
| April 2012 |
 Upcoming Events
May 4, 2012 - Palm Beach County Bar Association Law Day Luncheon, featuring Elizabeth Smart, Marriott West Palm Beach
Flower Sponsor of the Month - Palm Beach County Bar Association
May 18-19, 2012 - Palm Beach County Justice Association 13th Annual Fishing Tournament, Lake Park Harbor & Marina November 2012 - Palm Beach County Bar Association Flower Sponsor of the Month, celebrating the Bar's new building
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers."
~ M. Scott Peck
We bring you confidence through information.
Our job is to provide you the information you need. Whether it's through our investigative services or through our informative newsletters, we want you to have the latest and current information. In this edition, we have provided you case studies and an article about due diligence. We encourage you to share our e-newsletter with others in your sphere of influence.
Sincerely, Your Team at Complete Legal Investigations
Due Diligence Case Studies
Credit Line
A South American investor sought approval of a multi-million dollar credit line from a local financial institution. Assets listed included a manufacturing facility in the investor's home country, and the client was seeking verification of the facility's capacity. An associate in Miami arranged for a reputable investigator to visit the facility. He confirmed its status with local business owners and the local Chamber of Commerce and prepared a carefully written report with supporting photographs. The investor's request for credit was granted.
Investment CapitalAn attorney contacted us on behalf of a client who wanted to invest a substantial sum into a manufacturing project. We were provided with web-based resumes on the subject. Our online research verified his past accomplishments in the industrial sector. He had prior success with other enterprises in the Midwest, and his career was well-documented in business and industry journals. However, we uncovered a federal... Read More
Do the "Due" (Diligence)
In these challenging financial times, we've received a lot of requests to "find the money." Investments were made in promising enterprises that failed. Now the lawyers are called in to survey the damages and recover what they can. Often, there is nothing to find. Invested money has been lost due to a combination of overhead, bad timing, loss of credit lines, shrinking market share, mismanagement, or just plain foolishness.
There's no way around it, business is a risk. However, risk can be mitigated by excellent market research, sound management, a well prepared (and flexible) business plan, and access to both capital and credit. Risk cannot be mitigated merely by believing in a great proposal, a hunch, personal experience, or a smooth presentation. This is the arena of speculation, not investment, and a place of pitfalls, broken promises, and probable litigation.
Black's Law Dictionary defines due diligence as, "Such a measure of prudence, activity, or assiduity, as is properly to be expected from, and ordinarily exercised by, a reasonable and prudent man under the particular circumstances; not measured by any absolute standard, but depending on the relative facts of the special case."
So, what constitutes due diligence in your market? Is it running a database report to determine if the subject has any tangible assets, like real estate, automobiles, boats, or planes? Is it checking the local courthouse to identify liens, judgments, or pending lawsuits? Does due diligence involve conducting... Read More
About Us
At Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., we help our clients eliminate uncertainty by understanding the issues confronting them. We conduct interviews, research, and forensic analysis to clarify disputed facts and identify potential solutions. Complete Legal Investigations, Inc. is comprised of talented and experienced investigators and researchers with over 80 years' combined experience in the legal system. Our staff is bilingual and comprised of former federal and state investigators, Certified Legal Investigators (CLI®), Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE®), and a Certified and Florida Registered Paralegal (CP®). Working as a team, we provide an adjunct staff that works cooperatively with your law firm or business, so that you can offer your client the very best legal representation. Learn more
Contact Us: Post Office Box 33676 West Palm Beach, FL 33420-3676 Tel 561-687-8381 Fax 561-687-8389 info@completelegalinv.com www.completelegalinv.com
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