Bread of Life 
Summer 2009 
Food for the Body           Nurture for the Soul
In This Issue
Message from the President
Reflections from the Director
BOL Stands in the Gap
Quick Links
Hey Folks!
Just want to thank everyone for all the wonderful support we received for our annual golf tournament! Looking forward to our Walk for Bread on October 4th. Be sure and go to our website for more details about this event by clicking on the BOL link in the left column of this newsletter.
Hope your having a fantastic Summer!

Gabriella Snyder Stelmack,
Special Projects Coordinator
Message from the PresidentClassic logo 
    As the economy continues to spiral wildly out of control, Bread of Life continues to remain mindful of those less fortunate. We continue to work hard to support residents in need of food, particularly those negatively impacted by the recent economic downturn. However, we cannot accomplish this important goal alone! Your contributions and volunteerism have been without exception the keys to our being able to handle the large influx of people who need Bread of Life more than ever. Please continue to do what you can to help our fellow citizens who need Bread of Life. Whether it's continued donations or serving meals, your support will go a long way. Thank you! 
Gary's signature
Gary Christenson, President of the Board 
Classic logoReflections from the Director 
   Bread of Life's Golf Tournament was a swinging success! Thanks to Bill, Sal, Paul, Mike, Pat, Jim and others, BOL netted more than $10.000. Marty Murphy served a meal befitting royalty. According to one golfer, "I couldn't hit the ball straight, but I never had this much fun golfing." 
   Our next great adventure is the annual Walk for Bread, chaired by Kathy McKenna and Mea Mustone. If I start training now, I may be able to walk the 5K on Sunday, 4 October. My brother Mike and I are sponsoring this year's Walk, in our mother's memory. The support following her death in November has been a huge help for me, and Mike and I believe that this is a good way for us to honor her memory, support Bread of Life and thank you.
   Now if only Summer would stick around! My southern friends tell me this is the worst drought in years. We've had enough rain to last a while, which is good for the water table, ducks and umbrella sales. For us, it is a clear reminder of the need to find a larger space, with room to shelter everyone visiting the pantry. If you know of buildings for sale (or free!), let us know.
Meantime, enjoy the summer!
Thomas J. Feagley, Executive Director
Bread of Life Stands in the GapClassic logo 
   * BOL is seeing more and more homeless people at our pantry and meals. "Joan" and her husband, who has significant medical issues, came to the evening meal and asked for blankets. "We're getting an apartment in a couple of weeks." she said. "but right now we're sleeping outside and all of our things got wet in the rain."
   * "Sam", a gentle, softspoken man, came to the pantry looking for food. In the course of the conversation, he mentioned needing money to get to a relative's house in the Merrimack Valley. He had been sleeping outside. The pantry volunteer, aghast at the thought of him spending another night out in the rain, referred him to Tri-CAP's Mobile Homeless Outreach program for help with transportaion and shelter.
   * "Kelly" and her husband are being sheltered in a local motel with their 12 year old son and new born infant. They came to the pantry looking for food that they can prepare with their dorm-size fridge and a couple of microwaves in the motel lobby, shared by nearly 70 families.
It's stories like these and countless others that demonstrate the vital role that the Bread of Life serves in people's Lives. The Bread of Life is always there when there's no where else to turn.
Wish List
We welcome donations of:
* Grocery store gift cards, $10, $20 or $25
* Food: canned pasta & meals, jelly, juice (large sizes), canned meats & tuna
* Plastic grocery bags and cloth reusable grocery bags
* Volunteers needed for Office cleaning: Tuesdays or Thursdays between noon and 5:00 pm, Wednesdays between noon and 3:30 pm.
* A new Building!
*  Or help support our annual Walk by clicking below