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Last Door Recovery Society NewsletterNewsletter #018
August 2010 
Last Door Recovery Society has been presenting its Annual Door Slam Invitational Slo-Pitch Tournament in New Westminster since 1999. The tournament is held at ball fields in and around New Westminster with Moody Park being the main venue featuring registration, food, music and a Kid's Zone; we anticipate that the weekend will attract over 1,000 people.
You're Invited!  Last Door Recovery Society has been presenting its Annual Door Slam Invitational Slo-Pitch Tournament in New Westminster since 1999. The tournament is held at ball fields in and around New Westminster with Moody Park being the main venue featuring registration, food, music and a Kid's Zone; we anticipate that the weekend will attract over 1,000 people. 
Over 40 teams made up of people in recovery will get together to enjoy sportsmanship, fun in recovery and unity.  Door Slam is another means for Last Door to demonstrate its belief in good citizenship by making community contributions, increasing community awareness of recovery and fostering goodwill.
We encourage families, alumni and friends of Last Door to join us in this community event that shows how dynamic our organization is.
Door Slam August 27, 28 and 29, 2010
Tournament Highlights Include:
---- 40 Recovery Teams from BC and the US ----
---- BBQ Saturday and Sunday, noon to 4 pm ----
---- Kids Zone at Moody Park, Saturday 1 pm - 4 pm ----
Featuring "Scuffles the Clown", kids games, prizes & visit from the New West Fire Department
---- Unity Picnic at Moody Park, Saturday 5 pm ----
---- Food Sponsor
www.tangerinecatering.ca ----
---- "Dutchman Tattoo" and "Bat" Raffle ----
 ---- Home Run and Throwing Contests Saturday 4 pm Moody Park----
--- Trophy ceremony on Sunday---
Games are held at:
Moody Park, Terry Hughes Park, Sapperton Park, Queens Park and Hume Park


Alumni of the Month's family moves in!


This week Dan Rasmus turns 25.  Seven months ago he was referred to Last Door by the hospital.  The degradation as a result of his drug use affected every relationship.  His parents were devastated and disappointed with his continued use of all drugs.  However the most severe consequence for Dan was the breakdown of his relationship with his wife and young child. 

Following  initial treatment at Last Door, the staff recommended a period of transitional living, in a family unit at the facility, for Dan, his wife Megan and their daughter Hailey.  Two months ago the family moved into apartment #1 and started the journey of living in recovery as a family.  Megan participates in a 12-step fellowship and the facilitated partners support group.  Dan continues in aftercare and participates in regular meetings as well as the weekly  Alumni Group.  Hailey dazzles everyone with her smile, curls and presence. 

Having the Rasmus family live in Unit One is more than treatment.  It is a model of how as community we seek and explore those opportunities to provide healing environments for the entire family.  As Dan said last week, "I am learning how to be a dad and husband and father."   This is the best thing they could have done considering much of their relationship prior to recovery was marred by the  behaviours that accompany drug use.  In recovery the Rasmus family is making friends, sharing experiences living and enjoying life and using the access to a supportive community and staff.

Megan puts it simply,  "We are very grateful to have this opportunity to work on our family life, The Last Door has done so much for us and has given us a second chance at life and showing us what a happy family can be.  We are truly blessed to be able to live here, and we are enjoying making new friends and lasting relationships!"

Check out the local paper!
Last Door will be featured in the New West Leader this week.  The article will feature Last Door's involvement in the community.
Three finished and ten more to go!
Bathroom renovations are coming along, special thanks to everyone involved.

Service Canada

Last Door Youth Program's three Canada Summer Job Strategy participants have completed their contracts as Peer Counsellors for the summer. They have had a successful summer. Students Kevin, Hayden and Richard were hired under an agreement between Last Door and the Federal Canada Summer Jobs Program. The three students have worked since June this year  and their contract finished  in late August 20, 2010.   All three did a fabulous job and gained invaluable career related and early work experience as well as earning wages toward their student incomes.  

Congrats to the Boyz for taking on this challenge and for helping the new guys. 


Fresh Salmon on the menu

Residents went fishing on the Fraser River near Aggasiz where they enjoy fellowship, mentorship and fun in recovery (lifestyle changes). Their "catch" has been enough fish to make a great dinner for the whole house. 

If you are interested in getting involved, attending a fishing trip or donating goods to the program please contact Don Moran at 







Join our facebook group and connect with friends, suporters and alumni.

A great way to network with eachother. 
Click here
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 Remember donating to the Last Door is easy and affordable on anyone's budget!
Donate now or donate monthly by
 clicking on the following "Canada Helps" logo
 donate now
Are you thinking about Planned Giving?  Everyone benefits from the power of a Planned Gift- you, your family and your charity. Of course, we want to ensure that each of these groups receives the maximum benefit possible; this is why Last Door Recovery Society offers a wide range of Planned Giving arrangements.  Please call 604-525-9771 to organize your gift giving.  Learn more about Planned Giving by clicking here 

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Thank you for taking the time to read our August edition of our monthly emailed newsletter.  To read past newsletters click here.
Please forward this newsletter on to people you may  think would be happy to hear from Last Door.
Giuseppe Ganci
Last Door Recovery Society Public Relations
T: 604-525-9771
F: 604-525-3896