Welcome to the Environmental Marketer.
The mission of this publication is to bring you new ideas to help you grow your environmental business.
If there are ever any future topics you would like us to discuss please drop me a note and we will attempt to address your topic in a future issue.
Cochrane & Associates is the only specialty firm delivering: Marketing
Public Relations
services directly to our industry and your business.
"Being able to touch so many people through my businesses and make money while doing it, is a huge blessing."
- Magic Johnson "When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong." - Richard Dawkins
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C&A recommends:
IAQ Video Network
the place to post and view IAQ related videos
UltraViolet Devices, Inc.
advanced UV and molecular filtration for air, surface and water disinfection
ec2, inc.
environmental consulting & inspection services
EnvironmentalReports, Inc.
environmental reporting and tracking software solutions
IAQ consulting services
Global Prevention Services
for outstanding mold remediation and prevention services
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
for quality laboratory services and sampling products
The American Indoor Air Quality Council/American Council for Accredited Certification
for true industry certifications
Indoor Air Quality Association
the industry's trade association
Indoor Sciences
a premier IAQ course provider
Legends Environmental Insurance Services
leaders in insurance products
IAQ Radio
the industry's live news source
Indoor Environmental Connections
the industry's news source
The Asbestos Institute
providers of EPA-accredited training
Cochrane & Associates are proud financial supporters of Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI)
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Happy 4th of July |
Why Sales & Marketing are Not the Same
As marketing professionals for the IAQ and environmental industries we hear people get confused about the difference between marketing and sales all the time. Close to 2 1/2 years ago we ran the following article and because of a number of requests we are sharing it once again.
Each of us responsible for growing an environmental business is faced with the challenging prospect of how to most efficiently expand our company. Growing a business can take considerable time and money so we always need to be maximizing returns. Two key components of growing a business are sales and marketing. Correctly understanding their similarities and differences leads to greater returns.
Sales and marketing are two terms that are often incorrectly used interchangeably by many business professionals. This is generally a mistake since sales and marketing are two separate functions that although complimentary in nature, work in very unique and different ways.
Now you may be saying, "Wait a minute, I happen to work in a small office and we all wear many hats. I don't have separate marketing and sales employees, I am both." This is indeed the case in many situations, especially with small businesses which is absolutely fine. However, understanding how sales and marketing relate is still important and knowing when to think as a marketer, versus act as a sales professional, can mean the difference between success and failure.
Good marketing makes sales easier. The role of marketing is not to make sales. The role of marketing is to create situations, the right conditions, for sales to occur. Marketing also creates qualified leads and keeps existing customers coming back to you.
Marketing supports sales efforts and is often one of the major avenues for creating qualified leads for future sales. Often marketing tools need to be present before sales can even take place. For example, marketing creates the branding, company literature, website and other company pieces that sales relies on to generate leads, convey the company message and help close the sale.
Sales is the art of persuading an individual or company to make a purchase of a product or service. The sales process is typically heavy on interpersonal interactions and relationships, whereas that usually is not the case with marketing. Really anything that allows you to engage directly with the client or prospect and close the deal can be viewed as a function of sales.
Sales and marketing are crucial components to have for the long term success of most environmental and IAQ businesses. Marketing convinces the prospect that your company is the company for them and gets them to contact your company in person, via the phone, email or by visiting the company website.
You now have a great lead for the sales component of your company since the prospect contacted your company. The odds of these leads being interested and qualified are much higher than leads that your sales department has to generate on their own from cold calls and other means. A professional and efficient sales process will now begin the interpersonal course of converting these leads into customers.
We could go on forever about how marketing and sales work together and how they are different. Just remember this; few great marketers make great sales professionals - just as few great sales professionals make great marketers. Each role is different, yet they must work well together to optimize company sales and growth.
Even in a company with just one employee it is important to understand how each process works. Correctly implementing strategic sales and marketing programs to be able to optimize your efforts, knowing when to wear the correct sales or marketing hat, will allow you to achieve the greatest rewards.
About Cochrane & Associates, LLC Paul Cochrane is the founder and president of Cochrane & Associates, LLC. The company is a business development, marketing and public relations consulting firm specializing in the IAQ and environmental industries. Mr. Cochrane is a 14 year veteran of the industry and has been a frequent author in industry publications and trainer for IAQ and environmental companies. For more information about how Cochrane & Associates can help your business, contact us at:
New Video Releases at:
The IAQ Video Network continues to add new content and brings news and updates to industry professionals and the general public, www.IAQTV.com.
EnvironmentalReports' New Software Applications
The revolutionary software app from EnvironmentalReports (ER) has been approved by Apple and now allows industrial hygienists and environmental & IAQ consultants to increase productivity, accuracy and reporting capabilities while working at jobsites.
EnvironmentalReports is pleased to announce that the mobile iPhone app, eCOC, is now available for free download for subscribers of ER's software. The software app was specifically designed for environmental professionals who want a quicker and more efficient way to collect environmental data in the field and on the go.
ER App | eCOC is a valuable component of the revolutionary "Integrated Solution" supported by EnvironmentalReports. The application allows subscribers of ER to carry out environmental data collection using handheld devices, such as the iPhone, iTouch and iPad.
The eCOC app allows mobile data entry that is then sent to subscriber's ER workspace where environmental professionals can create, view and edit an electronic chain of custody. Utilizing ER software a request can then be instantly sent to a registered laboratory partner, such as EMSL Analytical, Inc. The software application allows the testing laboratories to accept, work with, and return sample data over ER.
ER software makes all field data and laboratory results that are stored at a secure online workspace accessible and available. Results can be incorporated directly into company reports or shared with clients to streamline operations and communications.
"ER's fully integrated solution increases data consistency, reporting capabilities and helps create defensible data," reported Michael McIntyre, Vice President of EnvironmentalReports, Inc. "The new Apple approved eCOC app helps asbestos, lead, mold and other environmental and indoor air quality (IAQ) projects from start to finish. With everything from customizable drop-down menus, photos and electronic chain-of-custody reports to incorporated GPS coordinates and the ability to share information with business and laboratory partners, eCOC does it all."
EnvironmentalReports' Logo |
EnvironmentalReports is currently offering a free 60 day trial for a limited time. To take advantage of this special offer please visit www.EnvironmentalReports.com, email info@EnvironmentalReports.com or call (732) 418-9500.
Upcoming Environmental Events
Places to Learn |
Albuquerque, NM
June 26 - 30, 2010
New Orleans, LA
July 12 - 14, 2010
IAQA Grand Rapids Chapter Workshop
Cochrane & Associates will be presenting
Date to be determined between July 26 - 30, 2010
Maui, HI
August 7 - 9, 2010
Syracuse, NY
August 15 - 18, 2010
IAQA Pensacola Chapter Workshop
Cochrane & Associates will be presenting
August 18, 2010
Baltimore, MD
September 22 - 24, 2010
San Diego, CA
October 4 - 6, 2010
Savannah, GA
October 9, 2010
Atlanta, GA
October 27 - 29, 2010
Orlando, FL
November 11 - 13, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
November 20 - December 2, 2010
San Antonio, TX
Febraury 15 - 17, 2011
Savannah, GA
March 27 - 31, 2011
If you know of additional upcoming indoor air quality or environmental related events, please email them (with a web link) to info@cochraneassoc.com. |