Environmental Marketer Newsletter
Vol. 3, Issue 1 February 2009
In This Issue
How to Make Your Company Shine
Wireless IAQ Monitors
C&A Logo
Welcome to the updated look of the Environmental Marketer.  
The mission of this complimentary publication is to bring you new ideas to help you grow your environmental business. 
If there are ever any future topics you would like us to discuss please drop me a note and we will attempt to address your topic in a future issue.

Cochrane & Associates is the only specialty firm delivering:

Public Relations
Business Development
services directly to our industry and your business.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
- Walt Disney
"For me life is continuously being hungry.  The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer." - Arnold Schwarzenegger
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C&A recommends:
Global Prevention Services
  for outstanding mold remediation and prevention services
EMSL Analytical, Inc.
 for quality laboratory services and sampling products
The American Indoor Air Quality Council
for true industry certifications
KD Engineering
innovators in IAQ monitoring technologies
Indoor Air Quality Association
the industry's trade association

How to Make Your Environmental & IAQ Company Shine 

The environmental and indoor air quality industries are made up many small and mid-size businesses that have been challenged by the slowing economy.  A recent survey in USA Today showed that 1/3 of small business owners were just waiting for the economy to improve while 2/3 were trying new proactive ways to keep their company growing and surviving.

As the late industrialist Henry Ford once said, "A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one."  Being proactive during these difficult times is a crucial business decision for most business owners who supply valuable services or products. Now is the time to sharpen your company's sales and marketing skills with increased efforts to make your products and services shine in new ways - think outside of the box.
So if you are a business owner or in charge of growing your company's revenues then what are some things you can do to make your company stand out from the rest without spending a lot of additional resources on marketing.
Equipment - Does your company utilize cutting-edge technologies?  If you do make sure your clients and prospects recognize that you are an industry leader and have invested the resources to provide the best services or products by using the latest equipment and technologies available.
Services - If your company goes above and beyond for your clients make that a strong part of your marketing.  Get permission from a client that has seen this great service your company provides and use their story and information in your marketing.

Support - Whether selling products or services the ability to support your offerings through technical and customer service support is a strong tool.  Be sure you are letting your customer base understand all the support you offer.

Warranties & Guarantees - If your company offers any type of warranty or guarantee make this a focal point in your sales and marketing efforts.   In our industry not all companies provide this peace of mind to their clients, so if you do, let the world know you do.
Testimonials - Words of endorsement by a prominent (or even unknown) happy client can be a powerful resource.  The use of testimonials in business is a proven method to market your company.
Certifications & Accreditations - Does your company have certifications and accreditations that you have earned for the company or individual employees?  If you do, use them in your marketing to show your experience and recognition by the certifying body to your clients and prospects.
Awards & Associations - Has your company received any awards or special recognition?  Also do you or your company belong to any professional associations or business groups such as the Better Business Bureau?  When possible use this information and the association logos to add credibility and depth to your company's public awareness.

Articles & Press Releases - Take the time to write and distribute articles and press releases about your company.  There are many industry journals, not to mention local media outlets, which may find your business to be of great interest to their readers.

Speak & Present - Join relevant local and nation associations and ask to be a presenter at a future meeting.  Groups are usually looking for new speakers to teach their members on pertinent topics.  This is an inexpensive way to have a captive audience, use the opportunity wisely.
There are many ways that small and mid-size companies in our industry can stand out from the crowd without the expenditure of a lot of resources.  These are just a few examples of things to consider.  There is no limit to what a creative mind can come up with to enhance your business during these challenging times.  

About the author:
Paul Cochrane is the founder and president of Cochrane & Associates, LLC.  The company is a business development, marketing and public relations consulting firm specializing in the IAQ and environmental industries.  Mr. Cochrane is a 13 year veteran of the industry and has been a frequent guest author and speaker in numerous industry publications and events. 
For more information about how Cochrane & Associates can help your business thrive is a tough economy please visit:
email info@cochraneassoc.com
or call 602-510-3179
KD Products
Wireless IAQ Monitors
New wireless air monitors are proving to be the way of the future.  Recently, KD Engineering introduced the shAirBoxx - a wireless IAQ monitor, capable of transmitting real-time data to a website. This instrument allows for both short and long term installations in buildings which can then be monitored remotely.

The shAirBoxx works in conjunction with the KD BlackBoxx. Using the BlackBoxx, up to 16 shAirBoxxes can be networked and the data can then be collected and stored or uploaded for remote viewing.  Air quality parameters that can be monitored include:

  • Temperature & RH - comfort parameters
  • CO - safety parameter
  • CO2 - ventilation, general air quality indicator
  • VOCs - cleaning products, cooking odors, off-gassing
  • Particulates - dust, smoke, poor filtration
The shAirBoxx is at the forefront of a new era of mesh networked monitoring solutions. It can be used to remotely collect proactive IAQ data, keeping building occupants happy and healthy.

See the IAQ monitors from KD Engineering at the IAQA/ACCA Conference in Ft. Worth, Texas - February 24th to 26th at booth #529. 
KD Engineering
Request IAQ Monitoring Information
Available at EMSL Analytical and other fine IAQ product distributors throughout the country. 
Upcoming Environmental Events
Fort Worth, Texas
February 24 - 26, 2009
NADCA 20th Annual Meeting & Exposition
Orlando, Florida
March 9 - 12, 2009 
Building Operating Management's NFMT
Baltimore, Maryland
March 10 - 12, 2009 
RIA Annual Conference & Exhibition
Palm Springs, California
March 10 - 14, 2009 
EIA Annual Conference
Nashville, Tennessee
March 15 - 18, 2009 
Approaches to Managing Mold in Buildings
Orlando, Florida
April 27 - 29, 2009 
Toronto, Canada
May 30 - June 4, 2009