Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast! 
January 2011
Volume 7   Issue 1 
In This Issue
New Year, New You!
Role Model
Healthy Breakfast

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.

YEAH Teem Board Nov2010 


Teen Board Members donated 14 Healthy Holiday Baskets to MAM (Memorial Area Ministries) as their community service project in December. Healthy foods, personal hygiene items, blankets, toys and books were included in the baskets. 


Are you interested in becoming a Teen Board Member? Click here for more information. 

Jan 2011


2 Jan Nwsltr

OF Color Nov2010

  Scheduled  Oliver Foundation Presentations

Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, 2011
Texas Association of Partners in Education
Texas Association of School Administrators
Austin, TX

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Funding Opportunities 

Run for Good Grants

Saucony Run for Good Foundation

The Saucony Run For Good Foundation has been created to help reverse the alarming trend in childhood obesity. As a company by runners, and for runners, Saucony understands the benefits of running extend way beyond strong legs and healthy hearts; research shows running can also help children do better in school, manage stress, and reduce childhood obesity. The Saucony Run For Good Foundation, a grant program to optimize the impact and success of community organizations to encourage active and healthy lifestyles in children, is now accepting applications.

Award Amount: $10,000


June 12, 2011

New Year, New You!
 The start of the new year makes us think of new beginnings.  We decide to wipe the slate clean of old, unhealthy habits and resolve to do better next year.

Make 2011 the year when you finally make a lasting change and stick to all your healthy resolutions.

The Oliver Foundation will help you succeed in keeping your healthy resolutions.  Each month we will provide resources, motivation and healthy lessons to incorporate into your personal life, your home and classroom.  

In this month's newsletter you'll find ways to keep realistic resolutions, how to find and become a healthy role model and ways to have a healthy breakfast everyday.

Make and Keep a New Year's Resolution
"This year I will lose 50 lbs.  I'm going to exercise more in 2011 and give up my soda habit", sound familiar? 

People make their New Year's Resolutions with every intention of keeping them.   But most folks won't make it to February 1, 2011 before their good intentions go astray.  How can you make this year different?

Make a plan and write it down.  Wanting to make a healthy change is good.  But actually turning desire into action is what will make a difference.  Write out your plan, post it on your fridge or bulletin board and give yourself specific action items to accomplish and then do them.

Be realistic.  If you need to lose 75 lbs, approach it in smaller increments.  You will be able to celebrate success more if you approach it 5 pounds at a time.

Set specific goals.  I'm going to exercise more isn't specific.  A more specific goal is:  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will stop at my gym and treadmill for 30 minutes.   

Find Support.  Search out others who live a healthy lifestyle.  Is there a trainer at your gym?  If the cost is prohibitive, see if they will train you and a friend and split the hourly rate.  Go on-line and find a support group.  For some that means joining an organized group or for others it may be finding an on-line community to share your journey.

Be kind - to yourself.  If you "fall off the wagon" - start over.  The only real failure is never trying to make a change.
Role Model
Why are role models important? 
Because your parents were right - it really does matters who your friends are.

Research shows that if you socialize with friends that live a healthy life-style, chances are you will too.  True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people.
You can also become a healthy role model for your friends, family and students while you are changing your lifestyle habits.  There is no need to wait until you think you have perfected your new healthy habits - perfect doesn't happen.

Share your healthy journey with others around you.  Tell your friends what you are doing and invite them to join you.

Create an exercise group.  Ask your co-workers to join you in a daily walk at lunch or turn a Book Club meeting into a yoga session one month.

Role models are all around you - at work, church, neighbors and friends.  While you're looking for a role model you may just become one yourself.
Enjoy a Healthy Breakfast!


Bkfst FoodDid you eat breakfast this morning?  If you said no, you are not alone. 


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  Regular breakfast eaters have lower BMI's, higher intake of nutrients (such as calcium, whole wheat and fiber) and it helps you focus throughout your morning.


Here are some time saving, easy breakfast solutions that will help you start the day and the new year off right.


Stock up your refrigerator/pantry with:

Category A

skim milk (8oz)

100% fruit juice (1/2 cup)

Category B

whole-grain cereal

whole-wheat tortilla

1 slice of whole-wheat bread

3/4 cup oatmeal

Category C

low-fat cream cheese

low-sugar, low-fat yogurt

1% cottage cheese

whole fresh fruit - such as berries, oranges or grapefruit 

1oz low-fat luncheon meat


Pick one food from each category, such as:  milk, cereal, whole fruit.  How many different breakfast combinations can you make? 


Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation