Optimal Health Network Newsletter With Kristina Amelong CNC, CT
January 2006


Welcome to the January 2006 edition of the Optimal Health Network Newsletter. First of all, we want to warmly invite you to join us at our Live Chat on Wednesday, January 18 at 5 p.m., CST. During this live event, Kristina can answer any and all of your questions. Additionally, you can enjoy the company of others who are using the tools of nutrition and colon cleansing to reach for optimal health. This newsletter will kick off our 2006 monthly newsletter program. This year each month we will be offering an array of up-to-date health news and information, new products and product sales that we hope will enrich our readers' lives. Thanks for being a part of this community!


  • OHN Continues to Grow to Meet Your Needs!

  • Vitamin D Reduces Your Risk of Cancer

  • An Inspiration to All

  • New Frequently Asked Questions

  • Innovative Enema System

  • January 3-Day 10% Off COUPON BELOW

  • Coming Soon to Optimal Health

  • Vitamin D Reduces Your Risk of Cancer

    Did you know: If you totally avoid the sun, recent research indicates you need about 4,000 units of vitamin D a day! So you can't get enough vitamin D from milk (unless you drink 40 glasses a day) or from a multivitamin (unless you take about 10 tablets a day), neither of which is recommended.

    Most of us make about 20,000 units of vitamin D after about 20 minutes of summer sun. This is about 100 times more vitamin D than the government says you need every day. If you don't get vitamin D the way Mother Nature intended, from sunshine, you need to take vitamin D supplements. Most of us need about 2,000-4,000 units a day extra. (From the Vitamin D Council)

    Higher intakes of vitamin D could reduce the risk of certain cancers by as much as 50 per cent, suggests a new study. "The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, combined with the discovery of increased risks of certain types of cancer in those who are deficient, suggest that vitamin D deficiency may account for several thousand premature deaths from cancer annually," said the researchers from the University of California Moores Cancer Center. Their conclusions are based on a study to be published in the February issue of The American Journal of Public Health (available online from 27 December 2005), which combined 63 observational studies of vitamin D status in relation to the risk of colon, breast, prostate or ovarian cancer.

    It is true that Vitamin D, from both the diet and the sun, are essential to your good health. These studies delightfully confirm the work that I have been doing with clients who I encourage to drink raw milk, eat healthy fat and get daily sunshine. The trick with vitamin D is you need lots and you only get it from animal fats and sunshine. This is why almost all of us need to supplement our diets using Cod Liver Oil and not all the synthetic supplements that are added to our food. To learn more about vitamin D, please go to the Weston A. Price Foundation website. And, take one to five tablespoons of Cod Liver Oil Daily!

    An Inspiration to All

    Over the past 6 months, I have met many people who are new to colon cleansing. They are inspired to try colonics or enemas because they want to feel better, or they don't want to end up like their brother who just died of cancer or they read about it in a book. For this reason, I want to highlight one man's testimonial. Please do take the time to read it because it so eloquently tells a lifelong story of colon cleansing success.

    New Frequently Asked Questions

    Each and every day we receive many wonderful emails asking questions about enemas, colon hydrotherapy, nutrition and the like. In order to give everyone as full of a picture as possible about what these tools have to offer, we continue to expand our frequently asked questions. Please do continue to send in your question, especially if you think others would like to hear the answers and do read our updated FAQs.

    Innovative Enema System

    Our newest product is the inspiration of a man who was diagnosed with cancer and was told he was going to die. He didn't. He credits his life to working with an alternative cancer specialist, Dr. Gonzales, whose work is based on the late Dr. William Kelley. Dr. Gonzales has his cancer patients do daily coffee enemas. The Kelley Protocol, a double enema system is the hallmark of the Kelley/Gonzalez cancer program.

    January 3-Day 10% Off COUPON BELOW

    Coming Soon to Optimal Health

    Infrared Sauna

    Massage Therapy

    Kristina Amelong's new paperback edition of
    "10 Days to Optimal Health"

    The Optimal Health Network and the Optimal Health Center are continuing to offer services and products that assist you to meet your optimal health needs.

    In order to meet the demands the Optimal Health Center has of people looking for colon hydrotherapy, we have added a new colon hydrotherapist, Dee Dee Delkamp CN, CCT. After a lot of hard work, she is now a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist (CCT) by the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy (I-ACT). She is also a Certified Nutritionist (CN). I know that we are all very blessed to have this loving and hard-working woman on our team. Welcome, Dee Dee!

    The Optimal Health Center has been fully remodeled to offer a more beautiful environment along with additional alternative health modalities such as Infrared Sauna, massage, and access to essential health items such as goat milk soap, high quality enema equipment, grass fed cheese and butter, sauerkraut, cod liver oil, and coconut oil.

    Our enema product line is expanding due to customer demand for innovative products. We now offer the Kelley Protocol, which I write about in this newsletter.

    This month we also offer to newsletter subscribers a 3-day 10% sale off all items.

    We welcome you to come visit us at our new location in Madison, Wisconsin. You can make an appointment for colon hydrotherapy, enema treatments, nutritional consulting, hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), metabolic typing or (coming soon) massage and/or a therapeutic whole body cleanse. In addition, you can purchase products or just meet the staff.

    Happy New Year!

    Learn more about colon hydrotherapy's certifying organization
    OHN Resources

    OHN FAQ's

    Colonic and Enema Equipment

    OHN Testimonials

    Optimal Health Center Services

    Join our mailing list!


    Newsletter subscribers can take advantage of our January 20-22 3-Day 10% Off Subscriber SALE to stock up on implant products, lubricants, supplements, detox products, etc and any new equipment that you need or have been thinking about trying. ENTER THE COUPON NUMBER BELOW WHEN YOU CHECKOUT YOUR ORDER IN OUR SHOPPING CART JANUARY 20 - 22 all day Pacific Standard Time. You will receive a 10% discount on all products ordered (online orders only) in addition to any existing sale price.

    COUPON # = 0601-3D10

    3-Day Subscriber Sale: JANUARY 20 - 22 PST only
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