15% OFF EVERYTHING Our August Sale is a 5-day coupon sale running Thursday, August 27th through Monday, August 31st. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order. This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online. |
Optimal Health is now on Facebook
The Optimal Health Network and Optimal Health Center are now on Facebook. Alongside our website and newsletters, we will use Facebook to keep our customers and clients updated on many things.
Find us on Facebook and become a fan to see our newest movie clips, learn about free sauna days, view announcements of new products, and read about our one-of-a-kind therapeutic packages, including Healing Hands, Healing Heat, and Healing Waters. This therapeutic program coordinates the three treatment modalities of FIR sauna, massage therapy, and colon cleansing to synergistically achieve a deep state of relaxation and a much greater release and elimination of toxins from the body than can result from any of the individual treatments alone. |
Please join us on Wednesday, September 9, at 7:00 pm CT and Wednesday, September 23, at 12 noon, for our live chats.
Do you have questions about taking enemas, colon hydrotherapy, buying enema equipment, trying a spring colon cleanse for the first time, or about heart health? A live chat is a valuable opportunity to ask Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Kristina Amelong all these questions and more. You can also share your colon cleanse experiences, your dietary experimentations, and your health struggles and successes with the larger community.
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Click on the small Update Profile/Email Address link at the bottom of this newsletter and check the New Products and Promotions box and/or the Live Chat Reminder box. |
Ban Factory Farms and Stop Forced VaccinationsAs the flu season approaches in the Northern Hemisphere,
profit-obsessed drug-makers are racing to supply governments with
vaccines and medicines. There are numerous concerns about the safety of
these measures.
To learn more and to take action on this issue, click here The Optimal Health Center can also assist you to optimize your immunity with lifestyle changes and our high-quality selection of herbal formulas such as Echinacea and Andrographis Complex containing holy basil and Andrographis herb. Please contact us to learn more.
Wasp Stings, Hormones, and Health
This past week, I was involved in inadvertently upsetting a yellow jacket hornet nest. Not just once, but twice. This might sound like a horrible experience to you, and
yes, indeed it was. However, running into these striped monsters brought with it the creative muse for this newsletter.
Yellow jacket hornets, like many social wasps, can mobilize the entire nest to sting in defense. The hornet alarm pheromone is used to raise alarm of a nest
attack and to identify prey, in these two instances my chocolate labrador, Arlo.
Unbeknown to all of us, until the second attack, a community of yellow jackets had made a home at the the base of our front porch. On Monday night, after we
entered our house and were in our living room, our dog began to behave strikingly strangely. He bit at his legs, ran in circles, and ran in and out of the
house repeatedly. I spotted the cause and screamed, "He is being stung by wasps! Arlo, down!" Being the amazingly well-trained dog that he is, he
obeyed as he quivered uncontrollably. I used a handy newspaper to swat four angry yellow jackets to their death.
As my daughter and I settled into our nightly routine of dinner, piano playing, and reading, we continued to kill yellow jackets that had seemingly made their
way into our house on the dog, who was cowering in the corner. Unfortunately, we didn't get them all. As Rayna practiced the traditional English folk song The Cuckoo for her upcoming chamber concert, making sure to accent the right hand G and lift the left hand C
as she played E then G, she was stung on her foot. We helped her body through the sting using hypericum perforatum, raw onion slices, and tears. By the next
morning, she was left with only an irritating itch.
Unfortunately, I hadn't thought to find the source of the wasp community. I am aware of the fact that wasps provide an extremely beneficial service by
eliminating large numbers of other pest insects through predation and should be protected and encouraged to nest, so I tend to leave them alone -- as
long as they leave me alone.
The following night, after Rayna had entered the house and the dog and I were stepping onto our porch, Arlo became highly aggravated and almost ran me over.
As I looked down at him, I spotted over 30 raging yellow jackets. He continued running throughout the yard, rolling in the grass, and biting at himself. I
yelled to Rayna to stay in the house and try to find some wasp killer under the kitchen sink. Then, having in the past been hypersensitive to wasp stings, I
left Arlo to his own rescue and ran to the neighbor's house for help.
Now, a few days later, the entrance to our home has been restored and Arlo is constantly worried when he is outdoors. I think he might recover.
