Develop Common Ground
                            Autism Remediation


Want to have a rich and satisfying family life? Managing family time can be particularly challenging when you have a child on the autism spectrum. The following points will help you plan your lifestyle to meet the needs of your whole family. May these strategies bring peace and joy to your household throughout the year.

Happy 2011!


P.S. Find more info and tips on my website at

 Creating a Balanced Life with a Child on the Autism Spectrum

1. Less is more. Put some breathing room in your family routine. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) need time to process their experiences. Limit your child's activity commitments in favor of unhurried family time.

2. Take time out. Schedule time for activities that rejuvenate you, outside the family. Whether it is girl's night out or golf, making time to do the things you love renews your zest for life.

3. Enjoy your mate. This is often the first thing to go when a child has special needs. Find a caregiver you trust and schedule dates with your partner at least once a month. It will make you a happier, more effective team.
4. Engage your child with ASD. Make time for each parent with your child daily. For a child with ASD, engaging one-on-one is easier than engaging in groups. Doing chores and games with you, or just hanging out, builds your child's confidence and strengthens your bond.

5. Set limits. Your child needs attention, but not all the time. To have a balanced life, you have to set limits. Your child with ASD may have difficulty understanding limits. Often parents of children on the autism spectrum need outside assistance to teach their child limits. If you need help, get it now.

6. Siblings are special. Plan times for siblings with each parent. Nurture your connection with each of your children. Your undivided attention will teach them that they are special, too.

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Contact Information

Kari Ramachandran, LOT
Occupational Therapist
RDI Certified Consultant
(512) 363-6857

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Offer Expires: January 15, 2011