Macrobiotic Educators         Personal Chefs


Gayle and Jaime in Kitchen



Reclaim your health with a natural and organic diet
and lifestyle based on oriental medicine and
healing arts, for the body, mind and spirit!

Weekly Menu and News
In This Issue

The Fine Art of Body Scrubbing...


Ordering Details

Natural Lifestyle Health Consultations

Private Cooking Classes


Please find the June 9, 2011 Wholly Macro Delivery Menu below, as you scroll down through our Weekly Article to the Weekly Menu / Order Form section. Or, you can click on the Weekly Menu link above to go directly to it.


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Prepared Food Meal Delivery Service 

Natural Lifestyle Health Consultations

Personal Chef and Catering Services 

Private Cooking Classes and Demonstrations 

Private Yoga Instruction~SpineAligner Instruction 

Motivational Public Speaker 

Shiatsu Massage 




This week's menu is full of fun to eat, healing, and nutritious dishes to keep you cool during the summer heat, while keeping your body well nurtured so as to gracefully transition from season to season and year to year, and at the same time impart the strength, integrity, and clarity of mind to be able to mindfully cope with whatever life throws your way with grace and balance. Yes, eating right can do all of this for you and more. And there are numerous life style practices that assist healthy food in doing its job.


We'd like to introduce you to one of our favorite lifestyle practices: The Fine Art Of Body Scrubbing Wholly Macro Style in the Weekly Article below.





The Fine Art of Body Scrubbing  

We have written about this topic before, but find ourselves forwarding that previous newsletter to new subscribers and both new and former clients so often, that we felt it was worth repeating. We hope you enjoy it.

The body scrub is a very understated ancient oriental health and beauty secret that should be practiced on a daily basis. Why you might ask? The skin is the largest organ of our body. It is related to the lung and large intestine in oriental medicine. It is a cleansing and detoxifying organ. It breathes. And in doing so, exchanges nutrients and waste. It is very necessary to keep it clean, on a deep cellular level. This type of cleansing cannot be accomplished through ordinary bathing. It is best accomplished via the technique of body scrubbing. Saturated fats combine with dirt to clog the skins intricate network of pores, as do chemically based unnatural soaps, perfumes, and body creams. The more clogged the pores become, the less ability the skin, and the organs beneath the skin have, to breathe, cleanse, and receive and exchange nutrients. We loose a major and natural detox system and defense mechanism if we do not keep the skin on our entire body clean, healthy, and vibrant.

Body scrubbing stimulates the circulation, the lymphatic flow, and the meridians, and also massages the deep internal organs that ordinarily do not receive enough attention. It just plain feels good!

But it also has to be realistically doable. In that, it has to be something that is easy enough for us to fit into our super busy daily schedules on a regular basis. Not something that we groan about because it is just too much, and create a pattern of skipping.

Wholly Macro has developed a quick, easy, simple, and effective method of body scrubbing.


You will need to purchase a natural vegetable bristle body brush. Try to find one with a long handle that is one piece. Do not buy a natural BOAR bristle brush. It might be natural, but it is from a pig / boar, and not something you want to scrub your body with on a daily basis. The boar bristles have a distinctive wet animal odor when wet. And a two piece brush, one in which the brush and the handle can be detached, will always fall apart when in use, and when the brush lands on your foot a few times, you will understand why we recommend a one piece brush.

Next: take a warm shower as you normally do, thoroughly cleaning your body. We hope you use filtered water and an all-natural soap in your shower. When you have completed your shower you can turn the water off or turn it down. Either way, step out of the stream of water. Keep the shower door or curtain closed, so as to keep the warmth of the shower in the shower enclosure. You do not want your skin exposed to cool air because you want the pores of your skin to remain open so that you can deeply clean them.

Take the dry body brush (store it somewhere in the shower where it doesn't get wet), and begin the scrubbing. Gently. Applying more pressure will not increase the effectiveness of the body scrub. Too much pressure will cause your skin to contract, closing the pores, and not allowing the accumulated debris to be freed from the skin. So begin scrubbing gently. It is better to scrub each area longer and more gently than quickly and with more pressure. Scrub each area until the skin turns a nice pink color. NOT red! You want to scrub TOWARDS the heart.