From 1992 to 1999, I owned a small food cart that vended falafel, eggrolls, and lemonade to University of Wisconsin-Madison students, Farmer's Market
strollers, and local Madison festival attendees. Every late summer, I would be stung by at least 1 or 2 yellow jackets. My afflicted part would painfully
swell up to three or four times its size and would not be localized. For instance, if I got stung on my foot, my entire leg would grow swollen, hot, and
itchy, and I would get a fever. During one wasp incident, I drank apple cider from a jug that a wasp was also enjoying. My entire mouth and throat swelled up and
I ended up in the hospital.
During this time, I used an EpiPenŽ, an auto-injector that administers epinephrine. Epinephrine is a hormone and neurotransmitter that participates in
the "fight or flight" response or "adrenaline rush." It is released from the adrenal glands when danger threatens or in an
I still get stung by yellow jackets, but not as often. However, I never need an EpiPen as the wasp venom only affects a small and local area. Why? Because I
have done the work to recover my adrenal health. My body is now easily able to handle the toxicity of the wasp venom and the crisis to my immune
It is unfortunate, but true, that adrenal exhaustion (or adrenal fatigue) is at epidemic proportions in today's stressful world. The consequences of adrenal
exhaustion can include allergies and a poorly functioning immune system, such as in a person who is hypersensitive to bee or wasp stings, like I used to be.
Adrenal exhaustion can also increase one's vulnerability to cancer, thyroid disorders, obesity, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, autoimmune
disorders, and many other chronic illnesses. If you are struggling with your health or have allergies, have your adrenal function checked using an Adrenal Stress Index Test.
One simple thing you can do to support your adrenal glands, energize your body, and improve your immune function is to take adequate amounts of healthy salt -- unrefined sea salt.
To learn more about how to use sea salt to optimize your health, call us at the Optimal Health Center or read my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health. |
NEW: 4-Quart Enema Bucket
One of the things I love most about being a part of the Optimal Health Center/Network is the freedom to respond to customers' unique health needs and requests. This entire business has been built from the creativity of myself, my staff, our customers, and our clients. One of us conceives of an idea for meeting our colon cleanse or other health needs that isn't currently available, and then we invent it and offer it widely to others. This is true of our 2, 4, or 5 Quart Flowmaster Complete Colon Cleanse Enema Kits, our Goat Milk Enema Soaps, our 4 Quart Double Bag E'Lavage Enema Kits, our Silicone Colon Tubes, our Anal Fissure Healing Kits, our 2 or 4 Quart Easy Enema Kits, and our Smooth Flow "Higginson" Syringes. The unique combination of features found in our newest product, the 4 Quart Stainless Steel Enema Bucket, is a shining example of this process. Over the years, there have been requests for a higher quality and larger enema bucket: an enema bucket that hangs, that doesn't leech nickel into the enema solution, that has a bared hose drain flush to the bottom of the bucket, and that is manufactured with continuous welds. This enema bucket did not exist on the market. Until now!In 2009, the Optimal Health Center welcomed a new client who owns a sheet metal company in Wisconsin. As we worked with him on his health, he worked with us on an idea for a locally produced, stainless steel enema bucket that would meet our quality standards, especially of a high quality grade stainless steel with a thin, invisible layer of chrome-containing oxide to
protect the steel from scratching or rusting and to protect the user
from contact with the steel (nickel). And, as a team, we did it!
The Optimal Health Network is very proud to present to you our new 4 Quart Stainless Steel Enema Bucket and its related 4 Quart Complete Colon Cleanse Coffee Enema Bucket Kit.
This new enema bucket is excellent for implants or for coffee enemas, and extremely easy to clean.
- All welds continuous
- Barbed hose drain welded to bottom to allow all solution to drain out of can
- Vertical sliding handle with center-formed V for even hanging of the enema bucket
- No wall bracket
- Standard 5/16-inch spout for enema hose
- Locally made in Wisconsin
- Only 1-gallon enema bucket available on the market
- Limited supply
- Made from an average of 60% recycled materials
- Lustrous
To find out more, click here
NEW: Black 4 Quart Silicone Bag
 These one-gallon SILICONE enema bags, new to the colon cleanse market, are designed to last a lifetime and are latex-free. Silicone enema bags are more durable than
rubber enema bags. Any type of recommended enema solution can be used
in a silicone enema bag without structurally damaging the material.
Silicone is the recommended enema bag material for anyone with latex or
other chemical sensitivities. This enema bag comes with the needed
connector for attaching the bag to enema hose.