Optimal Health Network Logo
Ten Days To Optimal Health Program
July 6th, 2008
In This Issue:
Free One-Hour Massage
#1 Health Tip
"The Most Startling
Change Is That My
Mind Is So Clear!"
HTMA & Saliva Testing
New Lower Prices
on all Colon Cleanse
Educational Materials
Sun Exposure Can
Assist Your Body
To Detoxify
COUPON: Save 15%
Rubber Bulb For Smooth Flow "Higginson" Syringe With Snap Grips

Higginson Syringe

This fabulous water pump turns any enema system into a full colon cleanse tool. This rubber bulb can be added to any 5/16" enema hose to move water deeper into your colon.

This black rubber bulb with two plastic valves will also replace the bulb in your Smooth Flow Syringe and in your Flowmaster.

The bulb length is 4 1/8"; the bulb diameter is 3 1/4"; and the overall length of the bulb is 5 1/4".

In order to assure that this bulb will stay on the enema hose, you need the two snap grips.

 Learn more

Live Chat with Kristina Amelong Please join us on Wednesday, July 9th at 7:00 pm CDT for our next live chat.

Do you have questions about taking enemas, colon hydrotherapy, buying enema equipment, trying a spring colon cleanse for the first time, or about heart health? A live chat is a valuable opportunity to ask Certified Colon Hydrotherapist Kristina Amelong all these questions and more. You can also share your colon cleanse experiences, your dietary experimentations, and your health struggles and successes with the larger community.

15% Off Everything

Our July Sale is a 5-day coupon sale running Monday, July 7th through Friday, July 11th. The sale runs 24 hours per day Central Daylight Time. Use the current coupon at the bottom of this newsletter for 15% off your entire shopping cart order.

This coupon sale applies only to orders placed online.

Free one-hour massage
with purchase of Far Infrared Sauna Package of 8 sessions or more.OHC Massage Therapy
Learn more about all of the Optimal Health Center's services:

Massage Therapy

Colon Cleansing

FIR Sauna Detox

Alternative Health Consultations

Hair, Saliva, and Metabolic Typing Testing Services

Quick Links:

Colon Cleanse Enema Equipment

OHN Articles on Colon Cleansing, Nutrition, Detoxification, and More

Optimal Health Center Services Menu

Alternative Health Q&As

OHN Testimonials


Did you know?
The Vit-Ra-Tox Natural Colon Cleanse Kit, when combined with enemas and Kristina Amelong's Ten Days to Optimal Health program, is an effective home remedy for constipation.
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We also offer a reminder e-mail for anyone who would like to be notified the day before our monthly Live Chat.

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#1 Health Tip

As we announced in our June newsletter, the Optimal Health Network has launched a totally redesigned alternative health website for its customers. The new website features improved product photography and grouped categories of similar items for a more efficient shopping experience, as well as a quick and easy checkout system.

We have also added new articles and information about alternative health. In this newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to our #1 Health Tip.

proteinsWe all know that what we eat is important, but the regularity with which we eat also plays a significant role in our overall health, especially the health of our hormones.

Ask yourself:

* Do I eat a breakfast which provides the proper macronutrient ratio of protein, carbohydrate, and fat?

* Do I have a small snack within 3 hours after breakfast?

* Do I eat a lunch and dinner with the proper macronutrient ratio?

* Do I eat every 3 hours?

These questions, along with numerous other lifestyle and diet questions, were asked of 3,607 residents of Stockholm County, Sweden (all 60-year-olds without cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or cancer) [Pub Med]. After controlling for other diet and lifestyle factors, they found that individuals who answered "never" or "sometimes" (irregular eaters) had a significantly higher frequency of insulin sensitivity and metabolic syndrome, higher Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference, and elevated triglycerides. In fact, 18% of irregular eaters had all five components of metabolic syndrome compared to just 8% of those who said they usually or always eat every few hours. Not surprisingly, irregular eaters include less fruits, vegetables and healthy protein in their diets compared to regular eaters.

fruits and vegetablesOur mothers told us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Numerous studies have shown that skipping breakfast is harmful to insulin sensitivity and weight control (see links at the end of this article). Now a report given at this year's Endocrine Society's 90th Annual Meeting (San Francisco, June 15-18) suggests that a proper breakfast diet approach may have benefits for long-term weight loss.

These researchers compared two diets for 32 weeks using 94 obese, sedentary women with metabolic syndrome. Diet 1 was a strict low-carb approach which consisted of only 1,086 calories per day (17 grams of carbohydrate per day), where the carb:protein:fat intake was generally divided between 3 meals. Diet 2 maintained a lower carbohydrate approach for lunch and dinner but allowed for a large and relatively high-carbohydrate breakfast. (Breakfast contained 58 grams of carbohydrate, 47 grams of protein, and 22 grams fat; total daily calories were higher than Diet 1 at 1,240 calories per day.)

Predictably, both groups lost weight during the initial 16 weeks. However, while the group consuming the bigger breakfast continued to lose weight during the subsequent 16 weeks, the strict low-carb group gained back much of the weight. The big breakfast modified diet was able to reduce hunger and decrease desire to eat compared to the strict low-carb diet. (This complete data has not yet been published; the abstract for this session can be viewed via a link at the end of this article.) While additional studies are needed, this study shows how important breakfast is for setting a glycemic foundation for the rest of the day. Assuring that as many of these carbohydrates in the morning meal are fiber (especially fermentable fibers), will improve these results even more.

Ten Days to Optimal Health book coverHow do I eat often? What is a small meal? How do I lose weight eating often? What is a proper macronutrient ratio for my meals? If you need support with eating the appropriate foods at the appropriate times, work through the simple and easy-to-follow 35-day plan as laid out in Kristina Amelong's Ten Days to Optimal Health book.

Further reading:

Deleterious effects of omitting breakfast on insulin sensitivity and fasting lipid profiles in healthy lean women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Feb;81(2):388-96.

Beneficial metabolic effects of regular meal frequency on dietary thermogenesis, insulin sensitivity, and fasting lipid profiles in healthy obese women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jan;81(1):16-24.

Self-reported sleep duration is associated with the metabolic syndrome in midlife adults. Sleep. 2008 May 1;31(5):635-43.
Testimonial: "The Most Startling Change Is That My Mind Is So Clear!"

"The Optimal Health Center 35-day plan from your book, Ten Days to Optimal Health, is going very well. It is definitely a change, but a better one. My sugar/carb cravings are diminishing; I am much less nasal; and probably the most startling change is that my mind is so clear and I am recognizing how to pace myself. So, of course, sleep is better. Thanks."

 Read more testimonials
A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and/or Adrenal Stress Index Saliva Test (ASI) can now be purchased online through our website.

 Order Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and/or Adrenal Stress Index Saliva Test (ASI)

OHC Alternative Health Testing Services
Colon Cleanse DVDs
New Lower Prices on
All Colon Cleanse Educational Materials
Over the last nine years, we at the Optimal Health Center have seen thousands of clients. We have assisted these clients to recover from chronic constipation, IBS, insomnia, fibromyalgia, gas and bloating, low energy, and indigestion, to lose weight, and to cleanse the colon.

We believe that you can heal too! To assist you in your healing process, as well as the process of optimizing your health, we have created a full range of informational resources.

With the launch of our new website,
we have lowered the cost of our:

downloadable colon cleansing movies

downloadable health booklets

colon cleansing DVDs

colon cleanse books

Coffee Enema KitsSun Exposure Can Assist
Your Body To Detoxify

Summer is an important time to optimize your body's ability to detoxify using a colon cleanse program. During the summer, we ideally get more sun exposure. Sun exposure assists our body to produce vitamin D, which is used by the body to detoxify. Among other roles, vitamin D helps to detoxify cancer-triggering chemicals that are released during the digestion of high-fat foods. New studies by researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Each day, if you are light-skinned, lie in full sun, without sunscreen and with your body largely uncovered, for at least 20 minutes. Darker skinned people may need as much as 5 times the sun exposure each day to produce therapeutic amounts of vitamin D. Learn more

With optimal amounts of vitamin D in the body, you want your detoxification pathways working well. This is no small feat. Most of us, due to stress, hormonal imbalances, a continous consumption of bad fats, artificial food, added hormones, and heavy metals, are not able to keep up with our body's need to detoxify.

Fortunately, by taking a weekly enema, followed by a coffee enema, you can optimize your body's ability to detoxify. Colon cleasing assists your body to remove hormones and heavy metals and the by-products of consuming bad fats and artificial foods. The alkaloids in caffeine stimulate the production of lutathione-S-transferase, which is an enzyme that facilitates the liver detoxification pathways.

The Optimal Health Network's Complete Colon Cleanse Coffee Enema Bucket Kits give you the flexibility to first clean your entire colon and then take a coffee enema.

15% off your entire online order!

July 7
July 11
Newsletter subscribers can take advantage of our 15% OFF EVERYTHING SALE to stock up on needed items or to try something new.

This coupon sale applies only
to orders placed online.

COUPON # = 20080707

Be sure to enter the coupon number above in the coupon code box in your shopping cart when you place your order online.

15% Off Subscriber Sale: GOOD ALL DAY CDT 7/07/2008 - 7/11/2008