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"Twitter is a great place to tell the world what you're thinking before you've had a chance to think about it."
~ Chris Pirillo, blogger
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We bring you confidence through information.
Our job is to provide you the information you need. Whether it's through our investigative services or through our informative newsletters, we want you to have the latest and current information. In this edition, we have provided a case study on Facebook Confessions and an article about the 5.5 Features of Facebook for Florida Attorneys. We encourage you to share our e-newsletter with others in your sphere of influence.
Your Team at Complete Legal Investigations
Case Study
Facebook Confessions
Our client was involved in an altercation with a bouncer at a Boca Raton nightclub that resulted in an injury when the bouncer dislocated the client's shoulder. Police responded and, based on the bouncer's allegations, arrested the client for assault. Humiliated by the arrest and suffering from his injury, the client retained counsel, who hired us to conduct a background investigation on the bouncer.
We conducted a records check and database search, finding several addresses and minor traffic infractions. A request to various law enforcement agencies for incident reports in which the bouncer was listed as a complainant, witness, suspect or other returned only two reports from the local police, one of which was the case involving our client. The other report documented an injury from a car crash. There was nothing significant or substantial in the database reports or court search, other than a negligence suit filed on behalf of the subject for his injury sustained in the crash.
With little information of value developed from the official records searches conducted, we turned our attention to social media, specifically Facebook and Twitter. We were able to identify our subject by his distinctive name. We were surprised to find that he had no privacy filters in place, and we were able to peruse his entire site with no restrictions.
As discussed in the accompanying article, "5.5 Features of Facebook for Florida Attorneys," we were able to obtain a photograph of the bouncer from his profile page. We learned where he had gone to high school and where he attended college (before dropping out). We discovered that he... Read More
5.5 Features of Facebook for Florida Attorneys
The social networking phenomenon Facebook has garnered tremendous interest from personal and business sectors, as millions of people sign up to share massive amounts of information with an ever-widening group of "friends." Now in its eighth year, Facebook had over 900 million users as of May 2012. More than half these users access the site via a mobile device.1 The United States accounts for 157 million of those members. According to the United States Census, the population of the United States in July 2012 is 313 million people. You do the math.
Although its recent initial public offering was a financial flop, Facebook is still the predominant social networking site in the world, and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.
For those engaged in litigation who need information about plaintiffs, witnesses, defendants, and even expert witnesses, the site offers a virtual cornucopia of data that can enhance a deposition or cross examination. It is a vital tool for the professional legal investigator.
Here, in no particular order, are 5.5 (actually six, but I love the alliteration!) features of Facebook for Florida attorneys (and attorneys for any other state).
Do you need to identify a subject for a surveillance or service of process? That's the beauty of Facebook. There's your subject in living color. He or she may be in a costume or in silhouette, in color or black and white, with or without a spouse or partner. Sometimes you'll find someone who just has a blank profile (the familiar "blue face"). But more often than not, people who want to communicate something about themselves to family, extended family and friends will share their face with the world.
Are you trying to locate someone for service, but can't find a lead to their whereabouts? We have... Read More
About Us
At Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., we help our clients eliminate uncertainty by understanding the issues confronting them. We conduct interviews, research, and forensic analysis to clarify disputed facts and identify potential solutions. Complete Legal Investigations, Inc. is comprised of talented and experienced investigators and researchers with over 80 years' combined experience in the legal system. Our staff is bilingual and comprised of former federal and state investigators, Certified Legal Investigators (CLI®), Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE®), and a Certified and Florida Registered Paralegal (CP®). Working as a team, we provide an adjunct staff that works cooperatively with your law firm or business, so that you can offer your client the very best legal representation. Learn more
Contact Us: Post Office Box 33676 West Palm Beach, FL 33420-3676 Tel 561-687-8381 Fax 561-687-8389 info@completelegalinv.com www.completelegalinv.com
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