Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Get Your Plate in Shape 
March 2012
Volume 8   Issue 3 
In This Issue
National Nutrition Month®
Get Your Plate in Shape
Brain Breaks
Creating a Healthy MyPlate

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.


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YEAH Teem Board Nov2010 


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OF Color Nov2010
Zucchini and Squash w/Diced Red Peppers
Serving size: 1/2 cup
Yield:  4 servings 


2T. olive oil

1 red sweet bell pepper

1 cup zucchini

1 cup yellow squash

2 cloves minced garlic

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. pepper

2 T. chopped fresh basil



Wash red pepper, zucchini and squash.


Dice red pepper and set aside.


Cut zucchini and squash in 1/4 inch thick slices and set aside.


Add olive oil to heated pan.


Add peppers and garlic to pan.


Saute mixture until peppers are tender.


Add squash and zucchini to pan mixture.

Saute and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Serve and garnish dish with fresh basil.



Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.

OF Color Nov2010

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Healthy Choices Nov2010  




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Funding Opportunities 


Verizon Foundation


The Verizon Foundation is interested in funding programs that help individuals increase their educational achievement, avoid being an abuser or victim of domestic violence and sustain a healthy and safe lifestyle.  Eligible entities includes nonprofits with 501(c)(3) status, hospitals, elementary and secondary schools.  The Verizon Foundation reviews unsolicited proposals on a continuous calendar year basis from January 16th through October 16th.



Award Amount:

$5,000 - $10,000


Next Deadline:

October 16, 2012



For more information, click here.  



National Nutrition Month�    

Healthy Plate of foodThe Oliver Foundation is proud to join the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) during March in celebrating National Nutrition Month�. 


This year's theme is "Get Your Plate in Shape" and encourages consumers to remember to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy on their plates every day. 


The Academy has provided a classroom guide with suggested learning activities and games for students in grades K through 8.


Also, occurring March 5 - 9, 2012 is National School Breakfast Week - School Breakfast-Go For the Gold.  The campaign highlights how eating a healthy balanced breakfast at school helps students shine. The campaign will help students learn about the importance of eating healthy and being active. "School Breakfast - Go for Gold" also aligns with USDA's HealthierUS School Challenge and the First Lady's Let's Move Goals.  


Visit the School Nutrition Association website for tools & resources to support National School Breakfast Week.

Get Your Plate in Shape


My Plate GreenDuring National Nutrition Month make a plan to get your plate in shape. 

  • Before you eat, think about the food on your plate.
  • When planning meals and snacks, be sure to include a variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Read the ingredient label on food packages.  Choose 100% whole-grain products.
  • Choose fat-free dairy products. They have the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients and less fat and calories.
  • Eat a variety of protein foods, such as seafood, nuts, beans and lean meat, poultry and eggs.
  • Choose water instead of sugary beverages.
  • Select low-sodium or no-salt added products.
  • Switch from solid fats to oils when preparing foods.
  • Serve a smart portion size.  Use a smaller plate, bowl and glass.


For more healthy eating tips go to www.choosemyplate.gov .


Brain Breaks
Next time your students lose interest in the lesson or become restless take a "brain break". 


"Brain breaks" are quick 1-2 minute activities for your classroom.  They take virtually no preparation and no extra materials to perform.  They are fun, entertaining and challenge your brain.  It is suggested you take a "brain break" every 30 minutes.


A good brain break activity involves some type of movement or allows students to be creative.  It allows students to periodically take a moment away from their studies for a "brain break" -- to talk, do something active, listen to music, or engage in another "light" activity.
Such as:
Three-minute talk - your choice to assign a topic or allow them to talk about any subject to a friend seated next to them.
Move with purpose - choose a movement of the day (i.e. - walk in slow motion).  Whenever the children move today they have to move by the movement of the day.
Correct Steps - Use these when reviewing for any subject.  Students stand across the room from the teacher. Tell the students a statement.  They must answer true or false.  If they answer correctly they take a step forward, if they answer incorrectly they take a step back.
For more Brain Break activities visit the Michigan Department of Education website.  

Lesson: Creating a Healthy MyPlate
Art - L83
Grades: 2nd  - 5th

Objective:  Practice Sculpting Skills
MyPlate template                            Paper Plates
Modeling Clay                                 Supermarket flyers
Scissors                                          Crayons/markers
Students will practice their sculpting skills by creating a healthy plate and sculpting a variety of foods.  The teacher should emphasize the importance of choosing a smart portion when serving food.
  1. Pass out a paper plate to each student and the MyPlate template.
  2. Ask students to cut-out the plate template and glue it to the paper plate.
  3. Explain to students what a healthy plate should include.  Half of the plate should be a variety of fruits and vegetables. One-fourth 100% whole wheat grains and one-fourth lean protein.  Also include a serving of fat-free dairy/milk.
  4. Color each section of the plate a different color.
  5. Students can then either cut out pictures of food for each section or if clay is available they can sculpt an example of each food.
Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons.
Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation