Creative Emergence Newsletter
March 2011
In This Issue
Creativity Retreat
New Work Paradigm
Cultivating Creativity
Yin-Yang Creativity
CreativiTweet Links
CreativiTweet Musings
Conference Survey
Creativity Network
Our Services

Hi everyone...and welcome new subscribers!

As you know, we're producing another Creativity in Business Conference on Sunday, Oct. 23 at CDIA in Georgetown! We'll have the presenter proposal forms up on the website Monday, March 14. It was originally supposed to be up today, but we're still reviewing your feedback - thanks SO much! - to help inform the RFPs and we'll use this weekend to finalize. (It is not too late to send in your feedback - see link below).

Also, consider joining us at the Feathered Pipe Ranch for our Creativity for Your Calling retreat in the gorgeous Montana mountains this summer, their best month of year! Details below.

Speaking of aliveness, thanks goes out to our graphic designer, Timothy Flatt, who juiced up our logo with a vibrant-color makeover.

Due to the ever-widening recognition of creativity as essential for thriving in the new world of work, more people are starting creativity groups and coaching practices - a promising sign! I get frequent calls on how to establish a creativity consulting, coaching or facilitating business or a creativity group. In following this exciting emergence, that additional focus is now a new part of my creative emergence coaching practice. If you are interested to learn more about individual sessions or this new program, call for a free 30-minute phone consult to see if it resonates for you.  

Have a fun, generative spring!


Creativity for Your Calling: Engaging Your Aliveness

Feathered Pipe Ranch

Week-long NEW Program at the Feathered Pipe Ranch

In stunning Montana ~ July 23-29 ~ Only $1295


Do you feel you have a calling - a purpose - but are not quite sure what it is? Do you yearn to connect with and express that juicy creative wellspring you know is in you? Do you desire to move beyond the voices of fear, resistance and judgment into the voices of aliveness, meaning and passion? And have fun doing it? Then come play with us as you engage more of YOU


Your calling is unique to you and you are the only one who can bring it out into the world. In this all-new fun, soulful and wildly creative program, you will use your whole-brain and your body to answer the call. This retreat will give you the chance to indulge and cultivate your talents, skills, and "sacred" gifts; immerse yourself in your own depth and richness; open to new possibilities; and experience the full-on aliveness and wisdom of your Creative Self as you unfold, shape and form your distinctive "Calling Card" - an Action and Reflection Guide to continue the journey beyond the retreat setting.


Retreat Details & registration here 

27 Elements of the New Work Paradigm


What worked in the past no longer serves us, and the new paradigm is still emerging. Like many people, I believe the emerging work paradigm will be a more life-giving one: creativity-centered, meaning-filled and generative - creatively, financially, and in service of the greater good. Click here for some of the differences between what's been and what's emerging

9 Practices for Cultivating Creative Aliveness 


9 ways to engage your Creative Self for more creativity, awareness, insights, a-has, expression, ideas, solutions and meaning. Click here for article. (Re-post from the New Year's email for our new subscribers).

The Yin-Yang of Creative Emergence

Since the last newsletter, I was interviewed by on applied creativity and emergence. For me, part of what's most significant about creative process is the paradoxes and seeming contradictions it contains that are really the yin and yang of the same whole - and need each other. You can read the interview here.
(You might want to skip over the long intro. part).

CreativiTweet Links

Every issue I include some of my recently tweeted links - articles, videos, and other creativity-related links of interest. Come join me there anytime at @CreatvEmergence   

1.  Free Applied Improv eBook compiled by @iangotts:
    (delighted to be a contributor)
The 5 Habits of Great Innovators -  
Right-brain pattern break for your day by @MetaThis:
5 ways to maximize cognitive potential l Sci. Am. article:
The Many Faces of the Performer - Huffington Post article:

6.  11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources -
7.  The Business of Storytelling -

8.  A Co-creation Primer - Harvard Business Review -

9.  9 Attitudes of Highly Creative People by Darren Rowse - 

10. 7 Tips for Building an Innovation Culture -

11. LOVE THIS! Reel Wisdom: Lessons from 40 Films in 7 Minutes (vide0 clips) -

12. On Resiliency - Berkana Institute -

13. Creativity is a non-linear process - Everybody as Artist:
14. Traits of Advanced Leaders include break mental boundaries and challenging established patterns - HBR:
15. Cultivating imagination for innovation -              

CreativiTweet Musings

Every issue I also include some of my own musings in 140 characters or less. These are some of my recently tweeted thoughts about creativity and emergence.


1.  The practice of changing ORs into ANDs is a great way to expand the brain's playing field and create something new.

2.  When facilitating, with gentle containment you get creative surprises; with over control you get predictability.

3.  The answer to "Is it possible?" in the face of an inspired idea is neither 'yes' nor 'no' - it's just changing "Is it?" to "How can I (we)?"

4.  Everyone's already creative - just looks/expresses differently. When you open to your own version, you generate more aliveness.

5.  What can appear to be magic or a miracle in a static, mechanistic Universe can be normal in a dynamic, creative Universe.

6.  Essential tension within creative emergence - newness wants to burst forth (expansion); status quo wants to maintain (contraction) - like in any birth.
7.  Creativity generates emergence & emergence produces creativity - process is an ongoing feedback loop.
8.  Walls are almost always doors-in-waiting.
9.  Why I love creative process: there are as many ways to create as there are creators; unlimited ways within each creator; and unlimited ways between creators.

10. Cultivating wisdom requires different approaches than cultivating creativity.

11. The right brain is what gives the left brain something new to organize - and it needs space and time to do its thing. 

12. Creativity thrives in the dynamic balance between disciplined and wildly undisciplined thinking.

Survey: Your Feedback Wanted 

Earlier this week we sent out a survey for the

Creativity in Business Conference

. Your feedback will help us get a feel for what is emerging, as well as inform sessions and the panels, so please let us know your thoughts while we are still in formation mode. In case you didn't receive the email or see it yet, you can access the survey

here. (Date for RFPs to be up on website is March 14). Thank you so much! Surveys go to our conference administrator, Tya Bolton, at

Capitol Creativity Network - April 13

Join us for our next session lead by seasoned creative process leader, Joe Miguez. We are in for a real treat - he is awesome! Details will be on the website soon. 7:00-9:30 at Cleveland Park Club House in DC. $25 at the door. More info at

Our Services

The Center for Creative Emergence
is a creativity consulting, training and coaching company dedicated to integrating inspired creativity, meaning, organizational culture and business for a happier and more productive work life and a richer bottom line. We cultivate breakthroughs and emergence with entrepreneurs, teams, and organizations. CEO Michelle James has a mission to engage people into their full humanness via whole-brain (and body) creative process for innovative work, positive social change and consciously creating a generative, life-giving future.

Our Services include creativity and emergence coaching and facilitating, whole-brain corporate and public workshops, conference presentations, creativity events and Quantum Leap Business Improv

Coaching Clients
include Entrepreneurs who want to develop their signature approach, products and services, or future story; Leaders who want to draw out and focus the creativity of their work force; Pioneers who are forging new territory or creating new models; Facilitators who want to create new programs or workshops; Partners and Teams who want to co-create or establish a creative work culture. 

Organizational Clients
have included Deloitte, Microsoft, GEICO, RAPP, Kaiser Permanente, Inova Health System, Cable & Wireless, National Institutes of Health, The World Bank, Invest Northern Ireland, Service Employee International Union, Search for Common Ground, Center for Nonprofit Advancement, Teach for America and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration among others.

Blog: is The Fertile Unknown at
Twitter: CreatvEmergence 
Michelle James