September 2011

In This Issue
Upcoming Events
Case Study - Caught in South Beach
Six Signs of a Dating "Shark"

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September 15, 2011 - Sponsor of Palm Beach County Bar Association Membership Happy Hour, Brio Tuscan Grille, Palm Beach Gardens


September 30, 2011 - Sponsor of Palm Beach County Justice Association Golf Tournament, Falls Country Club


November 2, 2011 - Sponsor of Palm Beach County Bar Association Solo & Small Firm Luncheon, Bar Association office


"There is no doubt that it is around the family and the home that all the great virtues, the most dominating virtues of human society, are created, strengthened and maintained"

Winston Churchill          




We bring you confidence through information.

Our job is to provide you the information you need. Whether it's through our investigative services or through our informative newsletters, we want you to have the latest and current information. In this edition, we have addressed two subjects: a "Case Study", Caught in South Beach and the second is the Six Signs of a Dating Shark.

We want to write about topics that you can use in your day-to-day practice. Please e-mail us your topics of interest at [email protected].

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Your Team at Complete Legal Investigations

Case Study - Caught in South Beach

Surveillance is the "art" of covertly following someone and documenting his activities. For the audience of television and film, it appears brief, interesting, and productive. For the professional investigator, however, it is long hours of boredom, interspersed with short bursts of frantic activity.  


Attorneys still request surveillance for their clients, even though "no fault" divorce laws have eliminated the need to establish adultery as a cause for divorce. Our attorney-clients request surveillance to establish spending habits of a philandering spouse, in custody cases, and for "peace of mind" for a client who simply needs to know that another person is involved in the relationship. Others have corporate interests in mind.


Case Study:


Several years ago, we were asked to conduct surveillance on a senior executive who was in Miami on a business trip with his personal assistant. The client suspected that the executive was having an affair with the assistant. There were marital and employment issues at stake.


The only information we had about the subject was a blurry photo and a physical description, along with the hotel they were staying at, a well-known facility in downtown Miami. We did not have their work schedule and had no idea what activities they had scheduled. The surveillance team called for a married couple (which consisted of yours truly and his partner, licensed investigator Wendy Murnan, CP, FRP) and a third investigator. Wendy and I would maintain watch inside the lobby, and the third investigator would watch for the subject outside from his vehicle.

The investigation began at 10 a.m. on a Friday morning
... Read More 



Six Signs of a Dating "Shark"

For whatever reason, you're single again. In a society with a divorce rate of more than fifty percent, odds are good it has or could happen to you. If it has, and you find yourself "in the market" for companionship, here are some suggestions on protecting yourself from the phonies and frauds who prey on newly single people.


First, get some counseling. The reason your relationship didn't last has much more to do with the person you see in the mirror every day than most people are willing to admit. I'm not suggesting that you're responsible for your spouse's infidelity or abandonment or inability to commit; no, they're accountable for their own behavior. What I am saying is, unless you're from a culture where someone picked your spouse for you, you picked that person!


The fact is, we attract certain types of people into our lives, and only intensive counseling and personal honesty will prevent us from making  ...Read More 



About Us
At Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., we help our clients eliminate uncertainty by understanding the issues confronting them. We conduct interviews, research, and forensic analysis to clarify disputed facts and identify potential solutions.

Complete Legal Investigations, Inc. is comprised of talented and experienced investigators and researchers with over 80 years' combined experience in the legal system. Our staff is bilingual and comprised of former federal and state investigators, Certified Legal Investigators (CLI�), Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE�), and a Certified and Florida Registered Paralegal (CP�). Working as a team, we provide an adjunct staff that works cooperatively with your law firm or business, so that you can offer your client the very best legal representation.  Learn more


Contact Us:
Post Office Box 33676
West Palm Beach, FL 33420-3676
Tel 561-687-8381
Fax 561-687-8389
[email protected]

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