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Interactive Bible Teaching

Love & Relationships






 This month we explore what the Bible has to say about love, sex, relationships and commitment. Join us for lively discussion and spiritual applications to some of today's relationship challenges. 

Love in action

by Pastors Denis & Lorna Wade  


Denis and Lorna Wade 


 Pastors Denis and Lorna challenged the misconceptions about love last Sunday . 

To download or listen to it now click here




Joint Sunday Evening Services


Join us for Sunday evening services with Transform Network SE London churches at Malham Christian Centre, 7 - 9pm. Click here for a map.



Leadership Training

 March 2012 



Transform Network is running a training course from 24th March over 12 Saturdays or from 29th March over 12 Thursdays. 


Topics include:


(The person of Jesus)


(The defence of the Gospel)


(How we do church)

And much more!


 Leaflets are available on Sunday.


Get Connected 



We want to expand our network of Connect Groups within Micah to strengthen relationships and encourage spiritual growth.


We're especially on the lookout for:

hosts, venues, leaders!


Contact the office at or on 020 8297 5287 if you're interested.


Sunday morning prayer

10.15 - 11.15am


Prayer is at the heart of everything Micah does, because it is God who leads, empowers and moves. 

Join us as we commit the service into God's hands and seek His direction every Sunday at 10.15am.   


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Making relationships work


"Love is friendship set on fire."

- Jeremy Taylor




Our Love and Relationships Summit sparked a second week of frank debate and discussion last Sunday.


Pastors Denis and Lorna opened with a challenging talk on what love is, as well as what it isn't: attraction, lust, sex, infatuation, feelings, intimacy. They also shared openly about the lessons they learned in the early years of their marriage. Click here to download their message.


This Sunday's topic is Making Relationships Work and some of the questions up for discussion include: 

  • How important is it that your partner's family accepts you?
  • How much of an influence should your family have on your marriage?
  • What is your cultural comfort zone? Is it realistic?
  • Would you consider stepping outside your cultural comfort zone?
  • And more!  


Wednesday evening Bible teaching

If you haven't made it to the first two interactive Bible teaching sessions on Wednesday evenings you've really missed out.  

Wednesday's teaching on Samson and Delilah was a real eye-opener, as we looked at how an arrogant and selfish approach to relationships can lead to self-destruction (Judges 13 - 16). After that none of us present could ever say we never saw it coming!


"The study we had with Samson and Delilah was good because it made me realise that Samson was an anointed man, but because he went outside God's will and was deceived three times by Delilah it showed how, when you just go for beauty you could get killed by your own desires.


"I thought it was also good because it was interactive from the beginning and there was discussion, so if you wanted to get clarification on a particular point in the Bible you could."


-Shakira Lueshing, Micah Member


This teaching is a must for anyone navigating the difficult waters of relationships. Make sure you're there next Wednesday.


Love & Relationships Summit  2012 Programme:

Woman with heart


Sunday Service:  11.30am


Lunch:  1.30 - 2.30pm


Relationship Forum:  2.30 - 4pm 


Networking:  4 - 5pm


Wednesday evening interactive

Bible teaching: 7.15 - 9.15pm



Join the conversation on Twitter @micahchurch #MicahLOVE.

How to pray to change your  marriage

by Natasha Ruddock


Marriage is a lifelong union created by God. There is immense power in two Christians coming together as one. The enemy will always try to attack Christian marriages in whatever way he can. For a marriage to survive and be successful there needs to be three parties involved: the husband, the wife and God. Putting God at the centre of your marriage can give unlimited possibilities for growing closer to the perfection God intended it to be. No matter what stage your marriage is at, you need to commit to fulfil the plan God has for your marriage, and to ultimately glorify God through it.


Wedding rings 



Take authority

When you face a tough situation in your marriage, take authority over it in Jesus' name and then praise God for the victory He has already won on your behalf! When we pray with God-given authority, it releases the power of God to work in both your lives...


Here's what to pray in different situations:


If communication breaks down:

  • That the enemy's plan to disrupt communication will not succeed and that you will be able to communicate openly and clearly.
  • That you will both have ears to hear God and each other.
  • You will enjoy doing things together and become best friends.
  • Speak words of encouragement and honour, respect and appreciate each other (even if you don't feel like it).


Natasha Ruddock is Editorial Coordinator for UCB Prayer for Today. This excerpt from an article with the same title in the Feb, Mar, Apr 2012 issue was used with permission. To read the full article (pp 22-3) click here.


Micah Christian Ministries, 12 Belmont Hill, Lewisham SE13 5BD
Tel: 020 8297 5287  Email:
