Oliver SM

Choose 5-A-Day Servings of Fruits & Vegetables 
 October 2010
Volume 6   Issue 7 
In This Issue
Make Healthy Choices for Life
Small Steps, Big Changes
Choose 5-A-Day
National School Lunch Week
OKT Logo

The Oliver Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of childhood obesity.

oliver logo yellow
  Scheduled  Oliver Foundation Presentations
October 10, 2010
The Obesity Society
San Diego, CA
November 10, 2010
Texas Women's Conference
Houston, TX 
Presented by members of the Teen Board
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Funding Opportunities
United Health
 Hero Grants
UnitedHealth Group and Youth Service America
The UnitedHealth HEROES program is a service-learning, health literacy initiative developed by UnitedHealth Group and Youth Service America. The program awards grants to help youth, ages 5-25, create and implement local, hands-on programs to fight childhood obesity. Schools, service-learning coordinators, non-profits, and students in the health professions located in all 50 states and the District of Columbia are eligible to apply.
Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: 22-Oct-10
For additional information
Healthy Choices for Life 
healthy lifestyle 
The Oliver Foundation uses seven simple messages to teach kids how to make healthy choices for life. 
Choose 5-A-Day servings of fruits and vegetables!
Have more water & less sugary beverages!
Opt for healthy snacks!
Increase active play & decrease screen time!
Choose 3-A-Day servings of low-fat dairy products!
Enjoy a healthy breakfast!
Serve a smart portion size!
Incorporate these messages into your day, one at a time.  Pick one or two healthy habits that you can change today - choose an easy one first.  When you've mastered that first healthy habit, choose another.  Build upon your successes.  Before you know it you'll have incorpated all seven messages into you life and you'll find how easy is to make healthy choices for life!
Small Steps, Big Changes 

Is it easier to break a habit or create a new one?  Research shows that you can create a new habit in 30 days.  

When you learn healthy habits as a child those habits are more likely to stay with into adulthood.  Are your unhealthy habits ruling your life?  Try the following ideas to help you make healthy habits part of your life today.
Small steps make big changes. To successfully make a change start small.  Tackle one habit at a time.
Stay Consistent.  Make a plan and stick to it. 
Be in a supportive environment.  Stay out of places where you can fall back into your old behaviors.
Include Role Models.  Spend time with people who live the way you want to live.
Choose 5-A-Day Servings of Fruits and Vegetables! 
f&V bulk
How many serving of fruits and vegetables have you had today?
Less than 25% of people eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily.  Check out the easy ways to to add more fruits and vegetables in your day.
Buy produce in season at you local Farmers Market or grocery store.  Go to picktexas.org for a seasonal list of Texas produce.
Fresh, frozen, canned, dried or 100% juice - fruits and veggies in any form are nutritious.
Make it convenient - Instead of reaching for candy or chips as a snack, keep fruit in a bowl on the counter.
Buy produce in bulk.  Chop immediately and store in the fridge so it will be as convenient as pre-chopped packages.
Add fresh berries to yogurt or cereal for breakfast.
National School Lunch Week - October 11-15, 2010
child lunch tray
School Lunch - What's on your tray? 
Join your school's child nutrition department in celebrating National School Lunch Week.
Teachers, encourage your students to eat fruits and vegetables every day in the cafeteria.  Take a few minutes each day for a Teaching Moment.  Review the daily menu when you line up for lunch, point out the fruit and vegetable choice and encourage the students to aim for five servings of fruits and vegetable every day.
Parents, post your school's breakfast and lunch menu on the refrigerator.  Review the menu weekly with your children.  Pick the days when he/she will buy lunch.  Be sure to highlight the fruit and vegetable choices for each day.  And remember even if your child brings lunch to school they can buy skim milk in the cafeteria for their drink.
For more ideas and resources, go to the National School Lunch Week website.  
Have you created a Healthy School Environment in your district?  Send us an e-mail  and tell us all about it -  [email protected] .
You may be spotlighted in the next Oliver Foundation newsletter - T.E.A.M. Talk.
Healthy Choices for Life
Oliver Foundation