat Milk Soaps) per quart of water.
STEP 3: Lie in a comfortable place, ideally close to the toilet, hanging your enema bag from an IV pole, a door knob, a shower head, or shower or towel rod, 4-6 feet above your body.
STEP 4: Once comfortable, gently insert your well-lubricated enema nozzle into your anus. Now open and close the enema tubing clamp, allowing only 1/2 to 1 cup of enema solution into your body. Repeat this process of slowly filling your colon with small amounts of enema solution until you determine you have taken enough liquid into your colon. Before you remove your enema nozzle, make sure your enema clamp is shut, then remove the nozzle and make your way to the toilet. Once you are on the toilet, release the enema solution and other bowel content into the toilet.
STEP 5: Repeat Steps 2 through 4, except when preparing your enema solution for this second enema in the series, use one teaspoon of Celtic sea salt and 2-3 drops of peppermint, purification, lemon grass, or lemon essential oil per quart of water. It is best to rotate the essential oils you use.
It is important to choose essential oils which not only target your physiological needs but which have also been appropriately tested ahead of time for potential allergic reactions.
STEP 6: For the
coffee enema, again repeat steps two through four, except with this third enema in the series, there are two significant differences:
(1) you will take a much smaller amount of enema solution into the colon and
(2) you will hold the enema solution 12-15 minutes before you sit on the toilet.
To prepare the coffee for the enema, use 1 tablespoon of
made-for-enema ground coffee per 1 cup of filtered water. Fill your enema bag or bucket with this coffee solution and an additional cup of plain filtered water. You may be able to increase the volume and the strength of your coffee enema; however, it is best to start with this diluted coffee solution.
To learn more about how to cleanse your colon using the enema series, view our DVDs
Cleansing, Coffee Enemas, and Colon Tubes and
All About Enemas and our downloadable videos
Small Volume Enema and
Large Volume Enema.
You will also find detailed instructions in my book,
Ten Days to Optimal Health.
And, of course, call or e-mail us anytime with your questions. We also have a
bimonthly live chat and a
Facebook page.