 We like to start with our face. You can go in circular or up and down motions, gently scrubbing all area of your face. Remember as you scrub, that the cheeks correspond with the lungs, the forehead corresponds with the intestines, the eyebrows and temple area relate to the gall bladder, and the ears correspond to the kidneys and overall adrenal vitality, so be sure to run the brush over your ears!

Continue down your face to the chin and neck, and then reach behind your shoulders with the brush your upper back, and brush up and over each shoulder, and along the collar bone from outside to inside, on each side. When you get to the center, scrub between your breasts, (or men, on your breasts), following the sternum down to your abdomen while scrubbing in an upward motion. There are numerous lymph nodes along the sternum, several chakras, and important meridians such as the kidney meridian, so be sure to give that area the attention it deserves.

You are now at your abdomen. Scrub your abdomen in a circular motion following the natural direction in which the intestines flow. Start at the lower right, go up to the upper right, then go across to the upper left, down to the lower left, and repeat several times in larger and smaller circles until you have covered all areas of the abdomen. If you are like me, your abdomen may not get much sun, so it is easy to see it turn a nice rosy pink color as you gently scrub it, increasing blood circulation to the area, and giving the numerous organs contained within the abdominal area a much needed massage. While you are in this area, go ahead and reach to the sides of your abdomen scrubbing the rib cage as well.


Now, start at the fingers of each hand. Scrub the front and back of the fingers, paying special attention to the palm and the wrists, and then continue scrubbing up the inside and then up the outside of each arm. Make sure to go behind the shoulder (a hard to reach area, so often ignored, but important because it contains numerous meridian pathways), and under the arms, where many lymph nodes live and accumulate various forms of debris such as stress related sweat for one. When you reach the top of the shoulders, and meet the place on the upper body where the scrub began, you can give each shoulder one final sweep, inwards along the collar bone, just to flush any leftover debris along the lymphatic pathway, towards the heart, and out of the body.

Now: place one leg on a ledge, (or sit on something), and begin scrubbing the top of the toes and feet, scrubbing upward along the front and inside of each foot, ankle, and leg. Each toe marks the beginning or ending point of various meridians. As you scrub the big toe for instance, you are stimulating the spleen / pancreas and liver meridians. Send healing energy to these hard working organs as you scrub! When you reach the top of the leg, scrub upwards along the groin several times, another area where lymph tends to stagnate, so stimulate it gently, but well, always in an upward direction towards the heart. Now return to the outside and back of each leg, scrubbing the outer ankle, the sides of the legs, and the back of the legs. Scrub each hip and buttock well. The sciatic nerve is located in the gluteus musculature. And continue up your back, scrubbing the sacral area well (it contains numerous nerve endings, so stimulating that area is really important). Be sure to scrub the mid back, where the kidneys are located. They will really appreciate the increased blood flow the body scrub will bring to them. You have already done the upper part of your back at the beginning, remember?? But, no harm in reaching up as far as you can with the brush and giving that area one last scrub.


Now: one last thing. Raise each foot (separately!!), and scrub the bottom of your feet. There are numerous  nerve endings on the bottom of each foot, each corresponding to different organs and meridians within the body. It feels wonderful to scrub and massage them all, releasing heavy foods, fats, and chemical toxins that tend to gravitate downwards in the body, often accumulating (and clogging), the bottom of the feet and these many nerve endings. When I was receiving chemotherapy for example, the heavy toxins from the chemo must have been discharging through the bottom of my feet, because my feet melted the insides of several pairs of shoes, a phenomenon I have never experienced since thankfully.

Finally: step back under the warm shower water and rinse off any loosened debris very well. There is no need to soap up again. But please clean your brush with soap and water, and place it in a dry place, so that it is ready for your next shower / spa session / healing and beautifying body scrub treatment.

This may seem like a long involved process, but in reality, it only takes a few minutes to do the entire body scrub, and you don't even have to leave the confines of your shower to do it.

