Optimal Health Network Logo
Ten Days To Optimal Health Program
October 25, 2010
In This Issue:
Explore Our
Celiac Disease:
Major Gluten Exposure Versus Trace Gluten Exposure
First Colon Cleanse
In-Home UVB
Tanning Bed is
Excellent Source
for Vitamin D
COUPON: Save 15%
15% OFF

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Our October Sale is a 5-day coupon sale running Wednesday, October 27th through Sunday, October 31st. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order.

This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online.
Live Chat with Kristina AmelongPlease join us Wednesday,
October 27th at 12 noon CT and Wednesday, November 10th at 7pm CT for our live chat.

Do you have questions about taking enemas, colon hydrotherapy, buying enema equipment, trying a spring colon cleanse for the first time, or about heart health? A live chat is a valuable opportunity to ask Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Kristina Amelong all these questions and more. You can also share your colon cleanse experiences, your dietary experimentations, and your health struggles and successes with the larger community.

The Optimal Health Network now has a blog -- an online journal about all things health.

apples and carrots

Here is a sample of our blog posts that can guide you on the journey of optimizing your health:

Don't Make Soy a Staple

The Truth About Whole Grains

The Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency

Herbs and the Stress Response

Quick Links:
Wool Hot Water Bottle Cozies
(Great for Enema Use Too!)

For many of us, the cold season is rapidly approaching. During these months, how often do you feel a chill that you can't quite get rid of, turning up the heat when it is already higher than you would like it? How often do you get into cold covers when going to bed? How often do you find that your feet are cold as you sit at your computer or as you watch TV? And, for the enema user, how often do you wish that your enema solution would stay warmer longer, especially when you are taking a slow, one-gallon colon cleanse?

For all these reasons and more, the Optimal Health Network has teamed up with a local artist to offer you Wool Hot Water Bottle (or Enema Bag) Cozies.

These handmade wool covers are created from recycled wool, make charming gifts, and add an element of beauty to the 5-Quart Olympic Traditional Enema Bag and the 1.5-Quart Traditional Water Bottle Enema Bag Kit.

Opportunities abound for using these wool cozies: warm your belly to take an enema more easily, keep yourself warm while sitting outside, ease pain in your muscles, or soothe a child. I know you will love your wool cozies!

Reclaiming Your Health
from Celiac Disease

Ten Days to Optimal HealthAs a person who has reclaimed health from the ravages of celiac disease and who helps others do the same through my clinical work and my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health, I have decided to reproduce the following article in full because its message is a critical tool in becoming symptom-free when you have celiac disease. If you need support with healing from gluten sensitivity and/or full-blown celiac disease, the resources of the Optimal Health Center can assist you. (I, Kristina Amelong, am a healthy person with celiac disease!)


gluten-free livingMonday, October 4, 2010
Celiac Disease Blog
by Jane Anderson

Symptoms: Major Gluten Exposure Versus Trace Gluten Exposure

A post from a reader over on the About.com celiac disease forum got me to thinking about celiac disease symptoms - specifically, symptoms of major gluten exposure versus symptoms of trace gluten exposure.

The symptoms I get when I've had major gluten exposure seem particularly easy to spot, and relate strongly to what most people consider the most common celiac disease symptoms - terrible fatigue, gastrointestinal upset (from my esophagus all the way down), emotional upset, insomnia, joint pains, migraine and dermatitis herpetiformis. It can take up to a week for me to recover completely from a major gluten exposure.

But when I accidentally consume trace amounts of gluten, my symptoms become much more subtle and tricky to identify. I usually have some irritability, but I might sleep restlessly rather than lying awake with insomnia. The next day, I might suffer from a bit of gastrointestinal malfunction - but usually not much, and sometimes none at all. I also might have a touch of fatigue, but again, not much. I might get some visible dermatitis herpetiformis, but I might just feel itchy where the DH normally appears. The symptoms usually are gone within a day or so.

It took me a long time (and many known instances of exposure to trace gluten amounts) before I began to identify these symptoms with gluten. When I began testing foods for gluten with home gluten testing kits, the results validated what I already knew from my symptoms: many foods contain trace amounts of gluten. Studies such as this one that found gluten in supposedly gluten-free grains show how gluten contamination permeates our food supply, and this validated my knowledge further.

Since I've gotten even better at identifying and eliminating trace-gluten-contaminated foods, my overall health has improved dramatically and my symptoms when I do get glutened - while still apparent - seem to be slacking off in intensity.
Optimal Health NetworkRecent Testimonials

"I just want to say thank you so much for all the amazing information and products you offer. The Optimal Health Network website has changed my life..."

Read full testimonial

"Never having had an enema or colonic, I was a little apprehensive about the whole thing... but DeeDee put me at ease right away and made the whole experience very comfortable. The colon cleanse and the coffee implant were very relaxing, and I felt really uplifted and invigorated afterward..."

Read full testimonial

vitamin D tanningNew OHN Product:

Vitamin D Therapy Tanning Systems For Home Use

The Vitamin D Council reports: "Sun tanning equipment's UVB light is an excellent source of Vitamin D."

Vitamin D deficiency is a key factor in adverse health conditions, including cancer and certain autoimmune diseases.

For these reasons, the Optimal Health Center now offers a safe, Dr. Mercola-approved, vitamin D-producing, UVB tanning bed for sale on our website.

Further reading:

YOU! Test Your Vitamin D Levels, PLEASE!

Cancer Mortality Rates Compared to UVB Doses

Am I Vitamin D Deficient?

Low Levels of Vitamin D Tied to Numerous Health Ailments, Studies Find

The Mayo Clinic on Vitamin D

Dr. Mercola on Vitamin D
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October 27 through
October 31
Newsletter subscribers can take advantage of our 15% OFF EVERYTHING SALE to stock up on needed items or to try something new.

This coupon sale applies only
to orders placed online.


Be sure to enter the coupon number above in the coupon code box in your shopping cart when you place your order online.

15% Off Subscriber Sale: GOOD ALL DAY CT 10/27/2010 - 10/31/2010