Oliver TEAM Purp Nov2010

Opt for Healthy Snacks 
December 2010
Volume 6   Issue 9 
In This Issue
Hectic Holiday Season
Stress-free Holidays
Healthy Snacking
Snack Recipes

OKT Nov2010

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.

YEAH Teem Board Nov2010

Teen Board President,

Carissa Gilbert

awarded the Women's Energy Network of Houston 2010 Academic Scholarship


OF Color Nov2010

  Scheduled  Oliver Foundation Presentations

Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, 2011
Texas Association of Partners in Education
Texas Association of School Administrators
Austin, TX

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Funding Opportunities

Lowe's Toolbox for Education
Apply for the Lowe's Toolbox for Education Grant now and build on your parent-teacher group success with Lowe's.
Spring 2011 grant cycle is now open and accepting application
February 18, 2011

For more details go to the Lowe's Toolbox for Education website.




Hectic Holiday Season
What does the holiday season mean to you? 
Time spent with loved ones, hand-made cards, the smell of a freshly-cut pine tree and homemade desserts... or are you so busy and stressed trying to create the perfect holiday for everyone else that you just want January 1st to get here already?
The holiday season can bring peace and joy, but it can also include lots of stress and unwanted weight gain.  Lots of people deal with stress by overeating all those holiday treats you find yourself surrounded this time of year.

Don't let the holidays overwhelm you and revert to past unhealthy habits.  Continue reading and you'll find ways to de-stress, healthy snack choices and recipes.
 Stress-free Holidays

The holiday season can  become something you dread.  And with stress you may abandon your healthy habits you worked so hard to develop this year.  But with a little planning and positive thinking you can enjoy a healthy holiday season.  Check out the tips below and start looking forward to December this year.

Contine your healthy habits. 
This is not the time for a free-for-all.  Overeating and abandoning the gym can add to your stress and guilt.  Be sure to have a healthy snack before the party.  Check out the entire buffet and choose the low-fat, low-calorie choices.  Make a plan before you get there.

Be realistic.  Stop putting pressure on yourself to be  perfect.  If you do over-indulge, remind yourself it is one day.  It will have little impact on your overall health, as long as you get back on track and continue your healthy behavior.

Walk it off.  Start a new tradition of the entire family going for a walk after your big holiday meal.  The holidays are often so packed with obligations that you start skipping the gym.  Remember, sixty minutes of activity can be accumulated through out the day.  Invite your family members to join you for a walk, its a great way to visit instead of napping on the couch after a big meal.  
Learn to say no.  Tis the season - to learn to say no.  You may find yourself at a holiday party where the host or "Aunt Sally" has prepared your favorite foods.  Gently remind your friend that you really appreciate the gesture but you are still new to living healthy.  You be the judge, you know yourself best - if you can have one bite and stop, go ahead.  But if you know that all it takes its one taste of your favorite cheesy casserole and you can't stop, then just say no.
Healthy Snacking
Think of snacks as mini-meals and pack each one with healthy food choices every time.  Snacks can boost your energy between meals and they can fit into a healthy diet.  Always remember to include the snack calories in your total daily calorie count.

Choose whole foods as snacks - fruits, vegetables, nuts.  But when you have a pre-packaged snack be sure to read the label.  Identify the number of servings, fat content and calorie information.

Plan ahead.  Cut-up fruits and vegetables and keep the servings in air-tight containers in the fridge, ready to grab and go.

Portion control counts.  If you are eating from a large package pre-portion your servings.  Or better yet use single-serving packages or containers.

Snack only when hungry.  Skip the urge to eat when you are bored, frustrated or stressed.  Replace stressed eating with physical activity - lace up your walking shoes and take the dog for a walk instead.
Healthy Snack Recipes

Snacks should be considered as mini-meals.  Aim for 200 calories or less per snack.


Here are a few recipes to get you started.


  • Three cups air-popped popcorn with three tablespoons Parmesan cheese.
  • Mini sandwich: whole grain roll with 1 slice deli-turkey, 1 slice low-fat cheese and mustard
  • One cup tomato soup with five whole-grain crackers
  • One tablespoon peanut butter spread on slices of medium apple
  • Veggie sticks with 1/3 cup hummus; try carrot or celery sticks, bell pepper slices, summer squash or broccoli.


Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.

Healthy Choices Nov2010

Oliver Foundation