You may want to follow the more traditional method of body scrubbing in which you use a folded washcloth and basin of hot water, while seated outside of the shower. This never worked for me, which is why I developed this alternative yet equally as effective method. I could not keep warm enough outside of the shower. In the summer the air conditioning felt too cool, and in the winter the delightfully cool air felt too cool. And if you live in a cold northern climate, even with the heat on, it still seems way too cool. Remember, your body must be warm enough that your pores remain open while you scrub. Also, with the washcloth, the process seems to take a little longer, and it is hard to reach some areas of the body. I love the long handled brush for the ease of reach! And being the multi-tasker that I am, I like being able to get the whole thing done without having to step out of the shower and possibly get distracted. I found it hard to keep the basin of water warm as well. I also prefer to rinse off once I complete the scrub. I like being sure that I remove any loosened dirt and debris from my body rather than leaving it to dry on my body. But, having said all of that, if you prefer using a washcloth, out of the shower, in the traditional method, please do whatever works for you. You can still follow my exact scrubbing routine. It remains the same whether with a body brush or a washcloth.

I look forward to doing the body scrub every single day. I have been doing so since 1996. I never miss one day. It is "me" time. And no matter what each day brings, I do not feel complete until I have rewarded myself, and my body, with my quick, simple, practical, and realistic daily body scrub.


As an added bonus: here in South Florida, you can body scrub in the ocean. You can bring a brush to the beach and use it in the water, or you can use the sand. Be sure to take sand from out a few feet where it is soft, smooth, silky, and clean. When you scrub with the sand, you can dunk down into the water and run your hand over your skin, and feel the oil and debris. I repeat the scrubbing process until the water runs off of my skin like silk and I cannot detect any oil or debris. It is a salt glow spa treatment like no other you will ever experience. And it is free!!

During the body scrub, you can also take the opportunity to check out your body for any markings, bruises, sore areas, broken veins, or other changes, giving special healing attention to those areas as you scrub, revitalizing the corresponding meridians, and the organs they relate to. And always, always, breathe deeply, cleaning your lungs as you clean your skin, while envisioning all impurities leaving your body.

We hope that you will make the body scrub (whichever version you choose), a part of your own daily health and beauty routine.

In fact, I am off to shower and to do my own body scrub right now!!

In Health As Always.

Gayle and Jaime / Wholly Macro


                                       DELIVERY MENU / ORDER FORM

                                                              June 9, 2011

                                 [email protected] ~ www.whollymacrobiotics.com


MINESTRONE MISO SOUP                                                                   SMALL___ LARGE___
A rich full bodied macrobiotic version of the Italian classic, using a variety of mineral rich and kidney strengthening beans: whitebeans, chick peas, azuki beans, and fava beans, combined with bite sized dices of carrot, celery, yellow onion, sweet and fragrant fennel, bitter green liver cleansing and heart strengthening arugula, brown rice penne noodles, (the coolest little round, hollow noodles that allow little items like beans to float through them!), flavorful and decorative cremini mushrooms, energetically relaxing and cleansing shiitake mushrooms, wakame sea vegetable, barley miso, and a sprinkling of fresh green chlorophyll rich Italian parsley.

MILLET AND TEMPEH PILAF                                                                 SMALL___ LARGE___
This delectable dish is made with healthy and alkalizing millet cooked with mineral rich kombu sea vegetable, cubes of protein rich naturally fermented healthy intestinal bacteria laden tempeh, sweet and juicy kernels of fresh corn, pancreas friendly yellow onions and kabocha squash, cremini mushrooms, and naturally diuretic crispy green celery, garnished with chlorophyll rich parsley and the longevity herb rosemary.

TOFU KALE LASAGNE                                                                           SMALL___ LARGE___
Whole grain brown rice lasagne noodles are layered with an aromatic blend of tofu, yellow miso, oregano, rosemary, garlic and olive oil, and a fresh green calcium and mineral rich blend of kale, green cabbage, and escarole, smothered in a beta carotene rich marinara sauce of yellow onion, carrot, and kabocha squash, topped with vegan "mozzerella cheese" and brown rice mochi. Garnished with chlorophyll rich, red blood cell building bright green parsley.

Corn and quinoa are the base of these lovely spaghetti noodles that are tossed in a fragrant and low fat pesto made from mineral and essential fatty acid rich pumpkin seeds blended with bright green bursting with chlorophyll parsley, fresh basil, and yellow miso, highlighted with digestion stimulating and enzyme rich natural organic green olives, and fiber and mineral rich flavorful portabello mushrooms.

RAPPINI, SWEET POTATO, AND SEITAN STIR FRY                               SMALL____LARGE___
Fresh ginger, tamari, brilliant green, wild and bitter, good for the liver rappini, beta carotene rich bright orange sweet potatoes, delectable mineral rich rutabaga, and chewy pieces of protein rich seitan garnished with fresh green chives create this colorful and flavorful stir fry.

BROWN RICE PUDDING WITH APRICOT SAUCE                                   SMALL___ LARGE___
The shorter grained sweet and short grain brown rice are full of power, and work well to create this thick and rich porridge like dessert pudding, that incorporates kombu sea vegetable, sesame tahini, "amasake" naturally sweet fermented brown rice milk, brown rice syrup, calcium rich almonds, cinnamon, and vanilla, that is topped with a lovely orange iron and mineral rich full of vitamin A and good for the skin apricot sauce that is thickened with intestinal strengthening, digestion promoting, and alkalizing kuzu root. Very yummy!



CUSTOMER NAME_______________________                             PICK-UP___ DELIVERY___


To place an order from this newsletter, please copy and paste the menu portion of this email  to create a new email and send to [email protected]. You can also hit reply, fill in the items and amount you would like to order, and send it that way. Or, you can still order / communicate with us by creating a new e-mail and writing to [email protected], faxing us at 954-763-6698, or calling our voice mail system at 954-764-6371. 

We will still confirm your order the same as we always have, so if you don't receive confirmation from us by the end of the day on Monday, please contact us either by phone or e-mail to re-submit your order.


What we need from you before Monday is a completed Delivery Questionnaire and your order.  (Please fill  out the above menu and return it to us via your method of choice). For payment information please see the Ordering Details Sheet.

For any other questions or concerns, first check our FAQ's page on our website. We are sure you will find your answer there. If you still have a question, please contact us by either e-mail or phone 954-764-6371.

Thanks so much.

Gayle and Jaime




Health consultations offer compassionate, therapeutic listening related to any and all emotional issues, combined with visual diagnosis you will receive information on selecting, balancing, varying, and preparing natural foods in a practical way based on oriental medicine to strengthen organ function in order to improve your health. 


To read more about Natural Lifestyle Health Consultations see our website,








Private cooking classes are held in the Wholly Macro kitchen. This is an excellent hands on natural foods cooking class. You will leave the class feeling confident in knowing that you can now cook with unprocessed whole grains dried beans, a wide variety of healthy vegetables including sea vegetables, the proper amount of good quality sea salt, and so much more. Instruction is based on oriental medicine/macrobiotic principals. Start with a basic class  with soup, beans and grains or try a dessert class for a real treat! You choose, or we can choose, depending on your needs.


Classes can be in a group or individual.

Call to schedule your next class.


The SpineAligner* stimulates the points in shiatsu /oriental medicine known as the "extra points" which run along each side of the spinal column. One important meridan it stimulates is the Bladder meridan which regulates all the Internal organs.The SpineAligner also stimulates the nervous system, strengthens the muscles around the spine, and relaxes the neck and shoulders.
Reduce tension and stress!

Available for sale for your own personal well being through Wholly Macro.

To see more about this amazing tool,  check out our website,





Here's some feedback from a consultation client.....

" three years ago I discovered that I had breast cancer.  I had heard of Macrobiotics years ago. I didn't understand the concept but immediately I knew that that would be the route that I would pursue. But where to go and who to see was the question. Thank God for reading the macrobiotic newsletter. For in the newsletter there was  an article about Gayle Stolove. I just felt her strength and passion burn through the page that I was reading. I immediately made an appointment to see her and although I was still so frightened,  I felt so comfortable talking with Gayle. Gayle  guided me through the whole process. I thought that the macrobiotic way of life would be boring and just eating rice. Well, I love the foods that I eat and I just feel good about it all.  You see, after the surgery, you are sort of left on your own.You have to make your own decisions, etc. Everyone gives you different advice as what to eat, what to do, etc. Doctors don't understand what the patient is going through nor do they understand what kind of diet they should follow. I adopted Gayle as my guardian angel.  You can't find that with any nutritionist or doctor. I love receiving her weekly e-mailed newsletters. They are so full of wonderful knowledge and beautiful healthy recipes. Gayle is a remarkable human being. She truly cares for her clients and gives them her all, one hundred percent of the time. Gayle has been there and therefore she is so compassionate and dedicates her life to helping people like me....."     a cancer survivor

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PH: 954 764-6371 FAX: 954 763-6698

[email protected]

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