Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Increase Active Play! 
December 2011
Volume 7   Issue 9 
In This Issue
Surviving the Holidays
Increase Active Play!
Benefits of Exercise
Rainbow Relay

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.


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YEAH Teem Board Nov2010 


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OF Color Nov2010
Frozen Fruit Cups
Serving size: 1 fruit cup
Yield:  18 servings 

3 ripe bananas, mashed


24 ounces yogurt, non-fat strawberry flavored


10 ounces strawberries, frozen, thawed


1 can (8 oz.) crushed pineapple in 100% juice

Line muffin tin cups with paper baking cups (18 total)
In a large mixing bowl, add mashed bananas, yogurt, strawberries with juice and pineapple with juice.
Spoon into muffin tin and freeze at least 3 hours or until firm.
Remove frozen cups and store in a plastic bag in the freezer.
Before serving, remove paper cups.

Visit the Oliver Foundation website for more recipes.

OF Color Nov2010

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Healthy Choices Nov2010  




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Funding Opportunities 


Bayer USA Foundation

provided by National Dairy Council and the National Football League


The goal of this program is to enhance the quality of life, provide unique and enriching opportunities that create diverse alliances and prepare the leaders of the future. 

There are four areas of focus:   education and workforce development; environment and sustainability; health and human services; arts and culture. 



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Award Amounts Vary


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For more information, click here.  



Surviving the HolidaysHoliday Party


A typical holiday meal consists of:


Six-ounces of turkey = 400 calories

1/2 cup of gravy = 150 calories

1/2 cup of cranberry sauce = 150 calories

1/2 cup green bean casserole = 150 calories

1/2 cup mashed potatoes = 150 calories

1 roll = 100 calories

1/2 cup sweet potatoes casserole = 300 calories

1/2 cup stuffing = 150 calories

Pie = 300 to 500 calories depending on kind

One glass of wine/beer = 150 calories


Bringing the grand total to 1750 calories, but that's only if you paid attention to serving size and didn't have seconds. The average holiday meal is closer to 2,500 calories.  You will need to walk 25.65 miles, 41.37 kilometers or 51,300 steps to burn off that one meal.


Now lets factor in appetizers and alcoholic beverages. 


Visits to the appetizer table during a holiday celebration can add up quickly.


5 crackers with cheese and sausage = 565 calories

5 servings arichoke dip with crackers = 325 calories

5 pigs in a blanket = 470 calories

5 sausage meatbals = 300 caloires

16oz. Margarita = 600 calories


This will bring your celebration total to 4,760 calories.


Don't dismay, remember it's only one day. If you return to your healthy eating habits the next day and make time for exercise you can avoid unwanted holiday weight gain.


Be aware of what you are eating while celebrating.  Remember the reason for the season is to spend time with your friends and family.

Increase Active Play!


physical activityHow much exercise should you get everyday? 

Children, 6 -12 years old should get at least 60 minutes a day. 

Adults should get 150 minutes of exercise every week - aim for 30 minutes five times a week.

Be a positive role model for your family by leading an active lifestyle.

Go to places where they can be active, such as public parks, community baseball fields or basketball courts.

Give your children equipment that encourages physical activity.

Make physical activity fun.  Fun activities can be anything your child enjoys doing. Activities can range from team sports or individual sports to recreational activities such as walking, running, skating, bicycling, swimming  or free playtime.

Benefits of Exercise
benefits of exercise
The health benefits of exercise are hard to ignore.  You feel better, have more energy and it may even help you live longer. 
Exercise controls weight. Burn calories throughout the day.  Don't have an hour to workout?  Add activity to your day in ten minute increments.  It all adds up.
Exercise combats health conditions and disease. No matter what weight, physical activity elevates your high-density lipoproteins (HDL), "good" cholesterol. 
Exercise improves mood.  Having a bad day?  Go to the gym for a 30 minute workout and it will help boost your mood. 
Exercise boosts energy. The more you workout the more energy you have.  Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength, boost your endurance and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently.
Exercise promotes better sleep. Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and sleep deeper.
Lesson: Rainbow Relay
Physical Education - L61
Grades: K  - 5th

Students will learn about a variety of fruits and vegetables while performing physical activity.  They will also learn the colors of the rainbow and identify fruits and vegetables that are the same color:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. 
Fruit and Vegetable pictures           Scissors
(from magazines or newspapers)     Markers
Large rainbow poster                     Crayons
Construction paper

Teachers - create a rainbow bulletin board.  Cut out fruits and vegetables from magazines and newspapers or make your own out of colored construction paper.


Remind the class that it is important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables everyday and that they should aim to eat one from each of the color of the rainbow.


Divide the students up into equal teams.  Each team has 2+ fruits or vegetables per student that they have to place on the correct color of the bulletin board across the room. 


One member from each team takes turns by hopping, skipping or crab walking across the room to the rainbow to post their fruit or veggie.


Then run back and tag the next team member so the next team member can participate.  The first team that posts all their pictures wins the relay. 

Looking for more nutrition integrated lessons?  Go to the Oliver Kids Manual where you'll find 50+ lessons.
Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation