In This Issue
In the News
Peek into the Classroom
This and That
Community Events
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In the News


Your June Inform from AWSNA


View the latest photos from class trips, plays, May Fair, and more on our blog and Facebook page!


Want up-to-date notification of the articles we want to share? Follow us on Twitter @NJWaldorf (We just broke 100 followers)!

National Get Outdoors Day

Saturday, June 9


Happy Father's Day!
Sunday, June 17
Peek into the Classroom:
Chemistry & Poetry

  from Deirdre Sciarretta,

Seventh Grade Class Teacher


The following patchwork poem emerged from the seventh grade's studies in chemistry; each student was asked to write a verse about fire, and then lines from each were compiled to form the finished work. As in science, poetry requires an observant eye trained to capture detail, and invites the student to draw comparisons and conclusions among various elements.


A Found Poem about Fire

Earth was created by a fiery explosion

From this,
Fire spread into details humans can't even see.

All consuming, all powerful.
Fire sweeps as a beast,
hungry, unsatisfied.

All flee from its unwavering domain,
yet, they are strangely entranced.

In the dark and cold night,
I sit crouched by this fire.
And listen to the stories that my grandpa says are true.

Fire does not listen
It's heard these stories many times before.

When the wood ignites
The flames burn bright and
sparks fly in the air.

If you look down in
the glow, you'll find the embers there.

Look beyond these embers
and you'll see
the part of the fire that is most free.

The flickering flames, like dancers,
Dancing the same rhythm
but never dancing the same movements.

The fiery flames fuel themselves
friend or foe,
Only life will tell.

Beauty, light, destruction, death.
These are the qualities the fire embodies.
And so shall I embody these qualities.
And so shall I embody fire.

Fire is a kind of life
That lives between the logs.

Its flames forge their own path,
And guide us on our way.

Look closely, you might see,
how much a fire
resembles me.

It sets its own boundary
and fills the space with light and warmth.

All left outside the boundary
are cold and in the dark.

Fully understood by no one
Man works to unearth fire's deep secret.
Only from water does fire shy.

Two enemies, forever.
Fire takes its share, then,
retreats in tired triumph.

It only ceases to burn when it has left nothing behind.

For fire burns long and hard till
it fades, to its death.

the flame goes out, and
it is dark.

Its course of life at an end.

The flame,
is stilled.

But the embers prevail
from which is born

a new light.

WSP is looking for donations of used wooden picnic tables. Call Kevin for details: 609-468-0948
This and That


Footprints of an Angel 

by Siegfried E. Finser

Click here to read the press release.


Connecting With Young Children; Educating the Will 

by Stephen Spitalny

Available through Lulu and the author's website.


Volition Wellness Parenting Support Group

Tuesdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Volition Wellness Solutions

162 Tamarack Circle, Skillman

Facilitator: WSP alumni parent Jane Martin, LPC

Guest Facilitators: WSP parent Deborah Ginsburg, MD & Andrew Appello, MSOM L.Ac, RH (AHG)

Click here for the flyer. 


Picture Your Life: Fundamentals of Biography through Eurythmy

and the Arts

July 1-6, 2012

A renewal course on the beautiful campus of High Mowing Waldorf School in Wilton, NH

with Linda Larson, WSP therapeutic eurythmist, and Regina Kurek, founder of Arscura School for Living Art

We will be looking at our individual development through the 7-year cycles of our lives as described by Rudolf Steiner. The course will include Life charting, mirroring, and metamorphosis along with eurythmy and painting. Discovering unfolding patterns, rhythms, and cycles in our lives gives us the inspiration and new direction needed to help answer our life questions. This course is for parents, teachers, and those open to exploring new insights into their lives. More information may be found here, or from Ms. Larson at, or 610-933-2822.


Reasonably Priced Waldorf-Friendly Excursions

to Costa Rica

At Los Pinitos, a 30-acre organic farm and forest property overlooking the Turrialba Valley and the Central mountain range. Click here for more info.

