Blandin Foundation's 2009 Broadband Conference will focus on the future of Minnesota communities, providing you with the information and tools you need to help your community to thrive. This conference is especially timely as the recommendations being forwarded by the Minnesota Ultra High-Speed Broadband Task Force report and FCC Rural Broadband Plan are being published.
Check out this year's conference highlights:
- Keynote by Jim Baller
Baller Herbst Law Group, National Broadband Policy - Musings of an Informed Insider
- Best Practices in Broadband-Based Economic Development - "Intelligent Communities"
Leaders Share How They Found Their Path to a Technologically-Enhanced Future
- The Who, The What and the Hopes
Broadband Stimulus in Minnesota
- Voices from the Future
Student Leaders' Perspectives on getting from here to a broadband-enabled future
- Break-out Sessions
Social Media Policies for Organizations; Finding the Right Partners and Creating Connections that Last;
and Bleeding Edge Video Technologies
- Realizing Our Broadband Future
University Competition Designing Broadband-Enhanced Communities
Download Preliminary Agenda
Download Fact Sheet
Registration fee: $105
Location: Holiday Inn - Downtown Waterfront
(Special hotel rate $89. To reserve your room, call 800.477.7089, and mention "Blandin Foundation.")
SPECIAL: Pre-conference Webinars - FREE, Open to the public. Learn more |