
| May 2010 |
Upcoming Events

Presentation: May 21, 2010 - Palm Beach County Bar Association, Family Law "Lunch and Learn" Series, Palm Beach County Courthouse, West Palm Beach
Presentation: July 29, 2010 - North County Section of Palm Beach County Bar Association,"Legislation and its Impact on Lawyers," Abacoa Golf & Country Club, Jupiter

"I know your type. You have a secret passion for justice." "I have a secret passion for mercy, but justice is what keeps happening to people." - Lew Archer, from Ross McDonald's The Goodbye Look, 1969 |
We bring you confidence through information.
Our job is to provide you the information you need. Whether it's through our investigative services or through our informative newsletters, we want you to have the latest and current information. In this edition, we have addressed two subjects: Child Support: Getting Yours . . . or Not and Six Signs of a Dating Shark.
We want to write about topics that you can use in your day-to-day practice. Please e-mail us your topics of interest at InvestigativeReport@completelegalinv.com.
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Sincerely, Your Team at Complete Legal Investigations
Child Support: Getting Yours...Or Not
One of the consequences of divorce, if children are involved, is child support. If you're one of the fortunate custodial parents who's receiving all the financial support that you're entitled to, congratulations! You're in a statistical minority, however. When it comes to child support, the facts are pretty dismal. In Florida, 826,000 children are owed $4 billion in support, and only 39% have received at least one payment! In fact, only 25% of all cases receive total payments!
If a NCP (non-custodial parent) has made a determination not to pay and avoids payment by moving or quitting his job, you face the uphill battle of getting your money. If you're willing to delegate the task ... Read More
Six Signs of a Dating "Shark"
For whatever reason, you're single again. In a society with a divorce rate of more than fifty percent, odds are good it has or could happen to you. If it has, and you find yourself "in the market" for companionship, here are some suggestions on protecting yourself from the phonies and frauds who prey on newly single people.
First, get some counseling. The reason your relationship didn't last has much more to do with the person you see in the mirror every day than most people are willing to admit. I'm not suggesting that you're responsible for your spouse's infidelity or abandonment or inability to commit; no, they're accountable for their own behavior. What I am saying is, unless you're from a culture where someone picked your spouse for you, you picked that person!
The fact is, we attractcertain types of people into our lives, and only intensive counseling and personal honesty will prevent us from making ... Read more
About Us
At Complete Legal Investigations, Inc., we help our clients eliminate uncertainty by understanding the issues confronting them. We conduct interviews, research, and forensic analysis to clarify disputed facts and identify potential solutions. Complete Legal Investigations, Inc. is comprised of talented and experienced investigators and researchers with over 80 years' combined experience in the legal system. Our staff is bilingual and comprised of former federal and state investigators, Certified Legal Investigators (CLI®), Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE®), and a Certified and Florida Registered Paralegal (CP®). Working as a team, we provide an adjunct staff that works cooperatively with your law firm or business, so that you can offer your client the very best legal representation. Learn more Contact Us: 5725 Corporate Way, Suite 209 West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Tel 561-687-8381 Tel 772-878-1380 fax 561-687-8389 www.completelegalinv.com
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