Community Events


Orchard Farm Organics Workshop: Foraging for Health, Natural, and Traditional Healing Plants Found on Our Farm

Wednesday, June 6

8:45-10:45 a.m.

Orchard Farm Organics

1052 Cherry Hill Road

$10 contribution requested.

Click here for the flyer.


The Not So Empty Nest: Living in Harmony with Your Young Adult

Monday, June 11, 2012

7:00-9:00 p.m.

Volition Wellness Solutions

182 Tamarack Circle, Skillman, NJ

Facilitators: WSP alumni parent Jane Martin, LPC & Jean Robinson, LPC

Cost: Free

This workshop will be the first in a Monday night Open House Series offered at Volition Wellness by our practitioners, focusing on mind & body wellness. If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call or visit our website.


Registration is required. Please register by contacting Volition Wellness at (609) 688-8300 or by e-mail at


Marc Rubin Memorial Event

(dad to Soren '06)

Sunday, June 24, 2-6 p.m.

At the home of Michele Berrong & David Bader

165 Geigel Hill Rd

Erwinna, PA

RSVP by June 4 to Erika Steffen AND Vicki Stabile.

Join Our Mailing List
June 2012

Dear Friends,


This year's eighth grade class play, Shakespeare's As You Like It, contains a well-known quote: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts."


It's an interesting sentiment to consider at the end of a school year: indeed, for our oldest students, the curtain closes on one act. In the fall they begin their next adventure, high school, with all of the discoveries and challenges that await. Some will be accompanied by familiar friends; others look forward to meeting a room full of new faces. Since their first days at Waldorf, they have been shepherded, supported, and encouraged by teachers and parents, administrators and friends, and this support does not end with Commencement Day's celebrations.


We are proud of the many parts these strident young people have mastered over the years: playful kindergartner, playsilk around the shoulders, crown of wildflowers askew; courageous first grader, speaking out in the first school play; third grader who can't sleep in anticipation of the next day's farm trip; fifth grader victorious from a pentathlon; and now eighth grader, poised to take all they've become, and all they will be, forward into the next act.


Other individuals enter and exit our community at this time; cycles renew. We extend many sincere welcomes to incoming faculty and families. We also bid heartfelt farewells to friends who depart for other destinations in this life, and beyond. When this newsletter resumes, in September, the stage will be set for another school year, another fall, new lessons and old classmates, festivals and trips and the fullness of life on campus. Until then, I wish you all a safe and restful summer, with many memories to cherish.




Nancy Lemmo

School Administrator



End-of-Year Grade School Assembly

Saturday, June 2, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Montgomery Upper Middle School

375 Burnt Hill Road, Skillman NJ 08558


Our assemblies offer a glimpse into the wonderful things our children have learned during the year. The end-of-year assembly is a morning filled with not-to-be-missed student performances in grades 1 through 8. All grade school children are asked to arrive no later than 9:15 a.m. and to join their classes at that time. Children who are playing stringed instruments need to arrive earlier for tuning; please consult the communications to your class. Please leave some extra time for parking and entry into the school. Early childhood families are encouraged to attend, but if bringing a very young child, kindly sit toward the back where you can step out easily if needed. 


Eighth Grade Graduation

Sunday, June 3, 11:00 a.m.

All are welcome to attend!


Last Day of Children's Garden Afternoon Class

Wednesday, June 6


Last Day of Children's Garden Classes

Thursday, June 7


Last Day of Grade School Classes

Friday, June 8, 12:40 Dismissal 


For details of school events, please contact



From the Registrar

Friday, June 8, is the last day to withdraw (in writing) your enrollment agreement and the financial commitment for the 2012-13 school year. After this date, enrollment agreements are binding for the full amount of yearly tuition. Deposits are nonrefundable.


2012-13 Back-to-School Forms Have Been Mailed!

Remember to complete your forms now before the busyness of summer sets in! Forms and questions may be directed to Solveig Pearson, spearson@princetonwaldorf.orgor 609-466-1970, x114. Can't find your forms? Check the website (forms will be added throughout the summer).


Tuition Invoices for 2012-13

Invoices for the 2012-13 school year will be mailed by June 8. Please call the Business Office at x113 or e-mail if you do not receive them by June 15. Going away in June? Call now to request an invoice in advance.


From the Bookkeeper

Hey! Did you pay for something for your class? Parents and teachers, please submit receipts/invoices for reimbursement to the Business Office no later than June 30. Be sure to use the green reimbursement forms available upstairs in the Golden House copy room and attach all documentation. Anything submitted after June 30 will be considered a donation to the school!


Community Walkway to Add More Bricks

Many people have come forward wanting to add bricks to our beautiful walkway, so we are placing another order! Inscribed bricks may be purchased at the $100 and $300 level; an order form is available here or in the Golden House. Deadline to order is June 30, 2012. Contact Diane Barlow at or x115 with questions.


WSP Parent Library Book Reminder

With the end of the school year fast approaching, we would like to remind you that all borrowed books are due by June 8

Thank you, everybody, for following our Library procedures.  As you know, we are an all-volunteer service, and we depend on all of you to use our honor system when signing out and returning books. 



Grandparents' & Special Friends' Day Recap

We welcomed more than 100 guests to our annual  Grandparents' and Special Friends' Day on May 18; a combination of grandparents, relatives, special friends, and parents were here to join in our Children's Garden May festival celebrations and to enjoy the grade school mini-assembly and visits to the classrooms. Many thanks to our teachers for their work in preparing for this special event, and to our students for their presentations. Thanks also to Jennifer Simons, Yifat Leibner, Christina Sacalis, Judy Chin, and Angela Kneppers for providing refreshments; to Bella Jaikaria for help setting up the reception; to Susie McCoy for taking photographs; to Francoise Nelessen for decorating; and to Jennifer Simons and Adriana Nevers for welcoming and registering our guests. 


  2012 May Fair Thank-Yous

Thanks to each one of you who worked toward making the May Fair a success. The children enjoyed themselves and visitors had the chance to experience the dedication, positive energy, and creativity of our school community. The weather was fabulous, the activities were fun, the food was delicious, and the music was impressive!


In particular I'd like to thank the May Fair committee: Angela Kneppers for taking on the role of class activity liaison, Melissa Printon and Marian Seliquini for organizing the fair vendors, Bill Bauer for coordinating music, John Orrok for managing the general fair tasks, Sharon Vecchiarelli for recruiting food vendors, and Madame Nelessen for decorating the school. 


Thanks are also due to Seth Breitman, Ondy and Eliot Wasem, Catrice Joseph, Gigi Armstrong, and Andrew Wynn for sharing their amazing musical talents, instruments, and sound system with us; Shyam Singh Maharjan, Lilian Sampaio, and Judy Chin for running the hot dog station; Susan Eggers for orchestrating all of the maypole songs/dances; the upper grade students for providing music for the maypole activity, and Kyle Dunlap for decorating the maypole.


A big thank you, of course, to all of the parent representatives and teachers who helped to organize each of the class activities: Sharee Berkhout, Nicole Klein, Rebecca McLean, Randye Rutberg, Susan Hsieh, Sarah Karchere-Sun, Angela Kneppers, Alex Jackson, Vera Vester, Jennifer Simon, Susie McCoy, Amy Shor, Felicia Bland, Lauren Jones, Zoe Brooks, Melissa Printon, Stephanie Gray, Laura Wild, Nicole Breitman, Madame Nelessen, and Suzanne Cunningham. Thanks too to Elizabeth Papagni (and her son!) for helping out at the raffle table. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to the administration for creating a wonderfully supportive environment to work in and the entire school community for their spirit of volunteerism in making this community building event something to be proud of.

~Brunda Moka Dias, May Fair 2012 Coordinator 


Congratulations, Parents!

We have broken all records! As of May 25, 100 percent of our current families have made gifts and pledges to the Annual Fund! (For those who made pledges, your gift can be made online or by sending it to the school before June 30.)


We met the Parent Participation Challenge set last fall, and our school will receive a gift of $500 per class for a total of $6,500 once all pledges are paid.


Thank you class giving representatives, and thanks to all who have participated in making this a successful year of fund-raising for WSP!


Foundation Summer Course

The Foundation Studies Program of the Waldorf School of Princeton begins a condensed, 15-month cycle this summer.

First semester is a summer intensive:


Rudolf Steiner's Higher Worlds and How to Attain Them

 Lectures, Eurythmy, Watercolor, and Sculpture

Thursday-Friday, August 9-17

8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. daily (no class on Sunday)


For questions about the course, contact Elan Leibner at eleibner@ymail.comFor more information about the Foundation Studies Program contact Pamela Shafer at


WSP Student Artwork at Boro Bean in Hopewell

Come see our seventh grade students' artwork on display beginning this weekend and lasting two weeks. A little sixth grade work as well as the eighth grade's study of Africa will be showcased too. Please come visit!


Interested in Teaching in the After School

Enrichment Program?

Do you have an activity, interest, expertise, or hobby that you would like to offer to our students and those of the wider community in this after school program? These teaching opportunities could be a one-time basis, a 4-6 week course, or a full semester of 10-12 lessons. The possibilities are wide: chess, the arts, cooking, outdoor games, special academic skills, and nature exploration. 


Please contact if you would like to teach children and share what has been meaningful in your life.


Announcing the 2012-13 Board of Trustees

On May 21, the Board of Trustees elected officers for the coming year:


Mark Hornung, Board Chair

Doug Jackson, Vice Chair

Jeff Trent, Treasurer

Nick Rumin, Secretary


In addition, the Board elected four new members: Janine Cleland (parent of Astrid Fiverson, Grade 5, and Viviana Fiverson, EC), Christopher Kneppers (parent of Emily, Grade 3),

William Bauer (parent of Kentaro, EC), and John Pearson (parent of four alumni). 


Finally, we thank three outgoing board members for their years of service: Shep Faison, Holly Houston, and Fred Jacobs.


Scrip Update

We are pleased to announce that by the end of this school year, the SCRIP program will have raised over $5,000!

Approximately 40 families and friends of the school have participated this year, as well as WSP staff.  Thank you for your participation and for helping to make the program a success!  Several people deserve thanks for helping the SCRIP program to run smoothly this year: Jean Alexander, Julie Martin, Jessica Alfaro, and Jennifer Murray. In addition to the Great Lakes SCRIP program, we are fortunate to have a number of local businesses participating throughout the year:  jaZams, McCaffrey's, Nomad Pizza, Princeton Day Spa, ShopRite, Stop & Shop, and Whole Earth Center.  Many thanks to these businesses for their participation! Have a wonderful summer, and stay tuned for news about SCRIP in the new school year.


WSP Spirit Wear Now Available Online Through Lands' End

Perhaps you noticed a shirt or two being modeled at May Fair. Well, we have worked with Lands' End to develop a custom online shopping experience for Waldorf School of Princeton, and the site is now live! Provided at no cost, the custom site offers an easier, tailored shopping experience showing only products and colors approved by the school; the school may earn a percentage of sales, and you can even use scrip for your purchase! See this flyer to learn more. 


WSP Summer Camp: It's Not Too Late!

Are you seeking a summer full of exciting and developmentally appropriate activities for your child? If so, join us for three two-week Summer Camp sessions from June 25 through August 3. Specialty Camps for 10- to 14-year-olds include: Artistic Creations, Woodworking, Afternoon Theater Program, Outdoor Sports, Sculptural Arts, Adventures in Nature, and From Farm to Fun Gardening Program! Register soon, as there are a limited number of spaces still available! Please note: the 10-11 year old age groups in both Session 1 and 3 are closed; children 10 and older are now welcomed to join all of our Specialty Camps. Visit us online to download a camp registration form, or e-mail inquiries to

Waldorf School of Princeton   1062 Cherry Hill Road   Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 466-1970