Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Opt for Healthy Snacks! 
May 2012
Volume 8   Issue 5 
In This Issue
Planning for Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating on the Go
Healthy Snack Ideas
Serving Size

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.


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YEAH Teem Board Nov2010 


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OF Color Nov2010
Fruit Kabobs
Serving size: 2 skewers
Yield:  2 servings 




4 ounces fat-free lemon yogurt


1 tsp. fresh lime juice


1 tsp. lime zest


6 pineapple chunks


6 strawberries


1 kiwi, peeled and diced


6 red grapes


4 wooden skewers



In a small bowl, whisk together the yogurt, lime juice and lime zest.  Cover and refrigerate until needed.


Thread 1 of each fruit on to the skewer.  Repeat with the other skewers until the fruit is gone. 


Serve with the lemon lime dip.


To prevent fruit from browning, dip in pineapple juice.


Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.

OF Color Nov2010

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Healthy Choices Nov2010  




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Wells Fargo



Wells Fargo offers grants in the areas of community development, education and human services.   Non-profit organizations and educational programs in the Wells Fargo service area are eligible to apply.  


To learn how to apply for a grant or sponsorship visit the Wells Fargo website and click on your state for specific guidelines.





Award Amount:

Award amounts vary


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For more information, click here.  



Planning for Healthy Snacks and Meals   

Meal planning
Today's busy lifestyle means eating on the run.  Parents  go from work to their children's sports practice, after-school activities and nighttime events.  It takes a well organized family calendar to make sure everyone makes it there on-time.  Yet, somehow it all works out. 


However, often times healthy eating is one of the things that fall by the wayside.  There never seems to be enough time to plan for nutritious meals, so you drive through a fast-food restaurant and hope for the best.


Planning is the key!


There is no way to get around it - you have to plan your day at both home and work.  Meal planning needs to become part of that schedule too.


  • Make it a family affair.  Include all family members in the process.  Pick a different person to be responsible for a day's meals and snacks.
  • Set aside a couple of hours each week to create a menu.  Think you don't have enough time in your day?  Next time you're watching TV use the commercial breaks to brainstorm a plan.
  • Turn grocery shopping into a family field trip.
  • Include children in meal preparation.  They will eat foods they have helped prepare.
  • Eat as a family as often as possible, even if it's only one meal a week.  Children who have family meals eat fewer high sugar, high calories foods.
  • Offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables at every meal.


Looking for resources to help with your meal planning?  Go to www.mealsmatter.org for recipe ideas and more.


Healthy Eating on the Go


grocery shopping 

Most people eat at least one meal a day away from home. 


Planning ahead can keep your healthy lifestyle on track.


  • Choose your drink wisely.  Skip the carbonated sugary beverages.  Ask for water or fat-free milk.
  •  Start with a salad.  You can find salads at fast-food and sit down restaurants today. 
  • Skip the chip or bread basket. 
  • Always choose whole-grains.  Ask for brown rice, 100% whole wheat buns or bread.
  • Order steamed, grilled or broiled dishes instead of fried. 
  • Choose a "small" portion, split an order or better yet, order from the appetizer menu.
  • Resign from the clean-your-plate club, take leftovers home for a meal tomorrow.
  • Order salad dressings, mayonnaise and butter "on the side".  Better yet, don't get them at all.


Small steps go a long way to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Healthy Snack Ideas
healthy snacking
It seems like as soon as a child finishes a meal they're looking for the next one. 
Remember, children have smaller stomachs.  They may also fill-up on beverages and not be able to eat their meal.  
Smart snacking can help children meet their daily nutrient requirements.  Think of snacks as mini-meals.  While it's tempting to snack on cookies and chips, they don't provide needed nutrients.
  • Snack only when you're hungry.
  • Plan snacks accordingly so they don't conflict with meal times.
  • Mindless nibbling in front of the TV or computer screen can add up quickly.
  • Portion control matters. Use single-serve packaging.  Never eat from the large multi-serving container.
  • Designate a place in the refrigerator or pantry for healthy snacks.  This works for adults and children.
  • Keep fruits and vegetables on hand and make them easily accessible.
Quick & Nutritious Snack Ideas
  • String cheese and fruit
  • Raw vegetables (baby carrots, celery sticks, cucumber slices) and low-fat salad dressing or yogurt dip
  • Fresh fruit (apples, pears)  and a cheese stick
  • Snack size applesauce with no added sugar
  • Whole-grain cereal with fat-free milk
  • Air-popped popcorn
  • Non-fat yogurt

For more snack ideas visit the Oliver Foundation website.


Lesson: Serving Size Coloring Sheets
Math - L53
Grades: 1st  - 5th

Objective:  Students will become acquainted with serving size equivalents through visual aids.
Fruits and Veggies More MattersColoring Sheets 
Set of measuring cups - 1/2 & 1cup
The teacher will emphasize the importance of portion size when selecting their meals.  The will use the coloring sheets to demonstrate a real-world example of the measurements discussed - 1/2 & 1 cup.
If possible, use real fruits to depict those on the coloring sheets and give students an opportunity to measure and taste them.
For additional information about fruits and vegetables go to the Fruit & Veggies More Matters� website.
Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons.
Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation