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Prayer and Worship Night


 Prayer and worship




 Come along and praise God for what he's done, and thank Him for what's to come in 2012!


Any prayer requests for the year? Bring them along.

How to live a transformed life

Pastor Denis Wade  




"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good and pleasing and perfect will."

Romans 12:2

 Click here to listen now.


 Micah Cafe



For the month of January hot dinners will not be served, but hot snacks will be available to purchase.



Celebrating the women whom God chooses

Celebrating women

Sunday 29th January


Our next women's event looks at how God can redeem our past and give us a future.


Join us for a special service with a message from Pastor Lorna Wade, a complimentary meal, followed by a networking and consultation event.



Wanted: Admin Volunteers

woman computer


We need administrative volunteers to help out in Micah's office. Volunteer your time and gain valuable office experience that will serve you well in your next role.


Any time you could give between Tuesday to Friday would be appreciated.


Contact the office on

020 8297 5287 for details.

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Love lessons 


"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you can never tell."

- Joan Crawford

In many ways this quote rings true. Love can be dangerous, risky and passionate - definitely not for the fainthearted!


But even if you've been burned by love in the past, there's something in each of us that yearns for the warmth, acceptance and joy of being in a loving relationship. Those of us who are in one know that this takes work, and it's more of a journey than a destination.


 Valentine man


Our month-long Relationship Summit, starting next Sunday, 8th February, aims to help you navigate the dangerous and delightful business of love.


 Join us and: 



Woman with heart



Hear the important issues surrounding singleness, relationships and marriage.


Understand how to navigate the inevitable challenges.


Improve your relationships and resolve conflicts.


Achieve a happier life and a greater wellbeing.




There will be something for all ages, including teaching on a Sunday morning, an interactive Bible study on Wednesday evenings and a Sunday afternoon Relationship Forum, hosted by the young adults, featuring interactive discussions with a guest panel. The forum will address hot topics, such as:


  • Chemistry v Character
  • Venus and Mars - Common assumptions 
  • Responding to unfaithfulness
  • Cultural comfort zones
  • And more!


    This is your chance to get your questions answered, to learn from the experiences of others, and to hear what the Bible has to say. Why not invite your friends and family who you think could benefit from this Summit? See below for details.


    Sundays 11.30am | Lunch 1.30 - 2.30pm | Relationship Forum 2.30 - 4pm | Networking 4 - 5pm

    Midweek Interactive Bible Study (Wednesdays) 7.15 - 9.15pm


    Force for good


    Micah has joined forces with five other churches -
    Catford Community Church, Crystal Palace Community Church, Brockley Community Church, Forest Hill Community Church and Crofton Park Baptist Church - to make a significant impact on the community for Christ this year.


    Leadership Training Course 

    The Transform Network is committed to working together to advance God's kingdom. One of its first joint initiatives this year is an exciting 12-week training course in Christian life and leadership, starting in March.  


    The course is for anyone who wants to know more about God and the Bible, as well as those in leadership roles. It will cover areas of theology, such as the persons of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, as well as practical church life and leadership (pastoral care, evangelism etc). At only �50 this is an excellent investment in your spiritual growth! Leaflets are available this Sunday.


     Joint Sunday Evening Services

    Following the first Sunday evening service at Malham Christian Centre in Forest Hill earlier this year, Micah will be joining with the Transform Network churches for worship and prayer every Sunday evening. This is a great opportunity to join with people from a range of backgrounds to share and worship in a spirit of unity.


    Join us this Sunday evening at 7pm, Malham Christian Centre, 118 Malham Road, Forest Hill SE23 1AN. Click here for map.



    Micah Christian Ministries, 12 Belmont Hill, Lewisham SE13 5BD
    Tel: 020 8297 5287  Email:
