
Le Jardinet Newsletter

 May 2010
With our dog Bailey now trained on full deer alert, I feel more confident that I can plant containers which won't be seen as a Smorgasbord for the local wildlife! Don't get me wrong, I love seeing the deer - just not standing in the middle of my prize Hostas! Of course the dog does as much damage as he charges after them.Oh well.
To think that I used to consider aphids the menace of the season...
It's time to plant! With night temperatures steadying at 50' we can enjoy our favorite summer annuals in baskets and container gardens.   
I have two wonderful assistants this season, Angela Heise whom many of you met last year and Brenda Skinner, a former Molbaks colleague. Both ladies are delightful, graduates of the Horticulture program at Edmonds CC and independent business owners. I shall continue to do all consultations and design but the three of us will share the planting to ensure you are all accommodated in a timely manner.
What will it be this year? Dramatic orange and purple? Soft pastels? An elegant monochromatic scheme in white and silver?
Call or email today to schedule your summer fun! 
Garden Events
Companion Planting
With an increase in interest for growing our own produce there is also a desire to do so without the use of harmful chemicals.
Companion planting means growing certain plants together for a variety of beneficial reasons such as
  • To attract pollinating insects e.g. Honey bees
  • To attract aphid eating insects such as Hoverflies
  • To deter pests.
Here are just a few ideas for your to incorporate into your edible container designs or kitchen gardens;
Brassicas with marigolds, coriander and/or dill to confuse cabbage root fly and cabbage white caterpillar with their scent.
marigoldCarrots with onions, chives and/or garlic to deter carrot flies
and other squash with borage and marigolds to attract pollinating insects  
Zucchini flower
Onions with parsley
to distract onion flies
Tomatoes with marigolds to deter harmful nematodes,and basil to repel flies.
There are lots of other suggestions in the book 'The Family Kitchen Garden'. Look how pretty they can be too!
My seminars

Just one seminar remaining on my schedule before I turn my attention full time to container garden design. This is 'by invitation' but I know John will make you most welcome. 

Seattle Rose Society, Center for Urban Horticulture, Seattle

Wednesday May 18th 7.30pm. BEYOND THE ROSE GARDEN; meeting new neighbors. Join me as I share experience and tips to help you create artistic companion plantings for roses. Be inspired as you learn the design tricks behind successful combinations. For further details contact John Harmeling

Summer Color
Add a real punch of color to your summer designs with annuals. They may only be here for the season but definitely add that WOW factor. Here are a few of my favorites. (Watch for my tropical favorites next month. They are more tender and need to stay indoors until June)

Begonia 'Bonfire' and Torenia 'Midnight Blue' add electric orange and blue to shade designs. 

Begonia 'Bonfire' & Torenia 'Midnight Blue'

 Cuphea 'Tiny Mice'. A favorite basket stuffer. See the red ears and long purple snout with whiskers! Seen here with lilac Brachyscome.
basket cloes up
Cuphea 'Tiny Mice'
Plectranthus 'Troys Gold'
Tradescantia  'Purple Queen'. I love these two together. The purple Tradescantia leaves are almost irridescent in the sun and look great either with pastel pinks or bolder colors. The variegated Plectranthus is another colorful  basket stuffer that I always manage to squeeze in somewhere.
Tradescantia & Plectranthus
Plectranthus and Tradescantia
Try something new this year!
Dust off the patio set, find the margarita glasses and get those containers ready for SUN!
Karen Chapman CPH
Le Jardinet
425 765 3574 
In This Issue
Garden Events
Companion Planting
My seminars
Summer Color
Euphorbia 'Glacier Blue'
Euphorbia glacier blue
When Euphorbias have finished blooming, wear gloves and cut
 the flowering
stems right down
to the base to promote new growth. 
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