June 2012Issue No. 20
Summer Masthead



Your continued support helps us move forward and is a key factor in meeting future challenges. Thank you for all you continue to do for Fort Lewis College.

FLC Foundation Al Harper interview.mov

Al Harper:
Trains, Brains &
the Liberal Arts

In this edition, Shan Wells speaks with Al Harper, owner of the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad about military miniatures, "foamers," and his long-standing commitment to FLC and the liberal arts.
The Big Bang Theory, Colorado-Style 
A chat with Fort Lewis College Physical Chemistry
Professor and Roger Peters Distingued Professor
Award winner, Dr. Ron Estler

Dr. Estler tells us why Fort Lewis College's Chemistry Department is a screaming bargin, how he got into teaching in the first place, and perhaps most importantly, the secret of his famous "Sheldon Shirt!" 
(click for complete story)
Shan Wells Joins Foundation

Shan Wells, longtime Durango artist and designer has stepped in to fill the rather large shoes of Foundation Senior Graphic Designer Tom Fuhrmark.


Shan has a deep connection to FLC, including a father, two aunts, one uncle and a grandfather. You might say the college is a family tradition...     

 (click for complete story)


Planned Giving Q & A

Have you considered a planned gift to benefit Fort Lewis College? Here is a brief Planned Giving Q & A to help you get started as you consider your own legacy for the future students of Fort Lewis College...
 (click for complete story)


Fort Lewis "Planned Giving" Contributions
Radium Girls 2012 Trailer
In the first of our series of short video tidbits, fortifacts, we're pleased to present the trailer for Radium Girlsthe second of three plays staged by FLC Theatre during the 2011-12 season. The work received very favorable reviews in local media, and won several college theatre awards. 
Upcoming editions of this series will feature micro lectures by FLC faculty, events, issues, and people from the FLC community. Stay tuned!
In This Issue
Interview Series: Al Harper
Dr. Ron Estler
Shan Wells Joins Foundation
Planned Giving
Make a Gift
Margie Deane Gray
Margie Deane Gray

Margie Deane Gray,

Executive Director, FLC Foundation


Dear Good Friends,


Yes, indeed, "good friends" is what you are! Good friends of Fort Lewis College. With your wonderful support, the College continues to soar to greater heights and has no plans on looking back.


Over the past year, President Dene Thomas has been stressing the body/mind connection at Fort Lewis. We have many amazing athletes who are perfect examples of those who excel not only on the field or court but also in the classroom. 


For those of you who weren't aware, Fort Lewis College's Women's Basketball team was recognized as an Academic All-America team, with one of its players having the highest GPA (3.715) in the country for any women's basketball team regardless of the division. The Men's Cross Country team was also recognized as an Academic All-America team. Individuals who were named to the Academic All-America teams were Frank Atherton in football, Stephanie Janes in softball, Berekk Blackwell in men's soccer and Matt Morris in men's basketball. 


In addition, we had six teams maintaining GPAs of 3.0 or higher in 2011-2012. I added up all of the academic awards received by our athletes this past year and there were 137 athletes who received awards!


That is phenomenal.


As a member of the Fort Lewis College family, their successes are your successes. When there is an opportunity to brag that our small college is having successes that most colleges and universities ten times its size will never achieve, we should all be bragging. After all, it is your college, and you have bragging rights, too. Spread the word about our accomplishments; it might help recruit other outstanding students.


As donors, your contributions to the College have assisted Fort Lewis more than you realize. Donations to the Foundation's General Fund have helped us put money where the need is the greatest at the College. Without these unrestricted funds we would be hamstrung. It is our most important funding source. So thank you once again. Your gifts have truly made a difference in many ways that you may not even realize.


Enjoy your summer!




Margie Deane Gray


Calendar of Events 2012 (click for details)  

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