Micah Women's Event

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Micah Women are pleased to present... 


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Ladies' Bible Study

Sunday Matinee


This Sunday 31st July 2011





Women of Excellence screening of One Night with the King



Earlier this year we screened the first half of this film featuring the life of Hadassah, a young Jewess who entered a beauty pageant to become Esther, the Queen of Persia - and won! Following popular demand, we're screening the film entire.




The film brings up notions of beauty - both inner and outer - as well as the drama of a time when Israel was threatened with genocide.


The afternoon will include a meal, and the chance to share your thoughts with others. All this for only �8! This event is for women and men (for one time only!). Senior women and young women go free. If you've already booked your place and haven't paid please bring along your money and don't miss this event, to be held in the canteen at 2.30pm.


















Micah Christian Ministries, 12 Belmont Hill, Lewisham, SE13 5BD
Tel: 020 8297 5287  Email:
